House Allegiances

8 months, 11 days ago
8 months, 11 days ago
2 556

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 11 days ago

"A Song of Ice and Fire" style allegiance blurbs for fan houses I've created.

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House Shera

House Shera

House Shera, a smaller northern house, is seated in Catseye in the Frostfangs. No one doubts their loyalty to the Starks of Winterfell, though their honor is not typical of the North. It is an open secret that the Sheras are trained as spies and assassins, at least to a degree, and it is not the northern way. However, they have always been steadfast in their loyalty to their liege lords, and thus the other northern houses reluctantly admire them…especially during wartime.

The most closely guarded secret of House Shera is that, long ago, their family tree was blessed by the Old Gods. The gift in question was to be able to shapeshift into a beast—similar to how the Starks are able to warg into their direwolves, but members of the main branch of House Shera are able to physically become a shadowcat. This is why their sigil is a shadowcat, though the rest of Westeros (including the spymasters of King’s Landing) is not aware of this. Silvered weaponry will cause them irreparable damage.

The current head of House Shera, Lord Jorlan, is rumored to have wed a wildling woman in the eyes of the Old Gods. His marriage only lasted two years before her untimely death, though it was long enough to cause some suspicion among the other lords. He has refused to remarry. It has also been said that Lord Jorlan was strong-armed into wedding his only child, Ilyana, to Harrald Karstark, though no one knows how or why.

Their house sigil is a shadowcat on a silver pale and blue field. Their words are We See All.

JORLAN SHERA, Lord of Catseye,

  • his wife, {ROWENA}, a wildling woman,
  • their daughter:
    • LADY ILYANA, forcibly wed to Harrald Karstark,
  • his brothers:
    • {RODRIK}, the second brother, recently died in a hunting accident,
    • {BRANDON}, a boy of nine, died of a pox,
    • HARWIN, the youngest brother, heir to Catseye,
  • his household:
    • MAESTER GAWEN, counselor, healer, and tutor,
    • WARRICK SNOW, steward and natural cousin to Jorlan,
    • KEREN SNOW, natural half-brother to Jorlan,
    • DONNEL, captain of the guard,
    • ROYCE, master-at-arms,
    • WILLAM, stableman and horse trainer,
    • JORY, called Bones, kennelmaster.
Author's Notes

These allegiances are set at the beginning of the series, prior to Eddard Stark leaving for King's Landing.

(If you've seen me post this before, shh!! I'm mashing it into one literature.)