The Ambassador Queen

10 months, 2 days ago
9 months, 30 days ago
2 2278

Chapter 2
Published 9 months, 30 days ago

For Queen Natasha's birthday event - all entries will be found here so the Queen herself can be added

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Planning for a Party

Gabriel yawns and stretches his haunches, satisfied as his shoulders click and become more comfortable. It’s been a busy last few days since they first met Tasha after she fell into Coldour, and sure it’s been fun but Gabriel would like to go back to being able to chill once in a while, he’s exhausted from giving her the tour of the region and also keeping Good Boy in track. He’s just been so over excited about all of this; about the fact they’ve been spending time with a Queen from another world. He seems to be very fixated on the fact she’s from another world as well, Gabriel pointed out to him that so was he, he was human, but Good Boy just shrugged him off.
Speaking of the young pokemon.
Good Boy comes bounding into the room, his front legs twitching slightly and he’s grinning very excited.
“Is it time to start planning the party yet?” The young man asks, pouncing circles around the living room, his tail wagging a thousand times a minute.
“Wow, who set off the hurricane?” Steven laughs trotting into the room.
Good Boy nearly bowls him over as he continues to race around in his excitement. Gabriel can’t help but laugh at the child as well as Steven’s reaction, the two of them are more then used to the chaos the child always seems to emit.
“Though, he has a good question. Have we got any specific plans for her party?” Steven asks and Gabriel groans.
He doesn’t mean to, of course it is a good question and they need to know what they’re going to do, they want to throw something good for the monarch from another world. But Gabriel’s never been good at planning parties and it feels like this specific one has a lot of pressure around it. Sure, Tasha said she’s fine with whatever happens, and he’s pretty sure that she’ll be happy with whatever she’ll end up being given, but considering the fact she’s having to face that she’s celebrating this one without everyone she used to know.
“We should defiantly set out to doing it, somewhere big enough that we can invite everyone who wants to come. I know she said something about having lost some of her friends before, maybe they’re here in Coldour?” Gabriel branches out, beginning to pace.
It's a concept, that they may have also arrived here, he doesn’t know if people fall anywhere else or if this is a Coldour specific trait.
Steven smiles, tail wagging,
“I can invite my old friends, they fell to Coldour a long time ago and may know something about anyone else who may have done likewise and who could know of Tasha.” Steven smiles out.
“More friends!” Good Boy pauses for a second to join in, before going back to racing around.
The two adults laugh, and head over to the kitchen to discuss how they can best plan this party and where they can host it, and how to decorate. Sure, they could ask Tasha how she’d best like it decorated, but they’d quite like it to be a surprise for her, a celebration of her birthday but also a grand welcoming for her into Coldour. For today it’s come up with the first plans and where they could actually hold it as well as writing invitations to the people they’re trying to invite from further away.
Good Boy helps by staying out of the way and running circles in the living room, though occasionally he comes diving into the room to suggest a decoration or something that might work and be awesome, though Steven and Gabriel share a look at those because it really won’t.

It's nerve-wracking but the three of them think they’re getting this party set up will for Tasha, a party fit for a queen. Good Boy is running around setting up streamers, at one point Gabriel has to come over and unwrap Steven from the streamers that the child wrapped him up in. The hardest part has been keeping Tasha away, she got all sad looking when they said they didn’t want her around them in the morning, it was so they could set it all up as a surprise. This made Steven feel especially guilty, but as he’s the only one his friends can identify, he’s got to be here for the set up to ensure that they actually arrive, and are the people they claim they are.
Fairy lights are being put up around the clearing now, Kozmotis and his family, and those other ‘mons that Gabriel’s still yet to meet aren’t able to attend, though stated they wanted to. Ozul has offered himself to help with the set up but he’s going to have to leave before Tasha arrives, though has also brought presents from them all.
Gabriel takes a step back while Steven starts to filled with the music. The Eevee is feeling rather proud of himself, this looks really nice, or at least he’d like to think that it is and he really hopes that Tasha’s going to be happy.