Christmas Lights

6 months, 11 hours ago

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The messy haired redhead sauntered up to the imposing demon and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. Primal turned to face him in response, his permanent scowl shifting to become more inquisitive. “Hey, Primey!” The redhead chimed, his face beaming. “I have a surprise for you,” Primal sighed exhaustedly while rubbing his temples. This wasn’t out of character for the redhead, he was always up to something with excessive enthusiasm. “What is it, Solar?” Primal grumbled, his voice deep and raspy. “I can’t tell you yet,” Solar claimed, playfully reaching up to teasingly tap Primal on the nose. Primal didn’t flinch, he only rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Close your eyes. I’ll lead you there!” Solar’s feathery companion reluctantly shut his eyes with a displeased grumble and followed the smaller’s lead. Solar dragged the less than enthusiastic demon through the apocalyptic landscape, never letting go of his firm grip on the other's hand. They eventually made their way down a windy staircase. Solar carefully guided Primal down the uneven steps with a slow, deliberate movement so he wouldn't trip. Primal wasn’t sure what Solar was up to, but he knew that he’d trust Solar no matter how absurd the situation was that the redhead got them into. “We’re here!” Solar exclaimed. “Open your eyes, Primey!” Primal’s eyes opened, and he paused for a moment to take in the view. The sight was baffling. The two of them were in an apocalyptic bunker decorated to the brim with improvised Christmas decorations. Dingy light bulbs were held up in an uncoordinated fashion by thin, tangled wires. A small, sad looking tree lay in the center of the room, adorned with a couple of flickering, depressed lights. The tree almost looked like it was begging for death being strangled by those light bulbs. The sight was amusing. “Since Christmas is coming up, I thought I’d decorate!” Solar beamed with excitement, showing off his unique renovations. A subtle red tint warmed the redhead’s freckled cheeks as he looked at Primal, awaiting a response. The feathery demon chuckled. Then Primal smiled. It was only a subtle smirk, but a rare sight for Solar to witness. Primal then pulled his lover into a tight, feathery hug. The demon let out an exhausted sigh before responding. “I love it, but you do realize it’s not even November yet, right?” The redhead only smiled in response, leaning his head on Primal’s shoulder. The two of them sat themselves down on the concrete bunker floor, staring at the improvised Christmas decorations. Primal’s feathery wings wrapped around Solar, acting like a fluffy blanket. Suddenly, one of the lights shattered with a loud pop. The two odd lovers stare at each other in shock before bursting into a wholesome laughter.