The Season of Spooks!

6 months, 16 days ago
6 months, 13 days ago
4 3131

Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 16 days ago

A collection of my entries for the Grem2 2023 Halloween prompts!

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Pumpkin Carving

Indigo hummed to himself as he cut the top of the pumpkin off, getting ready to grab the scoop to remove all the pumpkin seeds. He didn’t normally carve pumpkins, only having done it a few times in the last few years, but he felt the need to do at least one this year. Though, that was probably due to Lamashtu, who he could see scooping out her own pumpkin with her hands… He’d have to help her clean up later.

Before he had realized, he was already done with scooping out all the seeds. Smiling to himself, he got to work outlining the face he desired to carve into the pumpkin. He didn’t feel he was the most artistic when it came to carving, so he was aiming for a simple face, a somewhat childish evil grin with some fangs and eyes that evoked laughing evilly.

And before he knew it, he was already cutting away with his carving knife, the eyes proved simple enough, being simple half circles, though he had a bit more trouble getting the grin how he wanted. He had accidentally carved outside of his outline a few times, but was luckily able to adjust and compensate for those mistakes and still make it look good. Making sure that any deviations went outside the outline, to ensure he wouldn’t need to wipe off the remaining marker afterwards.

And before he could have even guessed, he was all done with his carving, and with a smile, he would say it came out pretty good! Looking over, he saw that Lama was still hacking away at her own, making a far more intricate face that he couldn’t fully make out yet, especially at this angle. So in the meantime, he got to work moving the seeds and pulp he had removed. He would check to see if it was any good to make a pie with, despite his bakery expertise these were a small weak point of his with using his own pumpkins. But he was excited to see how it would all turn out!

He smiled again as he looked over at Lamashtu, he couldn’t wait to see how her masterpiece would come out…

Author's Notes

Entry for Gourds & Pumpkins!