The Ambassador Queen

7 months, 19 hours ago
6 months, 29 days ago
2 2278

Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 19 hours ago

For Queen Natasha's birthday event - all entries will be found here so the Queen herself can be added

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A Tumble into Coldour

Good Boy continues to stare at the queen, who Gabriel thinks is doing a very good job to keep smiling and ignore the rather intense gaze of the child, though Gabriel’s decided she must have had enough of it and gently shoves himself into the kid. Good Boy blinks over at him before looking down a little sheepishly.
“Well Tasha, how about we start this week getting you acclimated to the area?” Gabriel asks, it feels odd referring to a Queen by not even her first name, but a nickname.
He shakes it off though, if it’s of her request, then it is what she wants and it’s on arch for feel any form of uncomfortable about it.
“That would be wonderful, mrr, as long as it is no burden to you.” She purrs out, and Gabriel gives a firm shake of his head.
“It’s not, mam. If you’d like to follow us, we will first pick up my partner and find the best locations of Coldour to show you.” Gabriel smiles with a soft tilt of his head.
Good Boy clambers back to his feet with a wag and begins to pound a head, which earns a soft, almost amused sounding purr from Natasha – Gabriel doesn’t want to assume anything but he feels like her and Steven will get on well, though he doubts there’s anyone who Natasha wouldn’t get on with. It would be fun to see her crack Kozmotis’ shell but it is her birthday week and he doesn’t want to potentially put her through that stress, no he’ll stick to just letting her know his core circle for now and as she will be sticking around Coldour, if she does want to meet with them again, then she could meet them.

They walk in a comfortable silence, him and Tasha to where he knows Steven decided to wait, deciding it he’d rather have a rest then continue their hunt for Good Boy’s perfect flower, he’ll be shocked to see they’ve returned with a pokemon instead.
As they crest the final small hill, Steven comes into sight, leaning against a bench and Good Boy’s running circles around him, clearly excitedly yapping, probably about them having found the fallen queen.
“Mmrp, Hello.” Tasha calls out, nearly making Gabriel jump as he’d almost forgotten she was there in a sense.
Steven’s ears visibly perk slightly and he gets to his paws, walking up to them he hesitates for a second and Gabriel clicks slightly to reassure him which figure it is, and Steven bumps his snout against Gabriel’s own and his chest.
“Is she really a queen?” He asks just above his breath and Gabriel smiles, leaning his head across to bump back against his partner.
“That she is,” He says softly, before raising his voice, “Tasha, I’d like you to meet my partner, Steven.” He smiles.
Carefully backing away and Steven turns towards Tasha, slowly approaching and trying not to get too into her face,
“Good Boy here says you just arrived, I know how disorientating poor Gabriel found it when he arrived.” Gabriel blushes at the mention of that, he can’t believe the others told Steven, especially all of the embarrassing ones.
Tasha nods in response and Steven smiles with a soft wag of his tail, Good Boy has come barrelling back over and nearly runs straight into Steven, Tasha just looks pleasantly amused by all of their actions and Gabriel’s pleased. Technically they are acting as ambassadors to Coldour, and these are mon’s that he’s with right now are very important to him and he wants them to come off well to her. Especially his self-adopted child.

Gabriel lets himself zone out slightly as he’s reassured that Tasha seems comfortable with his companions, he’s promised a tour of the best bits of Coldour but he’s not actually sure what those bits are. It changes depending on the pokemon, and it’s something he’s even more aware of now that he’s with Steven, the other’s visual impairment showing him that locations are more then just their looks, so what vibes of a place would suit this queen best.
He may not know much about her, but she seems to be open to anything. This would make the library the best place but, umh he’d rather not have to explain to this monarch that he’s banned from the community building. He is working on fixing that though, trying to scrape up forgiveness.

“We’ve decided our first stop is Red Fletching.” Steven calls out, grabbing Gabriel’s attention.
Tasha lets out another one of her little chirpy purrs in response with a nod,
“Yes, Steven said it would be a good place to work out where to go next. Mrr-hm, the names of these places are defiantly curious.” She smiles and Gabriel can’t help but smile back in return.
Of course, Steven came up with the good plan while arch was just stood there staring into space and trying to work out what was going on, when you can just ask the Queen herself. A soft heat spreads across its cheeks, he’s not going to bring that up to anyone. Though at least he’s been more use than Good Boy, who has still been running circles around the lot of them, he has no idea how that child has so much energy, he’s not that old himself, it makes no sense he couldn’t even dream of racing around that much. Red Fletching’s a good idea, though he will warn her of the stranger meals, and the odd side-effects they sometimes have upon their consumer. As all four of them get ready to continue their journey, Tasha gently walks up to the other side of Steven, flanking him with Gabriel.
“Mrr, I didn’t say earlier, but I do like your bows.” She purrs out and Steven feels his own cheeks heat up slightly.
From how close she is now, he can make out more of what she looks like, and she’s an incredibly unique pokemon. All her markings sort of blur together for him, but they are easier for him to make out from here, it’s her eyes that really stand out for him. Dark sclera with stunning green heterochromia, and he only realises that he is staring when she lets out a pleased purring chuckle. Causing him to start trying to stammer out an apology, but she pauses in her steps for a second to wave him off with a friendly paw.
“It’s alright.” She purrs out, letting her eyes briefly linger over his own.

None of them are really paying that much attention to the walk, and Gabriel must admit he is sort of letting Good Boy lead as he’s lost in his own world and he’s heard chatter from Steven and Tasha.
“We’re here! We’re here! We’re here!” Good boy buzzes out, suddenly coming into a stop in front of them, tail wagging like made and Steven only just stops himself from crashing nose first into the child.
“Yes, thank you Good Boy, do you want to go grab us a table and we can make our orders, and talk Tasha through the menu.” The child nods and then legs it off again, thankfully into the building in front of them.
Gabriel will warn her what not to get and tell her the story of how they got their first Red Fletching, hopefully Good Boy won’t add in its occasional combustion rate, they don’t want her to think that she’s been brought to some place dangerous, and then they can work out where she may want to go next and what she’d like to do over the next few days. Gabriel really hopes they can give her the best birthday possible, especially now that she’s got to deal with it stuck in Coldour, maybe he could suggest the black market next. For some reason Gabriel feels like she’d like it there, and Steven wanted to pick something up that he’d ordered earlier…

Author's Notes

Characters: Gabriel, Steven & Good Boy
NPCS: Queen Natasha
Prompt: 1
Word Count: 1333