A Day of Treats

7 months, 27 days ago

A short blurb about what Lilien ate in a day.

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For breakfast Liliet decided to prepare a fruit salad for herself - she put mango, strawberries, yellow melon, and chia seeds in and also added a little bit of Greek yogurt and honey. She got a jar of Sheizin honey from her sister and she cherished the rich sweet taste - she tried to eat a little every day as many including her believed that the honey made by Sheizin bees had many health benefits.

For lunch she had to improvise as her flower shop was very busy that day, she decided just to grab a baguette on her way to pick up flower powder. It was filled with tomatoes, mozzarella, and very creamy and light spreadable wanna-be cheese. Low fat, it said.

And finally, for dinner, she decided to do something special and nutritious to feed her body and mind properly - it is pumpkin season so she decided to purchase one big pumpkin and added multiple chopped potatoes, sweet potatoes, mozzarella cubes, blue cheese, and heavy cream. She added her spices and seasoning and put it all inside the pumpkin that she emptied of its seeds previously. And she baled it. When all was cooked she added a layer of cheddar cheese on top and baked for another 10 minutes in the oven. When she pulled it out and served it tasted splendid! She invited her next-door neighbor whom she knew often neglected herself when it came to food and they enjoyed the treat together.