A Study in Mega Evolution

6 months, 18 hours ago
5 months, 30 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 18 hours ago

When sixteen-year-old Corina Larch leaves Lumiose City to finally start her journey, the vast lands of the Kalos Region open up to meet her. Corina, along with her partner, Eda, traverses the picturesque roads and encounters many adventures along the way. Although she's hoping to find a familiar face along the way, she's finally able to open herself up to the wide world around her. Although, she may find out that not everyone she meets is who they said they'd be.

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Chapter One

“Dear Dad,” 

The sun rose over the walls of Lumiose City, the fresh morning dew dripping from the bright green summer leaves of the parks around the waking metropolis. 

“I know this may be a shock, but we both know it’s been a long time coming.” 

Corina brushed her long pink hair out of her eyes as she tightened the laces of her sneakers. Her heart was pounding wildly with anxiety. 

“I’m sorry I can’t tell you in person, but I think we both know it’d turn into a fight.” 

She checked the last of her items in her brown shoulder bag before fastening all the pockets shut. 

“I’m going on my journey, whether you want me to or not.” 

Corina gazed at her reflection in her mirror and fixed her dark red-violet-colored skirt and chunky pink sweater. She bit her bottom lip, and her eyes shifted to her partner pokemon, Eda, a Flaaffy in the reflection. Eda had a nervous but supportive smile on her face to match her friend’s. 

“This is what’s best for Eda and me. I hope you can understand.” 

Corina opened her bedroom door, took one last look around her room, then shut the door behind her. 

“I love you.” 

Corina and Eda rushed down the steps of their apartment and walked out into their family-owned bakery on the first floor. The lights were already on, and her co-worker, Alister, was cleaning the display case with his Swirlix. 

“Your daughter, Corina.” 

Alister looked up at her as she locked the door to the stairwell. “Hey, Corina, here to help me open up?” 

“Not today. I’m finally leaving.”

He shook his head. “Yeah, right.” 

“You don’t believe me?” 

“Corina, you’ve been talking about leaving since the first day I started working here. See you when you decide to come back in a few hours.” He replied, dismissing her immediately and getting back to work. 

“You’ll see! I’m stopping by Sycamore’s office. Then I’m gone!” 

He made a short wave over his shoulder as she stomped out of the small cafe, with Eda following behind her. 

Corina made her way up the familiar lab steps she’d walked so many times before. But today, she could tell she was different. She stepped inside to be hit with the friendly wave of bitter coffee and the savory smells of the pokemon sanctuary just beyond the glass doors. 

“Hello? Professor? Florin?” She called out into the lab. It was early in the morning, but knowing her mentor and friend, they’d have been up at least an hour ago. 

A young man stepped out from behind the corridor, his long dark blue hair tied back in a bun and a slight stubble adorning his jawline, which was becoming sharper by the day. “Hey, Corina! It’s a little early for you to be here.” He smiled at her. 

“Hey Florin, is the Professor around?” 

“Yeah, he’s in the back with me. Come on.” He nodded for her to follow him, and she hustled into step with him. “So, why are you here so early? Don’t you have to open up at the café before your Dad gets back from his trip?” 

“It’s a surprise.” 

“A surprise? Oh! Did you bring me some of those chocolate croissants?” 

“No.” She chuckled. 

“How about the mocha macaroons?” 

“It’s not a present for you, Florin.” 

“Oh, come on! Eda, what is it?” He looked to her Flaaffy in hopes she’d be a bit more loose-lipped, but Eda just stuck her tongue out at him. 

They finally reached one of the research rooms where Professor Sycamore typed some things into a large monitor. His long black hair had its trademark fashionable messiness, contrasting with his crisp lab coat. “Hey Dad, Corina’s here.” 

Professor Sycamore turned around and smiled at the two of them. “Well, hello, you’re here early. What’s going on, Corina?” 

“Well, today, I’m officially leaving for my journey,” Corina announced proudly, and both the boys looked at her in surprise. 

“Finally! That’s awesome, Corina!” Florin smiled widely. 

“I see, taking advantage of your dad being out of town to leave. Isn’t that a little sneaky?” 

“Yeah, a little, I guess, but this is the only way I’ll be able to leave!” She defended herself. “I do feel a little guilty, but this is for the best, right?” Her light green eyes met his blue ones. Deep inside, she was looking for reassurance that this was the right decision. 

Professor Sycamore smiled. “Yes. This is what I’ve been saying for years, Corina. This will be very good for you and Eda.” He stepped forward and rubbed the fluff on Eda’s head. Electricity zapped around her horns to show her happiness. “But, before you leave, I need your help with something.” He waved her over to what she recognized as a synchronizing machine for testing key stones and mega stones. In the machine was already a key stone, and in the other was a yellow mega stone she didn’t quite recognize. She inputted the usual calculations and watched the screen intently. 

“So, Corina.” She looked over at the Professor. In her peripheral, she could tell Florin walked over to her other side. “What are you going to do on your journey? Are you headed for the Kalos League?” 

She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. If I’m honest, I’m not sure. I want to experience something new and get out of this city.” 

“Well, I know it would benefit mine and Florin’s research quite a bit if you were to do a bit of field work for us.” 

“I’d love to help out, Professor! As always, I wanna be useful however I can.” She smiled. 

“Marvelous. I knew I could count on your help, Corina.” 

A fast-paced beeping came from her screen, and she shifted her attention to the readings. “It synced! They’re genuine stones.” 

Professor Sycamore smiled and nodded, giving his signature “deep in thought” face. “Corina, I have a favor to ask before you officially set off.” 

“What is it? I should be heading out soon before my Dad comes back.” 

“This is outside the city, so don’t worry about that.” He stepped over to his bookshelf, pulled out a book, flipped to a page, and then showed her a map. “In my research, I believe there’s a mega stone in a cave just outside the city on route 13. Would you retrieve it for me?” 

“Of course, Professor! Eda and I can take care of that for you, for sure.” She smiled. 

“Flaaaa!” Eda agreed enthusiastically. 

“All right! You’d better get going, then.” 

She nodded and turned around and walked out with Eda in stride. 

“So, she’s leaving, huh?” Florin smiled and looked over at his father, who smiled back at him. 

“Seems that way.” Sycamore reached into the machine and picked up the two stones. “Florin, would you run and take these to the jeweler for me? You know what to do. I’ll trust your fashion sense with them.” Florin smiled and nodded, taking the rocks from his father’s hands. 

Florin bit his lip a moment and looked back up at the Professor. “Hey, Dad…” 


“You don’t think this’ll turn into another Alain situation, right?” Florin asked, his tone and posture becoming deflated. 

Professor Sycamore pursed his lips. “I hope not, Florin.” 

Florin then walked out of the room to head into the city. The Professor turned his attention to the windows gazing out into the pokemon sanctuary. “I hope not….”