Holiday break logs

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December - Leslie and Caitlyn


waddles in here

sits and sparkles



So they prob just end up hanging out sometime this week after unpacking



right next to each other


I imagine Syd’s doing his own thing and Cat takes the time to go check in on Leslie


leslie gladly takes the company

probably offers whatever they have in the kitchen

probably things that jess' family brought over for them bc they were not expecting jess to not be able to eat anything dsfjhgsdbf

so leslie got everything

time to share

"heya wassup!! hows unpacking going?"


Blinks at the mountain of extra food. She’ll happily take some if it’s ok, less cooking for her to do!

“Not much! Just finished up mine actually-“

Shrugs “Feels kinda pointless when I’ll be packing again in a few days but oh well. Soooo I take it you’re sticking around HQ for the holidays?”


"such is the life at this job-- oh yeah, absolutely. jess' family came over this time 'cus she can't go to new york, so i got the holiday brought to my door this time" snorts

"... i might call alice or something but i'll gladly not have her on my ass all break"

"when are you guys leaving to barcelona, again?"


“Hell yeah, hope y’all have fun! Good to know you won’t be too bored without us-“ smirks

“Uhhh I think Jamie has one more show this weekend and then we’re all flying out. Fine by me I could use a few days after that long haul back.”


"god yeah, last year was so boring with everyone gone from HQ--"

"oh cool! send pics when you're there, yeah? i wanna see"

"say, to what do i owe the visit? not that i mind, you're always welcome here--" pushes more food towards her. eat.


“Hey I was around- sick like a dog but I was there!” Snorts and lightly punches their shoulder “…ya know I don’t think we really knew each other back then huh. Crazy how much changed.”

She’s not gonna turn down the free food. “Oh ya know, thought I’d get in some best friend time in before I dip for the rest of the year.” Raises an eyebrow, grinning “meant to ask how the rest of your date went by the way.”


"hell yeah you were! but otherwise it was so empty and silent--" blinks "... yeah. i think that was when we started talking, actually--"

"oh! well i'll gladly take that best friend time then-- ah. hum. awkward" snorts and looks away, kinda scratching at their jaw

"i think i fucked it up royally but sushi said they had fun so. eh?"


“First dates are just kinda like that but hey— you got through it yeah?”

“See it’s not all bad. You have any fun?”


"frankly i think i was too stressed to have a lot of fun"

"i think id rather just... hang out as normally"

"without the pressure"

",,, the pressure of having to make it a date-date is... suffocating"


Blinks “well, nothing wrong with that. It’s not for everyone I guess.” Eats some more food

“Could always just stick to friend dates-“


"mmm... i'll just... let things happen as they happen, i think"

"it feels weird to call it dates--"


“Hey I’m just proud you gave it a shot”

“Mmm is it? I guess if you think of dates as only romantic maybe.”

“It’s just another word for hanging out but with like only a few people or specific person.”


"huh... i guess??" thinking emoji look

"i guess that makes sense..."

"i do hang out with sushi often, but... i dunno, it felt so off and weird having that... mental pressure on"

"but maybe if i just dont call it that it's fine"


Nods “and maybe y’all just work better as friends”


"mhmm... i mean sushi does not strike me as a very, huh. interested in romance person anyway"


“Not to like, assign you something but have you ever considered you might be asexual or aromantic…or both who knows.”

“You just don’t seem very interested in either.”



"i, huh... i do think i'm somewhere in the asexual spectrum, yeah"

"i'm not... very well versed on those things though..."

"'cus i mean-- it's not like i don't get any attraction at all?? it's just. very low. and hits like once a blue moon"


Grins “Hey it’s a spectrum for a reason. I looked into it a while back when looking into other identity stuff, I can send you some reference if you’re curious-”


"oh please do--"


“You don’t have to use labels or whatever but just ya know.. might help you”

“Hell yeah get educated!” And she starts sending some of the pages/articles she’s been keeping up with


thank u cat they're gonna be readingn

reading, even


Get supported Leslie


"i think i know more about gender stuff than like... orientation stuff?? it's just what i've researched more about"

"'cus i never, huh... needed to look up anything much on orientation?? i like girls and girl-aligned people. that's it. that's all i needed to know"

"... hell even there the interest isnt high, is it"

pauses "... maybe also people a lil more on the middle of the spectrum but. not guys"


Her eyes widen “oh hey, if you don’t mind me asking… how did you know? About the gender stuff that is-“


"oh-- well, i got really bad gender dysphoria when i was younger? especially once puberty hit-- eternally in turmoil cus i was full of physical discomfort and agony over my goddamn body"

"like i was in the wrong body"

"one day rafael mentioned that i might not be a girl and that kinda... clicked?"

