see the light.

7 months, 13 days ago

Muu and Usnea travel down to a cave together that apparently glows... Hopefully it'll be the alone time Muu wished for.

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Author's Notes

omg gay fungals... love them....

fungalwings are owned by fischlich!! this was also an entry for the prompt of this month, which was "fishing" or including something with fish :3

my writing is super rusty augh slkdghsdi;hg;li but still hope you enjoy!!

Muu probably should have considered her choice of going with Usnea alone deeper into the caves that already gave her the creeps.

But her other companion, Asper, was knocked out in his slumber softly snoring away, and Usnea was simply sitting and biding her time as they gathered around their dying campfire for the night in one of the many caves below the surface that the larger FungalWing called home. She was watching over them, even with her lack of actual eyes, but making sure to keep her head on a swivel anyways to listen for anything around them while they settled in. She didn’t seem like she was plotting anything, but it was hard to tell with her hard-to-read expression sometimes.

Muu had been curled up, trying to fall asleep, but her heart was still pounding and her talons were still buzzing with all of the discoveries they all made that day in the caves. It was hard to sit still with everything rattling her brain like the amass of pebbles scattering below their feet when they walked; it was all too exciting. Caves full of creatures I’ve never seen documented before… All of the plant and fungal life thriving down here… And there’s so much more she hasn’t shown us yet. I want to see it all! 

It took a few minutes of Muu’s claws tapping to herself and her fur constantly bushing up to try and settle comfortably until Usnea finally sighed across from Muu, standing up and letting out a small grunt as she finally invited Muu in a weary grumble, “Come on, let me show you something. Your tapping feet are starting to annoy me, and you’ll wake up the nerd if you keep going.”

“Oh! Sorry!” Muu had scrambled to her feet quickly after the invitation, about to blurt out more apologies and try to settle down instead, but the larger FungalWing was already descending down the carved stone paths towards an entrance further down, one that Muu only hesitated briefly with one last glance towards the other sleeping FungalWing before scuttling after her. Asper might be a little upset that he doesn't get to see our discoveries, but I’m sure he’ll get over it. He’s exhausted.

Besides, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want some alone time with her…

She almost ran into Usnea as she got lost in her dreamy thoughts for a moment, but the blind dragon was somehow able to sidestep away from her fumbling and tuck her wings closer to avoid Muu’s sprawling out as she caught herself before she went bowling down the rocky corridor. She must’ve sensed her sheepish grin somehow as well, seeing Usnea’s snout wrinkle briefly before shaking it off and continuing further down with Muu right on her heels.

They had been silent since then, Muu’s buzzing curiosity taking over while keeping her ears folded down in slight embarrassment still around the cave owner as their tapping claws and the faint drippings of the caves and tunnels around them filled the void. Usnea didn’t seem to be paying any mind now to what happened back behind them, however, one of her wings brushing the wall to feel along the small twists and spirals guiding them down with a small etch of concentration in her jaw. Muu focused in and saw her nose starting to twitch, the darkened caves making the small glowing spots in her lichen brighten the way for some sort of light.

Say something! Muu’s brain rattled at her, her heart suddenly aware of the situation she was in and compensating for the lack of heartbeats now. This is so awkward! You got what you wanted; make the most of it!

Feeling the heat crawling through her cheeks, Muu firmly fixed her eyes on the rocks in front of them and cleared her throat, making Usnea tilt her chin Muu’s way as the smaller FungalWing finally asked, unable to hide the thin squeak of nerves that pitched through, “So… Um… What cave are you… Taking me to?”

There was a long, drawling silence afterwards as Usnea paused in her steps to evaluate the quivering dragon below her in what felt like blind judgment. They both stood in that silence for a moment before Muu felt her cheeks flush again, seeing the very faint hint of an amused quirk on the taller female’s cheek as she asked bluntly, “You think I’m gonna kill you, don’t you?”

“What?!” Muu’s voice came out more shrill than she intended, making Usnea wince briefly before continuing along again, guiding them through a fork in the road and a small cave that blurred by as she raced to catch up to her. More startled huffs came from her cow-painted nose, shaking her head vigorously to try and wag off the flustered heat plastered there. “No! No! Definitely not! I trust you! Wholeheartedly! No murder here! Just curious is all!”

A snicker left Usnea’s mouth, Muu feeling a small happy flutter within her chest with some of the subsided tension as the other FungalWing shook her head and lifted her wings slightly in the form of a shrug. “Alright, sure. I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that. But no, I’m not. Not today, at least.”

