The broken Step

Nui Show More
5 months, 20 days ago

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The soft glow of city lights filters through the curtains, casting a warm ambiance over Nui's eclectic apartment. He nervously paces back and forth, glancing at his reflection in the mirror as he adjusts his tie. Tonight is the night he decides to share his feelings with a long-time friend, someone who has been a constant in his life.

Nui takes a deep breath, mustering the courage to face the unknown. He reaches for his phone and dials the familiar number, heart pounding with anticipation. After a few rings, a voice answers on the other end.

NUI (trying to sound casual) Hey there! It's me, Nui. You free tonight?

FRIEND (VOICEOVER) Sure, Nui! What's up?


The cozy ambiance of the coffee shop provides a comforting backdrop. Nui and his friend sit across from each other, the air charged with unspoken emotions.

NUI (smiling nervously) You know, we've been friends for such a long time, and I've cherished every moment we've spent together.

FRIEND (smiles) Me too, Nui. You've been such an important part of my life.

Nui takes a deep breath, summoning the courage to express his true feelings.

NUI (serious) There's something I need to tell you. It's not easy for me, but I feel it's time. I've been grappling with these emotions, and I can't keep them hidden any longer.

FRIEND (curious) Nui, what is it?

Nui gazes into his friend's eyes, sincerity and vulnerability in his expression.

NUI (softly) I've developed feelings for you. More than just friendship. It's been growing for a while, and I can't ignore it any longer.

There's a pregnant pause as his friend absorbs the revelation. The weight of Nui's words hangs in the air.

FRIEND (touched) Nui, I value our friendship so much. You mean a lot to me. But, I need to be honest with you. I don't share the same romantic feelings.

Nui's heart sinks, and he struggles to maintain composure. The truth, while painful, is now out in the open.

NUI (trying to hide disappointment) I... I appreciate your honesty. Our friendship means everything to me, and I don't want this to change anything between us.

FRIEND (smiles warmly) I'm glad we can talk about it openly. You're an incredible friend, Nui, and that won't change.

As they continue their conversation, Nui forces a smile, masking the disappointment beneath. Deep down, he knows that navigating the complexities of unrequited love won't be easy, but he's determined to preserve the cherished bond they've built over the years.