"i asked jess to cut my hair off and switched to wearing really baggy clothes that kinda hid my body a lot and it helped so much-- hell even just the haircut made such a huge difference"

"so i ended up looking into gender stuff to figure out what the hell i was, cus i knew i wasnt a girl, but not... quite a man either? lo and behold, i find that gender is a spectrum too"


Just nods along. She’s looking kinda lost in thought “hmmm. I see…”


tilts their head "... why?"



“It’s not exactly like that but I guess I’ve been feeling similar things for a while now… probably a lot longer actually now that I think about it.”

“I don’t mind being seen as a girl, that’s not really a problem but.. it also doesn’t feel completely true if that makes sense??”

“…being more of a tomboy or treated like one of the guys is cool too.”

“But I don’t think I’m really either... I don’t really feel like either. Not like most people think anyway—“


star eyes

"... you might be nonbinary then!"

"me too, buddy!"

"honestly what defines, huh... not being cis isn't the gender dysphoria, not everyone feels it"

"it's the gender euphoria"


“Huh. I guess I never thought about it like that..”


"have you ever done something, or wore something that wasnt conventionally seen as a 'girl' thing and it just felt right? like something just gives you that sense of 'wow this is me'?" 


“…I got called a guy by someone at the club with Syd once. Guess I looked more like a ‘boy’ that night. I didn’t hate it- didn’t feel like I needed to correct the dude either.”

“Is that was that was??”


"it can be, yeah!"


“Here you take a look-“ and she shows off a picture of her outfit from that night


"gender is a huge spectrum-- you can fall closer to female or closer to male, or both, or neither-- there's like a million gender identities depending on your exact experience"


((For ref it’s the shirt/pants outfit from her outfit chart))


"... that looks like something i'd wear dude"



"it looks really good on you though! feels natural"

"i think that's another thing, especially on stuff like clothes-- what feels more natural and fits you better tends to be what actually aligns the most with how you feel"




"some men look super natural in skirts, for example-- doesn't mean they're not still men if that's how they feel! but gender presentation and what you feel is your actual gender don't always match"

"identity is a wild range and not everything matches always"

"like-- i do tend to present as primarily more male-leaning, but i'm not really a man"


“It kinda depends then? I mean I do have skirts or more ‘girly’ things but I kinda like more masculine stuff I guess?”

“Mixing it is kinda fun too to be honest-“


"mhmm, no gender identity is required to present any specific way"


“I’m. Yeah I’m kinda just repeating what you said aren’t I-“


chuckles "you're processing it"

"but yeah, you're probably not really a girl. or maybe you are, but just prefer to present more androgynously? both are possible"

"though if you felt that ok with being called a boy, you might not be"


“I mean it didn’t feel wrong when he said it.”


"maybe still somewhere girl-aligned like in demi-genders, maybe bigender, maybe you can't quite put a finger on what it is-- you don't have to know right away and honestly gender is fluid and shit changes over time"

"i don't use any label other than just... transmasc and nonbinary, 'cus i don't... i don't know if any really fully fits me? and going too micro feels like a chore"

"genderqueer is another wide-fitting one that isn't binary"


“Now that I think about it I never really cared in like middle school/high school too. And back then I really didn’t look all that uh… clearly feminine.” No she’s not gonna directly talk about her tits


its ok cat leslie had enough tit for both of u /j


“Yeah I dunno if a label really fits. Cool to know about them at least”



"mhmm! take your time looking it up. i can send you stuff too? resource exchange"

"and again, if you don't think anything fits, the broader the better"


“That’d be great actually-“


fingerguns and grabs phone to send stuff


“It’s nice knowing someone who gets it!” Fingerguns back

“Trying to bring it up to Syd was… interesting.”


"yeah! syd doesn't really get it when i say i'm not really fully a man so it's cool to talk to someone else who doesn't fall in the binary"


“He wasn’t unsupportive or anything like that he just… doesn’t really understand it I think?”

“Not the person to ask questions about it.”