The answer was still so deadpan, it took Muu a long hesitant moment to truly believe her. There was a small incline of Usnea’s head in her direction again, and Muu shook her head in return before following her again with a slightly forced chuckle in return. Even with the relieved warmth in her chest sprawling through, she couldn’t help the lingering suspicion that still rested there. Even though I’ve sort of wanted to be alone with Usnea, I can’t help but admit it would be nice to at least have someone else here to subside some of the tension. And make sure that I don’t really get killed.

Would anyone really be able to stop her, though? She could take on Asper and I and not break a claw, probably… She shuddered at her own thoughts, glancing back down at the passing scenery as they took a small bridge nestled back deep against a wall, showing a faint crease of light into the main cavern before blinking away as they vanished back into a tunnel system. She shook her wings out, forcing her steps to remain in stride with Usnea’s slower but longer ones. Don’t think about murder or death or anything like that! Don’t let her distract you, but don’t be so negative! I want to trust her, and I do! Mostly!

Go with an open mind. You wanted this alone time, and you wanted to see more! Trust her!

Usnea must have sensed some sort of unease within Muu, keeping at a distance still and keeping her steps slow as she continued along. Her nose would twitch occasionally, guiding them into a right turn with another fork in the road with Muu at her heels. As they kept walking, Usnea finally hummed to clear some of the tension between them, “I’m taking you to a cave some of my past guests liked. They’ve said during this time of year, there’s fish in a certain pond that start to glow. Attract mates or something. They’ve said it’s nice, and it’s not far from here now.”

Another excited buzz hummed through Muu’s talons, almost enough to swipe away at the unease still rooted down in her chest. She could feel her ears perk up at the explanation, her wings lifting as well with a few more hums passing through her arms and adding a slight spring in her step. “Oh… I see! That’s really cool!” 

With her words jumbling up on her tongue and more embarrassed heat flaring through her face, Muu ducked her chin and let out another small squeak, “Thank- Thank you for taking me there, then!”

Luckily, Usnea chuckled and didn’t comment on her breaking voice. Instead, however, the bemused twitch in her snout came from her other comment as it left her mouth in a thick hum, “Yeah, whatever. It’s just to calm you down; you’re still a bit amped up from everything today. I would love it if you actually slept through the night and didn’t try to go on any nighttime adventures in the caves; that would only end pretty badly for you.”

Muu winced slightly from the accuracy of the statement, but she couldn’t help a small smile as she shrugged and glanced back to a small peek in the wall again of the main cavern leading to many other pathways, feeling her heart stretch beyond and thud with a shuddering anticipation and elation at what laid beyond. Any injury would be worth what I see here. “Can you blame me? You’ve got the coolest home in all of FungalWing territory!”

Usnea seemed to balk for a second, a very quick moment that Muu almost missed had she not seen the very faint hints of a sheepish expression on the FungalWing’s face. The larger dragon ducked her head away, her steps quickening to make up for the missed beat in between as she kept her voice level and grumbling. “I… Would not say that.”

Is she joking? Or just being modest? There’s no way she doesn’t think her home is at least a little cool! Muu scurried after her to keep up, letting the skip in her step guide her further as she shot her a grin even though she couldn’t see it. “Well, it is to me! It’s super cool! And it-”

She tried to cut herself off before it could come tumbling out, able to stop it but already garnering the attention of Usnea’s turned head. She swallowed, ducking her chin so her next words came out in a guilty mumble into her chest fur with her mushrooms within her fur tickling her snout, “It sucks that you can’t see it.”

Another beat of silence passed between them, the only noise being the very slowed clicks of their claws as they both settled down to a much slower pace. Muu was grateful to keep moving and not linger in the awkward pauses, but she could still feel the coils of tension within the tunnel as the other dragon considered her words. She didn’t say anything in return, only letting out a small huff in response that didn’t seem aggravated, but didn’t sound too pleased either. 

