Character Backstory

10 months, 14 days ago

i couldn't fit this all in her bio,so here's a "detailed" backstory :3

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Soliaire had a happy normal childhood in a small village. Ever since she was young, she admired the city knights and guards who protected the village. She’d sneak to their training camp with her younger brothers and sisters and the other village children and watch the soldiers run through their drills. She found a stick and would mirror their movements behind the treeline. When she came of age, Soliaire enlisted to become a guard herself and passed with flying colors. She was transferred to a larger city and escorted cargo and took care of minor threats with a small group of other guards, with hopes of one day becoming on of the King's Royal Guard.

Her next mission would be no different than the others before, a simple scouting mission to pinpoint the source of the goblins and fiends wreaking havoc on the trade routes and incoming travelers. Soliaire and her party entered a small cave where they found a few small monsters but made quick work of them and delved quicker into the cave. After only finding a few more monsters and no signs of goblins, the group decided the cave posed no threat and made their way back up to the entrance. On the surface, the forrest was unnaturally quiet. The air was still and heavy; the songbirds silent. Soliaire and her two companions looked between one another with unease and searched the small clearing, the only sounds being their footsteps on the dirt. A figure stepped out from beyond the treeline. Its form nothing but thick, inky black tendrils of shadow; two haunting white slits where it’s eyes should be. If this creature was human before, it most certainly isn't anymore.

“Halt! Take no step further and identify yourself!” Soliaire shouted with a hand on the hilt of her greatsword. The figure paused for a moment, it's chilling stare boring straight through Soliaire, and at the sword on her hip. One of its “arms” elongated and grew a deadly sharp tip. It almost resembled her weapon. Her comrades took a few hesatant steps back. The creature lunged. Soliaire raised her sword to block the blow; the two blades colliding silently. Staring into the eyes of the creature a freezing wave of dread washed over her. She pushed herself off of the creature and swung her sword. The blade passed through the creature like cutting through open air. Thrown off balance from the swing, Soliaire couldn’t block the creatures next attack, but an arrow passing right through it’s head pulled it’s attention from Soliaire long enough for her to recover. She glanced at her party’s ranger, Elben, as he nocked another arrow and aimed at the shadowy figure again. Turning to her right, she saw her long time friend, Karim with eyes closed and mumbling a prayer with fists raised. Looking back at Elben, Soliaire open her mouth in a shout as another creature emerged from the trees behind him. The creature readied a bow made of shadow not unlike Elben’s, and fired. The arrow hit its mark with a wet thump before it vanished, leaving a hole in Elben’s chest as he fell to his knees, a circle of crimson spreading from the center of his chest. A scream tore Soliaire’s attention from her fallen comrade before she could even react. She watched as a third figure punched a hole right through Karim’s stomach. As they fell, the word “Run” fell from their mouth as the light faded from their eyes.

Filled with blinding rage and grief for her fallen friends, Soliaire took a step back and raised her greatsword. She blocked blow after blow, while backing up to the edge of the treeline. Soliaire stumbled after stepping on a rock and the first shadow took the opportunity to swipe it’s blade at her. The ice cold sword slashed at Soliaire’s eyes, blinding her. She felt the piercing pain of an arrow in her shoulder,and the bruising fist on her stomach. The blows were non stop until Soliaire collapsed, her body giving out as she sunk into cold, unforgiving darkness.

Lights began to swim behind her eyes as the deep cold that had settled in Soliaire’s bones thawed, and a soft warmth took its place. Soliaire awoke on warm grass, the sky marbled with the blue and pink of the sunrise. None of her wounds were present; it was as if the battle that happened mere seconds ago never took place. Gathering herself, Soliaire moved to her knees, then stood on surprisingly steady legs.

