Shifting Stars

11 months, 8 days ago
11 months, 8 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 11 months, 8 days ago

Explicit Violence

Danger draws nearer to the clans each day, when minor threats occur and are dealt with, cats quickly gain confidence, believing the danger they’d been warned about has passed. Unbeknownst to them, there’s something much darker approaching, Starclan fears even the cat promised to save them may not be enough..

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Chapter 2

Silence stretched out around the clearing for several moments before Hazelstar exclaimed; “And all this time I’ve thought Mossclan was an elder tale used to scare kits!” 

“That’s right, Farmclan hadn’t been built when Mossclan was driven out.” Brightstar realized. 

Birchstar shook his head wearily. “Brookclan and Gladeclan drove them out seasons ago, they promised to return, but we didn’t believe they really would…”

Brightstar rested her tail on Birchstar’s shoulder. “If we drove them out once, we can do it again.” She meowed determinedly.

Birchstar looked to her with wide eyes. “You weren’t there the first time Mossclan was driven out, even with so little cats, they fought viscously. They’ve nearly tripled in numbers now, Brightstar.” He warned. Brightstar hesitated, then turned to Hazelstar. “We have grown too, if Farmclan fights alongside us, we have a chance.” 

Hazelstar looked with wide up eyes, then scoffed. “And why would Farmclan help you? It looks to me like this is your mistake! I won’t risk the lives of my warriors to fix it.” Hazelstar leaped from the rock, calling her clanmates to follow her, she stopped and turned to Birchstar and Brightstar for a moment. “Good luck you two!” 

Was that amusement in her voice? Hazelstar must realize how serious this is!

“Gladeclan! We’re going home.” The fear in Brightstar’s voice was clear, and Lightpaw flattened her ears back as a thought crossed her mind. Is the camp safe? Ravenpaw is there, he hasn’t even learned any defense moves yet!

Frostpaw was forgotten, there were more important things to think about now, as Lightpaw followed her clanmates back to camp.

“She really said that?” Brambepaw gasped. 

Lightpaw was in the apprentices den now, snuggled up against Ravenpaw in her nest. The black tom curled up against her, grooming her fur, still ruffled from her fight with Sheeppaw and Daintypaw. Lightpaw was relieved he didn’t resent her for going to the gathering without him, despite how badly he had wanted to go.

Stoatpaw and Lionpaw had also been at the gathering, and were now informing Bramblepaw, Stormpaw, and Ravenpaw, who had stayed behind, on what happened.

“Yeah, she did!” Stoatpaw replied to Bramblepaw with wide eyes. 

“What help can Farmclan be anyways? They’re a bunch of kittypets!” Lionpaw growled scornfully, her tail lashing.

 Ravenpaw showed his two tiny white fangs in a silent growl.

The dark tortoiseshell tom had long fur which covered his eyes. It didn’t bother him, since his vision had gradually worsened over time; it was very blurry now, and he preferred to rely on scent and sound rather than what he could barely see.

It wasn’t always easy to read his expression because of the fur over his eyes, but Lightpaw knew he was angry, because he always showed two tiny fangs when he was upset about something. Though most would say it looked more cute than threatening. 

“If I meet a Mossclan cat I’ll shred them.” He growled 

“Me too.” Lionpaw agreed. 

“I don’t know what the warriors are so worried about, you should’ve seen them! They looked half starved! I bet I could take on three of them and win!” Stoatpaw boasted.

Lightpaw looked doubtfully. “They looked really strong though, and the look in their eyes was.. creepy.. I wouldn’t want to meet one in battle if I had a choice not to.” 

“Of course you would say that!” Bramblepaw hissed.

“Yeah, everything scares you!” Stoatpaw agreed with his sister. “Ravenpaw is braver than you, and he’s just become an apprentice!” 

Lightpaw felt Ravenpaw tense beside her, he continued grooming her fur gently, acting as if he hadn’t heard the comment.

“They’re kinda right.” Lionpaw meowed hesitantly. “Even when we were kits, you were always too careful.”

“Yeah, you always ruined the fun.” Bramblepaw interrupted her denmate. “Maybe you just aren’t meant to be a warrior.

Lightpaw bristled, “I am meant to be a warrior! I just don’t have as much training as you guys! And I’m not scared, I just have the sense to know not to risk my life showing off.”

“Prove it!” Stoatpaw dared.


“In half a moon we’ll go into the forest, on the old Mossclan border. I bet they’re living there again. Maybe we’ll even see a scary Mossclan cat!” He teased. “Come with us and prove you’re not scared, then, and only then, we’ll believe you.”

Lightpaw hesitated, her eyes wide. That sounded really dangerous..

“Okay. Fine.” She nodded. Ravenpaw jerked his head up, his tail twitching nervously.

“Are you guys done yet?” Stormpaw snapped. She had been curled up in her nest since Lightpaw got back. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”

Lightpaw guessed she was still angry at not being chosen for the gathering, chances are she’ll be a warrior before the next one, so Lightpaw could sort of understand her annoyance.

As every cat settled down, Ravenpaw, still curled up against Lightpaw, murmured to her; “You don’t have to do this, Lightpaw..”

“I do.”

Ravenpaw fell silent, Lightpaw guessed he was worried, not only for her though. It’s true the other apprentices snuck out and did stupid things, but never this stupid, or dangerous. Maybe in half a moon they will have forgotten.

Starclan, keep us safe..