If I could not mess up this one time we might be alone together, that would absolutely be great. Seems like I can’t even do that, though. Bitterness stabbed into Muu’s chest and mind, making her fold over and bury herself further into her own fur with the excessive desire to sink into the floor and not come up. Her apology came out small, wincing with its lack power, “Sorry, I-”

“I can’t see it,” Usnea cut her off before Muu could complete her sentence, still moving at a slow pace. Muu kept in time with her as she saw the FungalWing’s face angled forward, a pensive furrow in her face. The lichen around where her eyes would be wavered and glimmered with small bulbs of light within, the rest of the growths on her body exuding the same fluorescence with the new energy seeping into her words. “But I can feel it. Every inch of life around me. Especially anything connected to our Mycelinae network, I can feel it quite strongly. That’s how I’m able to move around so easily; the small catches of fungi or anything tied to the network within the walls helps guide me.”

Muu glanced aside at the few small clusters of fungi coming from the walls, as well as the lichen and moss leaking from the ceiling due to a nearby waterway. She could feel her eyes widening with Usnea’s statement, a startled jolt felt through her own fungi sprawled across her body. Can she really feel it all that strongly? Is she that in tune with everything? That almost sounds like someone from the Archivists, but…

Usnea continued on, her steps still lumbering but her face almost softening as her wings stretched out, feeling the small plasters of fungi against the wall that swayed with her touch. Muu was surprised she saw something so vulnerable on her face, something so soft and gentle. “I can feel this entire cave system breathing with life, and it feels so alive. It’s the closest anything gets to being another dragon companion sometimes, and it’s better a majority of the time.”

She seemed to gather that she wasn’t alone at last, a suspicious look sent Muu’s direction despite the silence that the other FungalWing was in with her words. The larger dragon rolled her shoulders back, the lips of mushrooms running along her arms rippling in the faint bubbles of light bouncing around them and the deep intuitive look still remaining on Usnea’s face. “Yeah, sure, I can’t see it. But I can absolutely feel it. And it’s enough to get my way around.”

Muu couldn’t help but gaze at her as they came to a slow stop next to a fork in the road. The two finally paused as Usnea’s snout sniffed the way at another stop, the master of the caves waiting for a moment before starting down the left path that was clearly heading towards a water-filled room with the puddles scattered around in the tunnel. When only one pair of talons was heard heading down, however, Usnea turned back towards Muu’s halted steps with a small frown in confusion.

Muu felt her heart twist with Usnea’s waiting expression, unable to squash the genuine smile reaching over her snout as she took a small step closer with a quiet splash of a puddle underneath. Her voice came out hushed, thick with wonder and awe as she murmured, “That’s… Really cool. I almost wish I could… Feel that too. Feel things the way that you do.”

I wish I could feel the world and feel its beauty like you can, Muu couldn’t bring herself to say specifically, more thoughts jumbling up behind a thudding heart. I wish… I wish you could see how beautiful the world is with your mind like that. And I wish you could see how beautiful you are, how beautiful you and your mind are.

Even if you can’t see it, I hope you can feel it. And I hope you can feel how I… How I mean it. If it works that way…

Usnea’s face contorted for a moment as if somehow trying to register all of the unspoken thoughts through the jittering mushrooms studding Muu’s body, her wings twitching and making the lights around them from her body blink out for a second to hide her face before her expression turned stoic again with no traces of the vulnerability seen before. She turned away, her steps now at their normal rhythm and forcing Muu to quicken her steps again to keep in time as she huffed. “Tch. I don’t think it is. Don’t wish to be blind.”

Oh. Muu winced, folding her wings close again and feeling the spark of whatever aura had passed teeter away. She blinked down into the small puddles that they were crossing along, her talons now slightly cold from the deeper inlets they found themselves walking through. “Right. Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

But… She hesitated again in her steps, lingering in a puddle despite its chill and tilting her head down towards Usnea further down the path. When the dragon looked back again, face lit from the still reflections of the water’s mirage below, Muu couldn’t help but try again with a small nudge of bravery, “It is cool, though. I guess I just… Wish you could see, or even feel, the true beauty of it all, you know?”

Her throat closed over, making sure to not leak anymore thoughts that had occurred from that bubble as she shoved the end of her beak into her fur quickly to stop any further burbles. But it seemed to be enough, the thoughtful expression returning to Usnea’s face as the lichen around her forehead wavered again in thought as she turned her head away. “Hm…”

Both of them stood in their contemplative thoughts, Muu’s heart still racing as she waited for Usnea’s next move. The larger dragon didn’t seem to budge for a long moment, face furrowed in thought before it smoothed back over to the stone-blank face Muu was used to as she shrugged, flipping her tail and continuing along the path again. “Right, well. We’re almost there. Come on.”

