Voicelines for Nui

Nui Show More
5 months, 20 days ago

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  • Introduction:
    "Bonjour! It's Nui, the charming wanderer. Life is like a painting, and I'm here to add a splash of color. Ready for an adventure?"
  • Flirting:
    "Mon cher, you must be a magician because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears. Care to join me for a dance under the moonlight?"
  • Reflecting on Life:
    "Life is a whirlwind of emotions, non? Cherish every laugh, endure every tear, and savor the sweetness of each moment. It's what makes us who we are."
  • Comforting a Friend:
    "In the grand tapestry of life, we all face storms. Fear not, mon ami, for after the rain, there's a rainbow waiting just for you. I'm here, always."
  • Expressing Optimism:
    "Why worry about tomorrow when today is a canvas waiting for your brush? Embrace the unknown, and let's paint a masterpiece together!"
  • Facing Challenges:
    "Life may throw lemons, but I say, let's make a zesty lemonade! No challenge is too great when faced with a smile and a dash of determination."
  • On Love and Loss:
    "Love is a melody that lingers, even when the song has ended. Sometimes, we dance alone, but the music lives on in our hearts. C'est la vie."
  • In the Face of Rejection:
    "Not every heart finds its matching beat, and that's okay. Rejection is just a detour, not the end of the journey. Onward we go, with grace and resilience."
  • Celebrating Friendship:
    "To friendship, the compass guiding us through life's vast ocean. Each friend is a star illuminating the darkness, and together, we navigate with joy."
  • Parting Words:
    "As the moon bids adieu to the night, so must I take my leave. Remember, mes amis, life is an ever-unfolding story. Until we meet again, au revoir!"