Busy night at the Manor

S bumps into V while the two are working, and the two end up helping each other with some tasks to prepare for the upcoming gala. This takes place back at Elliot Manor, before the drones were turning into Disassembly Drones.

Canon characters featured: V, J, and N

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It was a bustling night at the Elliot manor, the many Robotic servants running around and doing tasks in order to prepare for an upcoming Gala. It was a somewhat normal thing for the Elliot's to do, hosting a gala and telling worker drones a bit too late. V was wiping down tables, on her last few before she needed to do her next task. She worked quickly, yet efficiently, able to get each table clean in a few minutes. J and N were on the other side of the room, J setting down placemats as N put down plates and silverware. Into the room came S, holding a plater of cups to arrange at each seat. It was focused on keeping the glasses steady to assure that they didn't fall, not paying a lot of attention to the area around them. They were approaching the table V was cleaning, and were walking past her when sudden yelling caught them off guard.

"N, you moron! That's not the order they are supposed to go in!" J hissed at N, who has mistakenly placed the silverware wrong. He winced at her yelling, quickly trying to fix it.

S and V looked over at the two, eyes hollowed in surprise, and S's eyes quickly narrow at J. She was always so rude and uptight, especially to N. It kept walking, but since S's attention was locked on J, they tripped over V's foot. They fall forward, stumbling and nearly dropping the precious glassware, and as they fall they knock over V as well. They both topple over onto the ground, S falling on to V. V reaches out her arm and catches the plater, saving the glasses from shattering on the ground. Both give a sigh of relief before S quickly jumps up and helps V to her feet.

"I'm so sorry V! That was my fault, I was distracted and wasn't paying attention," It says hurriedly, looking worried.

V smiles reassuringly, handing S the plater again. "We were both distracted, don't worry about it, S." 

S fixes the arrangement of the plater while V fixes her glasses. Both stand awkwardly for a minute before V speaks again. "Do you need any help, S? I just finished the tables, so I can spare a sec to help you!" They smile thankfully, and agree to her help. V had always been on the more quiet, helpful side, offering help to the other drones when they needed it. Meanwhile, S had always been quick to get things done so they could go sit in the library, as it was their favorite hangout spot when they weren't needed.

V takes a few glasses from the plater, going to the tables J and N had already set and placing them down, while S did the same. They worked pretty efficiently, S getting a few glares from J as it worked with V. The room of tables was soon set, tables clean, plates and silverware set, and wine glasses placed neatly. J had already left to go do other things, leaving N, V, and S to stand in the entrance of the room to admire their work. N smiles a usual goofy grin and gives the other two a fist bump. S laughs a little at his enthusiasm before he leaves. V and S smile at each other before closing the door to the room, and leaving to go do other tasks for the gala.

Serial Designation S powers on, eyes flickering on as they sit up from where they sat in the pod. V was sitting a distance away from them, against the same wall and in sleep mode. S smiles softly, it was just a dream, them as Worker Drones? What sense did that make? They climbed the ladder to exit, pulling their beanie over their sensors and blonde hair. V stared after them.

Author's Notes

So yeah, S doesn't remember the manor, just like N! V does remember, of course..