Muu decided to let the conversation go from there, instead letting the returning buzz of wonder and excitement guide her forward as she caught back up to the large dragon at her side. They took one last turn that slanted them down before pulling back up, seeing the faint reflections of water on the other end. It all shimmered with a turquoise sheen as they both stepped forward, going slow to let Muu take it all in with a soft gasp.

It didn’t seem too different at first from any of the other caves they had been in, a large pond swirling around with small boulders and stones situated by the surface to give good viewpoints into the dark depths below them. She could see catches of shining green moss and plants, but they were only in small collections and didn’t pop out from the hushed lighting of dark blues still rippling around them. There were less jagged rocks however and more clusters of fungi than before, along with moss and lichen dangling from the roof towards the flickers of creatures below the water’s surface.

Nothing’s lit up like she said, but it’s still pretty! Muu hopped closer to the water’s edge, nose touching the surface and giggling at the soft relief and chill it gave her in greeting. She turned back towards Usnea with a small grin, her talons shuffling happily with a few quick ticks and skips. “It is gorgeous! I mean, there’s uh… No glowing fish, but…”

She caught a faint flicker of amusement on Usnea’s quirked snout again, a small nod of acknowledgement from the large green dragon as she skirted her way along the edge of the pond. Her head was angled outwards expectantly, her front claws dipping into the water as she folded her wings back with another swish of her tail. “Yeah. Just wait. They start to glow a lil’ after dusk apparently; the brighter colors are easier to see during the night and attract others with.” With a wry twist in her snout, her head tilted up as she added in a mutter, “Although I’m not sure how fish in a cave can sense when it’s nighttime.”

“Right, okay.” Suppose that makes sense. Muu followed behind Usnea’s lead, both of the females studying the pond’s surface and Muu trying to take in the other sights around her. She couldn’t suppress a small giggle as she trotted up to a few mushrooms nearby, a soft blue glow coming from them that didn’t seem too ostentatious but was comfortable enough to touch and look at. “This really is gorgeous, though… The mushrooms and fungi look so bright. Like they’ve been touched with bioluminescence or something.”

Muu tilted her head back when something tangled around her pointed horns, another giggle leaving her mouth as she looked up at the long green arms of moss dangling towards her. She tilted her chin up higher to tickle the stalks in greeting, grinning up at them and the faint green shimmer they exuded along with small dots of light higher above that were still faint but present. “And there’s stuff up on the roof! Small glowing dots! What is that?”

Usnea stopped in her movements a few feet ahead, now turning back to Muu and tilting her head up as well. Her nostrils flared open with a deep inhale, a brief twitch of concentration on her features before she relaxed with a small head tilt, another very faint hint of what could be deemed as fondness appearing on her snout. “Smells like glow worms. With a mix of glowing moss and lichen. Does that seem right?”

Muu felt a startled lurch in her throat as she lowered her head, flashing Usnea a startled look with a small flap of her wings. Her heart followed her throat in the small lurch, slight heat nipping at the tips of her ears from the brief flutters of awe floundering in her chest. How does she know all of this with just a sniff of her snout? “It looks right. Moons, how did you know that?”

Usnea didn’t seem too impressed with herself, however, instead letting out another chuckle that sent Muu’s chest into overdrive again. The other dragon looked back towards the surface of the water before nodding at a few strands of moss and lichen in front of her face. “Well, I have been here before, for one. And I can feel the moss and lichen dangling around us. But no sight means a lot of my other senses work pretty well.”

Usnea slowly swung herself around in a circle, Muu seeing her nostrils still gaping and taking in the scents as she stretched her wings out to embrace it all as well. Muu’s heart clenched tightly and thudded harder in her chest seeing the dragon spin around, looking relaxed and comfortable in the environment she was in. “You live in the caves for a majority of your life, and you work out the difference in certain smells belonging to certain creatures and organisms. It was a fun pastime, assigning each living thing a certain smell. Kind of killed my nares for a bit, but now I can identify a lot of things by smell.”

For a moment, Muu couldn’t find herself to speak up as she watched the dazzling dragon spin around in her home. She felt her throat dry up, bunching into herself as her heart continued to spurt and her body fluffed up in awe and adoration. I didn’t think it was possible to be more in awe of her, but it is. And I didn’t think it was possible for her to be more alluring. Or even more… Beautiful.

The last word in Muu’s mind made her heart thud harshly against the roof of her chest, a winded grin on her snout as her words came out in a rushed frenzy that she hoped was still genuine, “That’s really cool. And I know you may not think it is, but it is a lot cooler than you think it is.”