"like-- for example, i want to pass as masc enough to never get called 'she' or 'ma'am' or shit like that, but still androgynous enough to leave that lingering doubt"

"oh yeah no i don't think he gets it"

"one thing i can suggest is trying a little to like... play around with things? test what feels best"

"what is good, what is not... in terms of everything from the way you present yourself, to the way you're referred to-- hell even romantic life, you have boyfriends to experiment stuff with"

"-- i dont need to know your sex life but you get what i mean, just... experiment and see what feels right"

"cus it's gonna be different for everyone"


Snorts “yeah no I get what you mean don’t worry.”

“I won’t go into detail but yeah there’s.. been some experimenting on that front.”

“Italy was wild man.”


“I know Jamie’s worn dresses and makeup before, he’s pretty chill about the whole gender thing I think. Syd however— I think he’d rather die than get called anything feminine.”


nods sagely "... italy was wild..." staring off into the sunset

"oh! jamie might be good help for you to figure stuff out, then! can help you with stuff"

"and hell, if you ever wanna try something from my closet feel free-- i think we're sorta the same size"

"... huh. my shirts might be a lil big on you, but"

"they're also big on me at least"


“I’m used to everything being baggy it’s fine”

“Why do you think I wear crop tops half the time, only thing that really fits.” Snorts


laughs "fair! i find loose baggy clothes are still the most comfortable for me even after offing the tits"

"and well, i don't really care about having wide hips"

"hell i kinda think the wide-ish hips make a fun silhouette now that i dont have tits"


“Ya know I have stolen the boys’ clothes… more than once-

“Maybe I should’ve recognized this sooner”


"to be fair sometimes it just takes forever to know"

"especially if you grew up in a more conservative household or you don't really feel much strong dysphoria"

"or just-- don't have the words for it"


“Check and check-“


"hindsight is 20/20 and shit"


“Was always funny to be more of a tomboy and piss off my mom anyways”




“Extra benefit”


"hell yeah"

"stick it to the man"

"or the woman in this case"

"... i was a shithead to alice every time she insisted on she-ing me which in hindsight maybe the fishing threats werent ideal but."

"neither is getting misgendered left and right when id asked her to not refer to me by female pronouns or words" snorts


Starts wheeze laughing into a cough


pats her back "oh god pls dont die"

also laughing


Settles down “that’s so fucked up but goddamn if it ain’t funny-“


"look, if i can't fight fire with fire i will fight fire with stuffing fishing items everywhere--"

"a least she eventually stopped. i think. i havent heard her do that in a while at least"


“It’s weird, nothing about you has ever screamed feminine.”

“Mhm that’s good at least.”


shrugs "to be fair you already met me mid-transition"

"ive never been anything but transmasc and nonbinary to you"

"or a guy-aligned something"

"alice saw me growing up, i guess"


“Yeah, but even your personality and like mannerisms are not feminine or ‘girly’ in the slightest”

“Hm yeah I guess it was an adjustment for her. Still not that hard to just switch up language and respect what you preferred-“


"yeah, that was kinda my train of thought"

"..... it's also part of why jess fucking hates her"


Snorts “yeaaah that checks out”


"she'd always say i didn't defend myself enough"


Ruffles their hair “probably because you didn’t-“



"look i didn't wanna start even more shit--"


“I get it! But I’m glad you had friends to stick up for you at least.”


"and especially between those two-- jess is incredibly unafraid to rip someone's face off, but i also didn't... want alice to find a way to hurt jess and rafa"

"at least i know i can handle it if i keep it on myself"

"... which i guess in hindsight is also a horrible thought process"


“…yeah. You don’t have to ‘handle’ something like being misgendered.”

“You deserve to be surrounded by people who respect you Leslie”

“Without having to ask for it.”


shrugs but nods

"i know that rationally but. y'know"

"logic and emotion don't connect very well"


Nods, letting out an exhale. She’s not very happy with that answer but she’ll take it for now.


does it feel too familiar cat


“I mean it though. You’re a good friend and a good person.”




"... thanks. i try"


She’s not gonna get into that part right now


"and hey" soft arm punch "so are you"

"just please never try to send me on a date again--"


Softly chuckles “Ok ok- I’ll see what I can do about getting Syd to back down too.”

“But if you change your mind you got my support. And my styling skills at your disposal-“ smirks


snorts "thank you, thank you, i'll keep that in mind"

"for now i think the wild mop is good enough thank you--"

"i'll take dye retouches when needed tho"

"easier to have someone else doing it than myself"


“Free excuse for more bestie time? Hell yeah!”


"hey any time is a free excuse for bestie time, excuse"

"the door is always open for you"


“…fair point-“

“That goes for you too! I know I’m gonna be gone for a couple weeks but if you need anything just call yeah?”


