Excerpts of BL&H

5 months, 24 days ago
5 months, 24 days ago
1 448

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 24 days ago

these are all small parts from my novel, I won't be posting chapters on here or anything to avoid problems in the future when I finally publish this god damn book

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Author's Notes

from shelby's pov! (per usual..)

The Ride to Jayson's

Approaching the mist covered van, I notice that there are other people carpooling with Jackie. A girl in a suit, with short, newly dyed hair and a matching stained neck. Standing by, a girl in a doctor’s uniform, with glasses and a toy stethoscope hung on her neck. The two of them gently punch Jackie in the shoulder, alerting her that we were there. The three of us, specifically the other two, looked out of place next to these three. Jackie didn’t seem to have a costume on like Reese and Nimra. She was wearing her denim vest as normal. The others talk quickly, jumping into the car. I don’t open my mouth. I can’t help but twitch as I think about what’s to come. Jayson’s party was guaranteed to have so many things going on that I wouldn’t be able to breath, let alone function. I find myself sinking into myself, and I can’t snap out of it. It’s like the van is shrinking, and crumpling up like a piece of paper, with me still inside of it. I shift, and try to take a deep breathe. I look up at the rear view mirror, and Jackie’s looking at me. She’s looks at me as if I’m something to study. Her brow furrows, and I dart my gaze away instantly. My fingertips dig into my thighs, and I can still feel her observing me rather than the road.  Someone bumps me in the side, and following it comes a blunt. They hold it up to my face, offering it to me.

“Come on, it’s our last Halloween.” Reese says, chuckling. Nimra elbows her. She wears a shocked expression and I hear Colleen snicker.

“What?” Reese giggles, like she’s coming down from a fit.

“Think for a second, you dumbass.” Nimra takes the blunt from Reese, and takes a quick inhale. “You didn’t want it, did you, Shel?”

“No thanks.”

The gesture was sweet, I guess. It was kind of our last Halloween, being senior year in all. Our last Halloween together, at least. Nimra smiled at me, and for once I didn’t think she was terribly annoying. Although she was judgy, she knew how to read a room. Reese was always bouncing off the walls, and you could never contain her unless you gave her some sativa. The rest of the drive to Jayson’s, I fall in and out of awareness, and in and out of conversations. I can’t listen to anything the girls have to say, and I can’t bare to look at the rear view mirror.