Usnea seemed to finally stall for a moment with the sincerity behind her words as she paused in her circling, face turned towards Muu with an inclination of looking slightly startled. But then she huffed and looked at her claws, shaking her head with another grunt and folding her wings close. “Whatever.”

Muu grinned at her, grateful for once that Usnea couldn’t see her flushed face and wide smile she knew was too much. She let the larger FungalWing stew a bit in her own fluffed up awkwardness, eyes scanning the boulders and ledges around them until she let out a soft chirp, hustling alongside the pond. Her claws squished down the plush moss underneath, letting out a few happy clicks from her claws on sneaks of stones as she found a place settled next to a larger boulder, stones set up to mimic stairs leading into the caves beyond. It also had a great view of the expanse of water within the cave, the roof still arching above with faint winks of light. 

Perfect! “This seems like a good viewpoint!” Muu confirmed, claws flattening out the dirt clumps and mush below as she flapped her wings to gather Usnea’s attention. “Here, this way!”

Usnea took a moment as she lumbered along the edge of the lake, a few small ripples coming from her claws as she glanced out towards the water. Muu shifted towards her, wings opening to guide her along, but the large dragon flinched in surprise from the touch. Muu stumbled back immediately, face burning slightly again as she squeaked faintly, “Sorry, I know you probably don’t need help-”

“No, it’s fine.” Usnea cut her off once again, Muu’s heart fluttering when she hesitated for a moment before she unraveled a wing to lean it against Muu’s, a silent nod to let the dragon guide her. Muu walked her along carefully and twitched her wing to let her know where to settle, the two dragons now sitting down and folding their wings together. Usnea’s face tilted towards her again for a moment before leaning away, facing back out towards the water. “Thanks.”

Muu’s ears flapped along her head, the small nubs perked as she pressed her wings closer to herself. Her heart was pounding much louder now, beating away the spinning thoughts still going in her head as she grinned again. “Oh, you’re- You’re welcome!” I shouldn’t be this ditzy over a simple thank you, good moons!

Usnea’s wings twitched in acknowledgement before they both finally fell quiet, letting the steady drips of the cave around them fill the silence. Even though her heart was still slipping around, Muu didn’t feel the crushing tension from before as she settled in and kept her eyes on the pond. They strayed occasionally to Usnea with a small smile, tail fluffed and curled close while she let her heart and mind thump around.

I think she’s much softer than she lets on, Muu finally theorized as she opened her mind again to peer into her thoughts, watching Usnea dip the tips of her claws into the water and angle her snout down to feel the water curl around them. I think she’s kinder than she believes, and she likes company more than she tells us. There’s no way she would do all of this just to get me to “be quiet”, right? Unless maybe she was that annoyed with me, which could be possible too…

But still, she’s so much more than she thinks she is. I think she’s more kind and thoughtful than anyone else I’ve really ever met. And I think she’s so beautiful… So entrancing, in a way…

Muu shuffled her talons again, face burning as it continued to get carried away, but it all cut off as the cave suddenly grew darker around them, Muu and Usnea lifting their heads at the new shift in lights. The specks on the roof were dimmed down even further, and for a moment the cave took a deep breath as it all shut off. 

What’s happening? Is this supposed to feel this way? Muu shuffled closer into herself, a worried noise coming from the back of her throat. But when she glanced to the side at Usnea, she caught a very faint hint of a smile on the dragon’s snout in the faint glimpses of light still available from the FungalWing’s own lichen. What does she know? What’s about to happen?

But before Muu could pester her about it or have anymore anxiety spirals about what was occurring, the mushrooms around the cave started swaying and swishing around as their cores grew in neon blues and greens. It was still subdued, but they all started coming to life right under her snout as her head whipped around to watch them. And as she did, she saw it all come to life in an exhale; the glimmers deep within the lake started shining emerald green and glowing with the flashes of scales that seemed to lap along the bottom of the lake with how many fish were swarming at the bottom. It all shone around, the worms on top starting to shine even brighter now as well as their room sat now in a shining green splendor with splashes of shining blue from the plump mushrooms swaying around.

