SOMK: Halloween

6 months, 23 days ago
6 months, 23 days ago
7 3871 1

Chapter 5
Published 6 months, 23 days ago

Shenanigans abound on the mysterious lodge on the frozen mount!

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Prompt 5: Thorn Grotto

“Hey, Vark. Vark!”

He shook from his existential ponderings.


She pointed toward an illuminated hollow in the side of an overlook.

“Y’didn’t hear him? We’re supposed t’ go see Thorns.”

He blinked.



This time, he shook himself out all over, ruffling his bladed feathers and brushing up a little cloud of powdered sugar.

“Right…she’s located in the caves, isn’t she?” Another place that defied explanation. If the world ran on a semblance of logic, then it should have been a bone-dry, cold, empty hole in the rocks where some strange animal might tidy away for the winter. 

This one was…strange. 

They were both reminded of the oddity upon being welcomed in by the Roselia. It was strangely warm in there, with just a hint of Spring’s humidity lingering amongst the mosses and glittering spring. None of those attributes should have survived this high up, but ever-stranger was the hold positioned at the top of the cavern. 

From it, a soft, gauzy light floated, and little motes of either dust, insects, or some even stranger act of metaphysics drifted lazily, never reaching the ground. It was almost entrancing, but the station’s impossible structure left Vark on edge, and he was unable to wonder away like he might like to. Besides, his power coat was already starting to gum up here.

“So, girlie. Whatcha got for us?” She held out her bag and tapped Vark’s. “We’re here on Lass duty. Says she wants us to see how things’re runnin’. And we’re hopin’ for a little candy compensation.”

She spoke at last, her voice very melodical, “I have but one favor to ask for your compensation. This cave lends its power to those seeking transformation.” Her eyes flicked between them. “This Eve is a very special occasion. The light gifts special attributes on such days. Can you lead to me those who seek empowerment and change?”

The two glanced between each other. Maybe it wasn’t on purpose, but things sure did feel oddly culty with these Pokémon the more they spoke and acted.

“Of course,” Vark eventually broke the tension. “You are the expert on the subject. Have you heard any rumors of any Pokémon, er…seeking strength?”

“Strength is not all the light provides,” she offered, mysteriously, but didn’t leave the two hanging, fortunately. “I hear there is a Shroomish by the name of Shroomberto who has been hard at work considering himself and the world. Lead him to me, so he might attain enlightenment.”

Snocone could only grimace. Keeping her mouth shut was the nicest thing she could do right now.

“Good deal. We’ll be off, then.”

And in no time, they found the little squat creature, meditating away in a dark cove near a freezing spring farther down the mountain. After an exhaustive diatribe on the nature of the night and the labors of the morning on the fungal folk, Snocone and Vark eventually herded him off to the cave, taking their concessions with them.