Voltaire's Quotes

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

Voltaire is a dream character of mine that lives in a place he refuses to name. he refers to people he meets as "my child", as he's the embodiment of hopes, dreams, and thoughts.

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Volume Two- The Sanctum

In this dream, me and Voltaire were flying through an unfamiliar location he called "The Sanctum" which was a place where time and space collided- there were galaxies upon galaxies, and an atmosphere that seemed to only visibly cover half the planet. it was quite like earth- there were clouds, and blue-ish sky, but it was tinted with blues and purples, so it looked sort of fantasy-like.

Part of the Sanctum was a planet- explained above. it was a very small, one sided (semicircle shaped) planet with two things on it's surface. 1. a huge body of water to the left, and 2. an extremely large, upwards mountain spire in which was carved (starting at the bottom, in order of lowest to highest) a battle scene between Voltaire and his shadow brother- a bunch of ladybugs in various positions, flying around- above this- which took up the most space, and went all the way to the top, was a carved in figure of a cris-cross legged, ordinary human man with their eyes closed. they had snakes winding around their arms, and bees buzzing around them. covering the entire site, were alien- looking vines of pod-flowers that covered a pretty good bit of the natural structure.

at the top of the mountain, up the winding staircase, was a huge egg shaped house that seemed to lie in a nest made out of straw-type materials. the door was huge and wooden- and outside the yard was extremely well decorated. we looked at the house, and I asked a question about it. it was something like "who's house is that?" or something.

he responded "oh, that is my home. I frequent it, but never really stay.. would you care to come in, then?"

and that's where the dream ended.