Muu felt her breath hitch, her body leaning instinctively towards the water and her eyes shining as they absorbed it all. Her heart seemed to glow as well, a deep warmth sprawling out from her chest to the rest of her body. “Oh… Wow…” 

It’s all so… Alive. And bright. Her eyes couldn’t peel away from the scene, a wide smile on her face as she soaked it all in. She saw the green dancing along the walls and rocks in flowing ripples, watching the fish flicker around and shimmer with their own currents around each other as she let out a breathless laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this breathtaking…

She flicked her eyes towards Usnea, who seemed to be taking in the new energy as well with her head lifted up and her features softened and relaxed. There was still a faint quirk on her snout, slightly upturned as she asked, “Has it started, then?”

Muu let out a small murmur in response, both of their bodies starting to lean towards each other now but keeping at a distance while the smaller FungalWing continued to grin. She leaned down to one of the fish flickering nearby, a tail swishing and dribbling a few droplets on her snout as she laughed again. “Yeah, it’s… Beautiful. Moons, it’s so beautiful! Look at all of them! They’re so pretty!”

There was a beat of silence, Muu too focused on the glittering figures before she finally realized what she said. Her head whipped back towards Usnea, who looked unfazed even as Muu’s face seared once more and her wings flapped in embarrassment. Moons, could you not be an idiot for one moment? “Oh… Sorry, I just-”

But there was a shuffle of talons, Muu blinking open her eyes again and jumping slightly as she felt a wing brush against hers. She blinked rapidly at the glowing figure, seeing the small globes on her lichen along her body lighting up her surprisingly understanding and somewhat gentle expression. “Hey. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I don’t know what you mean. You’re fine.”

Muu blinked rapidly still, her heart now locked in overdrive as she blinked up at her, but the other dragon’s face turned back out towards the cave with a small nod, a quiet order coming from her snout, “Look around you for a second.”

Muu swallowed down her embarrassment to try and listen, turning to look back out at the lake and everything glowing around it. She studied it all for a second before her face started heating up more, shuffling on her talons. Am I supposed to know what she wants me to look at? “What am I-”

“Just look,” Usnea cut her off once again, a small nod from her before her head swung around slowly. It seemed to focus on the other regions of the cave, completely tranced away from Muu before she finally asked once more, “How do the mushrooms look? Are they glowing? And dancing around? What about the moss and lichen? Is it all glowing?”

Muu took a second to register what she was talking about, eyes straying from the fish now to the little details surrounding the pond. She noticed now what Usnea seemed to be mentioning; the tendrils of material swaying down below the water’s surface and along the walking paths all seemed lit up now, green and pale bands trailing and letting off soft glows of light. Up on the roof, the glow worms were letting out their full capacity beams to make the roof look like a mural of the nighttime sky Muu hadn’t seen for a bit since being down in the caves.

But Muu focused more on the mushrooms Usnea mentioned, her eyes sticking to them and the glowing bulbs as she watched them swaying along to their own little rhythm. She couldn’t help but grin again, nodding and giving Usnea a breathless look with a small laugh. She has to have some sort of magic. “Moons, they are. They all are. They’re all alive. How did you know that? How do you know all of this?”

Usnea’s expression seemed to soften even more with Muu’s compliment, looking slightly abashed but still thoughtful as her snout tilted up to the roof. The sheens hit her face in dazzling glows, mixing together and making Muu’s body thrum with her pulse as the larger dragon murmured, “That’s what happens in this room. It feeds off the fish as they have their own glow. I never harvested it because of the different energy it gives off.”

She took a deep breath, wading in a little further so her front paws were entirely soaked in shimmering ripples and wakes. She stayed mostly on dry land, but her wings were spreading out to encompass the whole room as her smile seemed to grow. “It all feels so… Alight. And alive. It feels similar to the sound of dragons dancing around.”

Muu couldn’t help but giggle with her, taking a few steps forward to join her beside the water’s edge. Their wings bumped together, but when Muu didn’t move hers away she was silently elated to see that Usnea wasn’t in a hurry to move away her wing either. Still, she did her best to focus on the topic at hand as she mused, “They do kinda look like they’re bobbing up and down! It really is just a room full of dancing fungi, pretty fish, and shining plants!”

Usnea smiled along while Muu continued to laugh at herself, swinging her head back out to look beyond where the fish were still flickering around in their splendor. Her wings were still slightly spread, Muu still noting the touch running along her wing like a trill of scalding water paralleling Usnea’s gentle and cooling expression. “Like I said. I don’t see, but I feel. And this room feels so alive.”

