Game Progression
A series of short conversations between players and their servers upon entering their second gate.
The Land of Sand and Frogs
-- ardentOrionis [AO] began trolling eruditeFollower [EF] --
AO: I d0 find it quite funny h0w, despite us 6eing practically neigh60rs, 0ur planets are s0 different.
EF: whaaa whats urs like
AO: L0ts 0f trees.
EF: luckyyyy..
EF: ive just got this fkn wasteland
AO: Haha, it can-t 6e s0 6arren, surely?
EF: no eshana u dont get it its literally just **this**
AO: 0 g0ds.
AO: I supp0se y0u d0 have 0ur m0st imp0rtant quest, perhaps y0u-ll find en0ugh fulfillment with that.
EF: eshhhhh dont you *dare* i am so sick of frogs and i aint even seen one yet
AO: What has p00r 6ili0us Slick ever d0ne t0 you? Y0u 0ught t0 6e ashamed, Mx. Mage 0f Space.
EF: theyre all goopy and gross and ewww i dont wanna touch em eshaaa can we switch
AO: Perhaps y0u can 6ri6e Skaia int0 giving y0u a m0re aggreea6le r0le.
EF: skaia is evil and bleehhhhhh
EF: w/e ill make mica do all the work ill command him an everything
AO: Haha, I d0n-t mean t0 6e rude 6ut I cann0t imagine CC having any m0re pleasant 0f a reacti0n t0 the fr0g-6reeding than y0u.
EF: oh fkn jegus ur right hed be the fkn worst
EF: holy shit eshana this sucks
AO: M0ving 0n fr0m y0ur 6leak future, have y0u made it thr0ugh y0ur sec0nd gate yet?
EF: no weve been at this 4 like ten seconds :??
EF: wait have *u*??
AO: 0 d0n-t 6e s0 dramatic, it-s 6een a g00d few h0urs!
AO: 6ut yes, I-ve 6een expl0ring y0ur w0rld and I must say it-s 6een very uneventful s0 far.
EF: BRO i dont even know where my 2nd gate is howwww
AO: The c0mparis0n is a 6it unfair- F0r 0ne, I haven-t had t0 act as a server until very recently.
EF: oh yea how could i forget u cheater
AO: 0 hush, it isn-t *such* an advantage.
AO: 6esides, in this case, I d0n-t 6elieve cheating w0uld 6e s0 unjustified.
EF: says the cheating cheater
AO: What I-m hearing is that, sh0uld I search hard en0ugh, I will find y0u here.
EF: oh no no no u dont
EF: im actually flyin towards my 2nd gate
EF: lightning speed
EF: im sooo gone u wont even get a chance to say bye
AO: I-m sure.
AO: In fact, is that CC cresting 0ver the dunes, ready t0 6reed the Genesis Fr0g f0r y0u?
EF: lmao one day just u wait
AO: I shall await it eagerly.
-- ardentOrionis [AO] ceased trolling eruditeFollower [EF] --