Short After-Work Care

7 months, 8 days ago

A very short snippet of Legalie returning to zhes mansion after a tedious day of work, and Imporance who makes sure zhe's tended to.

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Short After-Work Care

"Imporance, be a dear and draw me a bath", Legalie had barely stepped fully in the door before zhe shouted into the mansion. It wasn't like Imporance was anywhere near here most likely, but he'd hear. He always did.
With an exasperated, exhausted sigh zhe dressed out of zhes overcoat and shoes only to haphazardly let them fall to the floor wherever. Imporance would come pick them up later, and if not, then zhe'd come pick them up when zhe needed them once more.

As zhe walked through the mansion and toward zhes master bathroom, zhe brushed zhes hands through zhes hair and started undoing the masses of perfectly placed rolls of hair. It was a long and tedious process to get them to sit properly just as well as get them out again, and so zhe wasn't even a quarter done as zhe entered the bathroom.

The tiredness of zhes movements left zhem almost completely by the sight of Imporance as he calmly moved around to place everything zhe'd need right beside the tub. Zhe could smell that the water had been mixed with zhes favourite scent and the water looked inviting as ever with the golden sheen zhes special soap gave it. Even so, zhe's eyes stayed glued on Imporance.
"Thank you so much, love~", zhe cooed warmly and swayed zhes hips lightly as zhe walked up to him. Zhe brushed a hand vaguely over the tall man's side and smiled. "I appreciate it, as always"
Imporance's expression softened up and he moved one of his own hands to lay it onto Legalie's. "Of course, it is part of my job", he answered with that deep, gruff voice of his. Zhe swore, zhe'd fall asleep to it in the tub if he'd allow zhem. "Welcome home, Legalie", he further added as a soft smile came onto his lips.
Zhe let out a chuckle and gently moved his hand up to zhe's lips where zhe kissed his knuckles, "I hope your day has been more relaxing then mine".
"I'm certain it has, everything has been at its usual here. Even so I still feel a tad overwhelmed today. Nothing I cannot handle, but still", Imporance offered zhem in turn and lightly squeezed zhes hand as zhe was done kissing his.
Was that so? Zhe appreciated the heads up, in that case zhe'd be a bit more careful. Perhaps there had been more people through the area than usually or such. "I see. Please do tell me if I overstep then, hmn~?", zhe asked of him and squeezed his hand back. With a nod from Imporance zhe continued. "Mine has been so hectic. The case I was to judge today was... Far from well prepared. Both the defense and the prosecuters had less than stellar understandings of their cases, even less being able to think properly on the go. By the stars was it lucky that it wasn't a true trial, I am sure the professors had a lot to tell them", zhe began chatting of zhes own day. The entire case had left zhem such a headache and despite not having done anything akin to manual labor, zhe ached all over. "I don't envy any of them, I was by far one of few who were let go at the end of it all, rather than kept and lectured. Yet, I dread the idea that Professor Xinley will hear of the details and still find something to chew me out over", zhe continued complaining while Imporance slowly began undressing zhem while listening.
"That does sound exhausting", he agreed as he let zhes robe fall to the ground. "The case in and off itself, but surely the worries moreso"
Legalie groaned. "Was it ever? Hah, I am just glad to have a weekend without too much extra work for once. A bath is just what I need right now", zhe agreed and stepped away from the robe and towards the bathtub. "Will you keep me company while I bathe?", zhe asked and slowly submerged zhemself into it. Ahh, truly there was nothing which beat a good, warm bath after a messy day of work.
Imporance picked up zhes clothing and folded it in order to neatly put it aside for now. It was first as he finished that he answered. "I think that would be fine", he agreed. "Do you have anything particular in mind?"
Zhe couldn't help but smile at the words. Oh, zhe could think of plenty, but zhe ought to leave him space if he wasn't feeling entirely well today. "Perhaps you could tell me stories or tell me of your day. I am so exhausted, falling asleep to your voice sounds like bliss~", zhe cooed as zhe leaned zhes head back and closed zhes eyes.
"Would you not rather enjoy your bath first?", he asked.
"I doubt I will fall asleep inmediately"
"Hmn, in that case, would you like me to massage your shoulders or feet as well?"
"Is that alright?", zhe asked and opened an eye to raise a brow at him. Zhe'd love nothing more, but was he sure about such? Hmn, well, it would be him touching zhem, not the other way around, so it would be much less stimulating.
"I believe so", he comfirmed with a single nod and a soft smile.
"In that case", zhe moved one foot out of the tub and onto its edge instead. "Please do~"
Imporance took a chair with him in order to sit more comfortably by the tub as he else took hold of the foot and gently began massaging it.
Haah, how nice for zhes sore feet.
"Nothing much happened today, nor am I sure I know of many interesting stories. Is there anything you'd like to hear in particular?", Imporance asked after getting a bit of a feel for massaging zhes feet again.
A soft, thoughtful sound left zhem. "Not quite no. Let's see... How have your excersizes been as of late?", even if zhe'd fall asleep eventually with all of this, that was a topic zhe was quite interested in keeping up to date with.
Imporance paused his actions shortly before continuing. He calmly began telling of the results of the excersizes and what observations he had made with them in general. It was an uncomfortable subject for him, but none the less important. Legalie tried to intake the information just as much as zhe tried to relax to the treatment and calming voice of Imporance, yet as suspected, the latter won out in the end.

Imporance quieted down as he noticed Legalie go limper than zhe should. He didn't mind zhem falling asleep, zhe had been exausted and talking of this was good practise, he was sure. So if zhe needed him to repeat it later, he would.
With Legalie asleep in the tub, he took the opportunity to wash zhem off before carefully picking zhem up and wrapping zhem in towels. With a cocoon full of Legalie, he headed to zhes room. As he laid zhem down in the bed and unfolded the towels to properly dry any part of zhem that wasn't so already, he additionally looked zhem over for any black marks or wounds. As he found none, he felt a sense of relief.
Zhe's stress was at least not due to that then.
He tucked zhem into the blankets before heading off to clean the bathroom and finish the last of his tasks for the day.