“It really is,” Muu breathed in agreement, and they both now shared a smile as they soaked it all in. Muu’s front talons were soaked and cold, but it was all worth it as their conversation faded away and they embraced the scenery around them once more. Usnea’s head was slowly swinging around, her smile growing when her snout angled towards a cluster of mushrooms bobbing up and down to some sort of beat hidden within the walls.

Muu kept looking around as well, truly fascinated by the sights, but her gaze always returned to Usnea as her heart continued thumping along loudly. Her dopey smile still seemed stuck on her lips, but she didn’t try to hide it anymore as she felt her entire body glow just by the lingering touch still connected by their wings. She’s so magical and wonderful in so many different ways. I just… Wish she could see it all. Figuratively and literally.

Before she could stop herself, Muu’s thoughts trickled out loud as she let out a small whisper, “I just wish you could see how truly beautiful it is. And how-”

Her throat caught on the last section, but she already had Usnea’s attention turned back to her. With her heart thudding and the strong desire to push her face into her talons, she sufficed with simply looking away instead and croaking out as best as she could with a fuming face and buzzing body, “How beautiful you are.”

A silence passed between them that felt like a lifetime, Muu’s flustered mind spinning faster by the minute with Usnea’s unreadable expression. Her face had turned away, Muu unsure of whether it was abashed or annoyed, but Usnea’s next words seemed more neutral and mumbly than before, “Well, I can feel the beauty around me in the cave. I think that’s enough.”

Muu would have protested, even debated doing so, but eventually decided to rest in the grave she already dug herself as she shuffled her talons along and kept quiet for now. Her heart and mind were already too far gone, not wanting to risk making a fool of herself with anymore compliments or leeways as she turned back out to the water with Usnea in silence. Her heart continued flipping around, her mind stuck in a whirlwind as she looked away with her flustered smile. It’s enough for now. But maybe one day I can convince you of more, of your own beauty, if you still want me around.

Muu settled for a genuine statement instead to bring back the conversation before the awkward silence grew too stifling, looking up at her as much as she could and murmuring past the small bob in her throat, “Thank you for bringing me here. I know it was just to keep me still and quiet, but I really appreciate it. It’s really pretty.”

The tip of Usnea’s snout tilted towards Muu a fraction, glinting in the lights flashing around them for a moment before she now at last turned her head away, Muu tilting her head and straining to hear the very faint mumble coming from the larger dragon, “...It wasn’t really for that.”

“What?” Muu wondered, shuffling a little closer to see if Usnea would open up further. Her mind was still spinning too much to fully register what she said, but it seemed her heart caught along with the new skipped beats along her chest as she blinked at her hopefully. Was it for something else? What else would it be? Would it be for…?

But Muu’s theories were quelled by Usnea’s firmly shaking head, shaking out her wings and finally disconnecting the lingering touch they had as she cleared her throat, nodding to her after her shake out. “Nothing. Glad you’re enjoying it. We can stay here for as long as you want.”

“Oh,” Muu murmured, blinking and smiling warmly at her again. Taking a small risk, she decided to brush their wings together again with a hopeful lurch in her chest. With another flurry of victorious and excited sparks, Usnea twitched but didn’t pull away as Muu thanked her again quietly, “Thank you, Usnea.”

Usnea didn’t comment further, giving her a small nod instead and keeping her head tucked away. Muu gave her another small smile, hoping she could feel the radiating happiness from the smaller FungalWing as they both returned to a much more comfortable silence to admire the show. It was all still so bright and alluring, Muu’s brain forever imprinting the image of the cave within her memories. 

This world is so beautiful, Muu’s brain hummed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to let it all process within. She heard a shuffle of water and a brush of wings as Usnea seemed to gather closer, but she was still far away enough to only catch faint whiffs of her soft breathing. Muu let herself smile still, soaking in the peaceful and comforting hum the caves delivered. These caves themselves are so beautiful. And Usnea… She fits in so well. She’s beautiful, intelligent, perceptive…

She opened her eyes to look at Usnea, the dragon looking much more comfortable and at peace similar to Muu. She was glowing as well, Muu swelling in hope and chancing a small brush of their tails together. With another lurch of joy, Usnea didn’t pull away as they stayed connected that much more as they stood in the cave.

I hope… Muu’s brain glowed with hope and determination, a feeling settled firmly in her chest and burning through as she embraced the joy this night brought. I hope we can go on more adventures like these.

And I hope one day… I’ll help her see how beautiful she really is.