The Season of Spooks!

6 months, 16 days ago
6 months, 13 days ago
4 3131

Chapter 4
Published 6 months, 13 days ago

A collection of my entries for the Grem2 2023 Halloween prompts!

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A Friendly Scare

He stretched his legs, checking out the new additions, they felt… weird, but weren’t unwelcome. He lifted the mask on his head up a bit to check out his new raptor claws more properly. He had heard from Frisk that they would feel a bit off at first, but before long he would grow accustomed to them.

Drip smirked to himself, stretching his wings as well, far more extended than they had been before as well, the lofty extension potion he had bought from Evie had certainly been worth it, and even just seeing her again had been a good way to spend some time. All in all, he would say this had been a worthwhile Halloween season.

He brought the mask down over his face again, impressed how it fit perfectly such that it barely blocked his vision. He would certainly hold onto this, combined with his storm cloak, he felt it was quite a good look. It would certainly be effective when he had to do some of his more… questionable work.

Though that was for later, right now he had nothing he needed to do, so he thought he might as well pay another friend a visit, he hadn’t seen them in a while…

It was a typical night for Myra, besides the holiday activities. Halloween had just ended a few hours ago, and it seemed as though no one else was going to come up to her home for candy, but she kept the candy bowl out just in case there were a few stragglers.

So for now, she was spending her time looking through the telescope in her observatory, enjoying the night sky as she so loved to do. She planned to spend another hour or two charting the night sky and the movements of the cosmos, before calling it a night and heading to sleep.

However, as she was in between drawing two lines, she heard a thumping on the door, drawing her away from her night sky viewing. It had been around an hour since the last trick-or-treater had arrived, and whoever was at the door certainly didn’t need to bang that hard… Something about it was making her raise her guard, but she mostly brushed it aside.

Calling out a window, she yelled “Be right there!” Since she would need a minute to head back down to her front door, though, she couldn’t check or see who was out there from her loft. After that, she rushed down through her house, taking a few moments to grab the candy bowl and setting it down next to her front door as she finally reached it. There wasn’t much left, but it should be enough to sate whoever had come visiting.

As she took a moment to catch her breath, she grabbed hold of her door, unlocked it and brought it open, smiling brightly for whoever had visited…

And was left mildly annoyed to see that no one was there. It was very dark outside, with only the light from inside her house illuminating her doorstep. Peeking outside, she couldn’t see anyone in any direction, so it was likely she had simply got ding dong ditched, or they had really not wanted to wait the minute or two it had taken her to reach the door. Well, at least this meant she could keep the candy.

Myra moved to close the door, but then paused as she heard the sound of a branch breaking. Looking back outside, she felt herself getting a bit nervous again, wondering who or what had knocked on her door. She felt a need to just slam her door shut and lock it, but she was frozen in place.

She saw a shadow moving in the darkness, darting forward, and the moment it started running forward she squealed and fumbled about trying to slam the door shut, only for a clawed hand to grab the edge and prevent her from moving it.

RAAAA!” it screamed out, and all she could see was what looked like a skull with glowing red eyes! She screamed out in return, throwing the candy bowl at the attacker and managing to wrestle the door out of its grasp before slamming it shut.

Though her fear was pushed away quickly when she heard laughter on the other side… and not haunting evil laughter, but one she was unfortunately familiar with.

Scrambling to lift herself back up, she stomped a foot on the ground, as she yelled to the one outside “DRIP! NOT COOL!” though unfortunately, that seemed to only make Drip laugh even harder.

After a few seconds, she heard his voice, “Aww c’mon Myra it was funny! Open the door, I actually got somethin for you!”

Frustrated, but used to her ‘friend’s’ antics, she huffed and gingerly opened the door a crack to glare out at the offending Grem. Now that she had a better look at him in the light, she saw that what she had mistaken for a skull earlier was merely a mask. She could also see some other changes had occurred to Drip since the last time she saw him. He was now sporting raptor claws on his feet, and his wings were much larger then she remembered. It was only after she allowed the door to open further that she noticed what he was holding out to her.

Her face lit up as he tossed her a big bag of candy, before he said, “Thought you might like an extra stockpile, least I can do after that lil scare I gave ya,” he finished off with a little laugh.

She couldn’t help but punch him in the arm, knowing it wouldn’t do anything, but she had to still express her annoyance someway. “Good to see you too, jerk,” she said with a smile, even despite that, she had had a good Halloween, and was happy to show Drip her latest star discoveries, as well as really check out that cool mask he had gotten… She couldn’t help but wonder where it was from…?

Author's Notes

Entry for Give Them a Scare!