Ame's Mage Quests

7 months, 4 days ago
7 months, 4 days ago
2 810

Chapter 2
Published 7 months, 4 days ago

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Letter II.


My dear Mothers, 

I hope it brings you peace to know I am no longer alone on my travels. 

This sense of urgency and exploration within me is relentless and I have found little reason to slow down- I sleep when I must, and I stop to eat when my legs can carry me forward no longer. I know it mustn’t make much sense, but this is something I feel I have to do, and at least I am no longer alone on my journey. 

My travels have taken me far in the weeks since I left. 

I have ventured through many towns of mostly Pouflons, and I am incredibly intrigued by their society- they change the natural world in ways I could never have thought possible, and sometimes I am quite alarmed by their callous attitude towards felling trees to build their houses- can’t they see the living trees as they are provide a loving home already? 

Just as this is the first time I have seen Pouflon society, it is also evident I am the first Ursuki they have come into contact with. They have been polite, mostly, if wary, but there is clearly a division between us. 

I always breathe a sigh of relief when I move through an area of ‘civilisation’ and back into the nature that calls to me so clearly. 

It was after I left one such Pouflon town that I first noticed it. It was this shimmering ball of light- glowing softly, and seemingly sentient. I have never seen anything like it before. As soon as I saw it, this sense of discovery that has motivated me forward thus far multiplied, and I knew it was surely fate. 

I’m still not sure what it is- it looks like a tiny sun, yet far dimmer, it’s glow seemingly adjusted to being in the presence of mortals. It doesn’t eat, and I don’t think it sleeps, yet it seems to experience emotion, and has a sense of playfulness and juvenility. 

Regardless, I know instinctly we were meant to meet, and it is joyful to have a travelling companion. 

I’m still not sure what I seek. But I’m certain I am on the right path. 

All my love,


WC: 390

Quest: Familiar, But Not So Familiar