Memory - Psych class assignment

6 months, 7 days ago

shout out to my psych teacher for making these types of assignments I both love and hate; this ones over memory n stuff and I chose to use ernie and oliver as an example for it. You can learn along. we learning about memory through the ernie and oliver fanfic today boys 😼 - this was honestly kind of fun and tbh the assignment didn't call for anything spectacular so It's not the best, I'm not good at writing anyways. It's just a silly story

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     Oliver is discussing Ernie’s bad memory with him after checking out a book over the new scientific field of memory. Suddenly, he playfully pops a question.

“Boy, I bet you don’t even remember your best pal’s birthdate.”

“Sure I do!”

“Then what is it?”

     Ernie confidently answered “October 6th, of course.”

     To which Oliver corrected “October 16th, of course.”

It was a tease, but the result is not surprising…

“Well, at least I remembered more than I do for the boys at the Hoo-Swing.”

“Is that supposed to be a compliment? Those boys are barely worth the attention of life itself.” After shooting Ernie a dead-panned look, he then turned his attention to the informative memory book, laying in front of them with its crisp edges. Oliver thumbed past the first few pages, paying no mind to the few new signatures listed on the index card that serves as evidence of curious folk previous to Ernie and Oliver. A new library book, no doubt.

“Look- says here folks that have trouble remembering new information likely have a weak short term memory.  Not to be confused with the term long term memory, which is ‘our permanent storehouse of information.’ Neat, huh?”

“Well, wouldn’t I also have a weak long term memory if I can’t remember information like your birthdate?”

“Hmm…” Oliver scanned the pages for more information.

“Ah, here! It says it could likely be the process in which you retain that short term information, which is why it isn’t making it into your long term memory. To have a weak long term memory you’d have issues recalling previous facts you already knew. Says something about Retrograde Amnesia?”

     Ernie chuckled in response to the word.

“That’s quite the strange and big term. Boy, imagine having to learn all that in school!”

     He thought for a moment and smiled before adding,

“I bet Susanne’ll learn it.”

“Maybe she could even teach you! Though, even if she tried it’d probably go in one ear and out the other!”

“Very funny.”

While Oliver laughed at his own joke, Ernie went to search the book. He skimmed through lots of text and new theories before stopping on something that caught his eye.


“What is it?”

“It’s a type of memory retrieval that can only be remembered with the aid of a cue.”

     Oliver proposed, “Ah, so maybe if I told you my birthday was not on the 6th, you probably would have guessed the 16th? Since I think you get them confused.”

“I think so…”

They pondered for a moment, trying to make sense of the foreign information. Suddenly, Oliver whipped out his sketchbook, seemingly already writing up a storm.

“Woah there buddy, what’s that for?”

     Ignoring his question, he asked

“Say, Ernie, what’s the name of my father?”

“What’s with the sudden personal question?!”

“Come on, I’ve got an idea.”

     Ernie hesitated for a moment before responding

“I unfortunately never got to meet the guy, I’m afraid I don’t know.”

“But I bet you do, I've told you before. Here, take a look at this quiz I made.”

     Oliver’s make-shift quiz contained a single question, and it was multiple choice. The question read “Which of the following names is that of my father’s?”

“See here, one of these answers is correct, that correct answer is your cue. All you have to do is recognize it.”

“Oh, just like the name of the retrieval type, recognition! Makes sense. What are my options?”

“Take it and read.”

     Oliver handed off his book, and Ernie scanned the answers. After a moment of silence he suddenly lit up and exclaimed,

“Donald Lee! I remember it now.”

“Yes, that’s right!”

     Impressed by his own memory, he celebrated. “Gee, maybe I’m not too bad at remembering after all.”

“Ehhh, I wouldn’t get too cocky if I were you…Oh and what you just remembered is called Declarative Memory, it’s for names and dates. I read that earlier.”

“Must you show off your better working memory right after my victory?”