“You poor, poor child.” The voice behind her felt like warm honey. Soliaire turned to look behind her, and words could not describe the woman her eyes landed on. She was a being made of pure golden light. Her hair flowed behind her as if she were underwater, and a pale green wreath rested on her head. Everything about this woman felt like home. Safety. Peace. This woman was the goddess Eos, Mother of Dawn and Daylight. Soliaire scrambled to kneel a deep bow. Eos chuckled, the sound chasing away any chill left in her bones, leaving a languid warmth in it's wake. Eos bent to match Soliaire’s height and brushed her golden fingers under the fighter’s chin and brought her to her feet.

“There’s no need for such formalities, little one.” Eos hummed. “That was quite a fight you put up, well done. I am deeply sorry you had to go through something so traumatizing. I am afraid there was nothing I could do for your companions or your eyes.” Eos brushed a knuckle across Soliaire’s cheekbone. Soliaire raised her own hand to her eyes and felt a clean scar that cut across each eye and the bridge of her nose. The fight... Karim and Elben... If they're dead, then what's happening to her?

“You’re dying, little one." Eos answered as if Soliaire had spoken the words out loud. Maybe she did. "But you still have much to do on the Mortal Plane. Your will to fight and avenge the fallen moved me, and I wish to do what I can to aid you, if you’d let me. Though I cannot restore your vision, you’ll see through my eyes and help restore balance back on Earth. Pledge an oath to me, and I shall help you avenge your fallen friends and all those who have been victim to those monsters.”

Soliaire fell to her knees again at the goddess’ feet. “Of course, My Lady. I would be honored. I owe you my life.”

“Now, now,” Eos chuckled. “I owe you my thanks just as much. Those creatures you encountered are dangerous. Their existence may very end the world as you know it. I’m afraid I cannot stay here much longer and neither can you. But before we part ways, there’s one last thing I wish to give you.” A flash of light emanated from Eos’ closed fist and when she opened her hand, a bright blue crystal lay in her palm. “Wear this close to your heart and I shall always be near.

“Now I’ve done what I can in regards to your wounds, but from now on you’ll see the world through my eyes. It’s time for us to part ways for the time being, but remember little one, I will always be here when you need me. Farewell for now.” Eos brushed the hair off of Soliaire’s forehead as she vanished, the golden warmth she brought fading, but not totally disappearing. Soliaire turned her attention back onto the rising sun. She closed her eyes and steadied herself with a deep breath.

Soliaire woke on the cold hard dirt. A slight soreness made itself known as it passed though her shoulders and the rest of her body as she pushed herself to her feet. The world around her was black, her vision having been destroyed from the fiend’s attack. She brought her hand to to her eyes and found a piece of cloth had been tied around her eyes in a makeshift bandage or blindfold. Taking in a shaky breath, Soliaire tried to ground herself. The more she breathed, the more she started to become aware of her surroundings. Like Eos had said, Soliaire’s vision was damaged beyond repair but she could still "see". The black nothingness remained, but when she focused on the warmth in her chest, the world exploded in vivid color. The world before was plain and lifeless compared to what Eos had blessed her with. Her head snapped to where her friends had fallen to find a dark mound of fresh upturned dirt; pale wildflowers already starting to bloom around it. Someone had buried her companions. Soliaire knelt before the disturbed earth; left palm on the ground, right fist over her heart and said a prayer for the lost souls.

Standing, Soliaire took a few minutes to fully steele herself. There was this pool of warmth that seemed to emanate from her chest and spread through her body. If she focused, she could bring some of that warmth from the center of her chest, down her arm and into the palm of her hand. Dismissing the warmth, she started to take note of her remaining supplies. Gone was the well worn steel armor, instead Soliaire wore a masterfully crafted set of armor plated with silver and gold. Strapped to her back was a matching greatsword; both sides sharpened to a deadly blade. Hanging around her neck was the pendant Eos had gifted her in the dream. This fighter has become a paladin. A paladin with an oath to the goddess Eos. Her mission is to make sure those creatures won’t take another innocent life.