House Allegiances

11 months, 12 days ago
11 months, 12 days ago
2 557

Chapter 2
Published 11 months, 12 days ago

"A Song of Ice and Fire" style allegiance blurbs for fan houses I've created.

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House Silver

House Silver

The Silvers of Palesun are sworn to House Tyrell of the Reach. Their loyalty has been steadfast ever since House Tyrell rose to prominence and thus, despite not being the richest of the Tyrell bannermen, they are in very good standing with their lords. The previous lord, Harrold, perished while fighting for King Renly. Lord Harrold's wife, Lady Daeyra, died of a pox shortly after. Their eldest son, Ser Daemon, is the new Lord of Palesun. It is rumored that he is in love with Margaery Tyrell and will take no wife other than her…making his brother his heir, should anything happen to him.

Their house's sigil is a silver sun on a black field. Their words are The Light In The Dark.

DAEMON SILVER, Lord of Palesun,

  • his siblings:
    • LADY DAENA, a maid of fifteen,
    • DAEGON, a boy of eleven, squire to Ser Garlan Tyrell, heir to Palesun,
  • his household:
    • MAESTER IMRY, counselor, healer, and tutor,
    • SEPTA ELINOR, tutor to Lady Daena,
    • SER GWAYNE SILVER, steward and cousin to Daemon,
    • JON FLOWERS, captain of the guard,
    • RICKARD SNOW, master-at-arms and natural cousin to Daemon,
    • OSMUND, stableman and horse trainer,
    • HARYS, kennelmaster.
Author's Notes

These allegiances are set soon after the War of Five Kings starts.