"yep! i'll annoy you throughout your barcelona stay, dont worry"




(me, the narrator, knowing full well whats coming: : ) oh yeah ur gonna need a call indeed)


(Akdkfj why do you think I set it up ine)




“There’s gonna be so many people in that house dude”

“I mean I met all of them when we visited Jamie last but. It’s… a lil weird.. kind of intimidating to spend the holidays with all of them.”

“Basically hanging out with my boyfriends’ families.”

“Kinda makes me wish I had a sibling… not that I’d want anyone else to have my mother but sometimes I think it would’ve been easier if it wasn’t just me.”


"eehhh... it isn't always great"

"it super depends on what you get in the sibling luck draw" 

"alice is a pain in the ass, but jess and rafa are super cool"

"... not that they're... actually my siblings. i just spent a lot of time at their house growing up"

"kinda more like cousins"

"... can you be cousins if you're not actually related. josé has told me like a million times to call him tio and he calls me son but. i dunno it still feels awkward sometimes"


“They’re family in the way that matters-“



"too bad not in the official way but oh well"

"... but hey if you need to get away from everyone for a bit, you know im a phone call away"

"or. alone time is good too"

"alone time good when too many people too much"


“I might take you up on that.”

“It’s not all bad, Syd’s sister is really sweet at least.”


"that's good at least!"


“Apparently it’s her place we’re all staying at!”

“Dunno how we’re fitting like 8 people in one house but should be fun.”


"oh man i hope it's big enough to host so many people for extended periods that sounds like hell"


“Syd keeps saying it’s fine so I dunno man”


"it's like a cramped sleepover"


“I mean at Syd, Jamie & I can squeeze on one bed. Probably would anyway to be honest-“


"... how big is that bed to squeeze two trees in--"


“…that’s a good question.”

“I usually just pile on top— they make comfy pillows”


"absolutely fair, be the blanket"


“Hell yeah. They’re both pretty cuddly so it works out.”

“…if Syd asks I didn’t say shit.”



"of course, of course"

"i wouldnt throw you under the bus like that"

"..... man i wanna cuddle someone too"

"im gonna go annoy jess cus shes funny"

"she squeaks and yells"

"and flails a lot"


“Not the cuddly type I see-“ chuckles

“Hey my arms are always open if she turns you down”


snorts "ill take cat cuddles too" opens arms


They’re getting the biggest, tightest squeeze. One of those hugs where you get picked up a lil bit




not used to ppl being able to pick them up

laughing and hugging her back


She starts giggling too “what was that hmmm ‘pick you up again?’”


"oh my godwaAAHAHAHAHA"

trying to pick her up too


…feral gremlin brain says do opposed str checks

See which one is actually getting lifted


... we could



Well that’s a nat 1 so she yoinked


yoiked at max speed


shaken in the hug

from side to side



Holding on tight

“Damn dude, I know I’m not that dense but you been workin’ out??”


"hahaha!! its the power of friendship--"

"ive been training with dummies since we cant spar anymore--"


“Well it’s paying off, holy shit-“

“Lifted me like a couple of grapes”


>:3 face

puts her down


“Ya know if you ever want I could teach you some technique things. I do have a black belt in taekwondo and judo you know-“

“Might help in case you get in a bind.”


"... oh! that. that would actually be super useful-- i have 0 technique"

"ive considered wrestling or boxing... but yknow. we're always out and about for work" 

"... those are both very leg agility based right?"


Nods “and pretty defense heavy too. More about analyzing your opponents moves and using it to your advantage.”

“…I wouldn’t mind training with you. Been meaning to work more on my offense and upper body anyway.”


"that'd be cool... i suck at using my legs, i stand too sturdy to hit hard and then i cant dodge fast"

"and id gladly teach you to hit harder and shit too"

"punching without hurting yourself, all that stuff... granted if you have a black belt in literal martial arts you probably know more than me in that anyway" snorts

"all i know i learned myself"


“Sounds like you have more practical fight experience though.”

“I know enough technique to handle myself but that only gets you so far”


"mhmm. if we mix our skills together we get the best of both worlds--"


“I can show you how to throw people!”

“Fun fact I threw Syd when we first met— should’ve seen the look on his face.” Snorts


"maybe when you come back for your holidays we can go train together again-- ive been avoiding it cus i dont wanna get banned again but. hey this is technically what training is supposed to be for anyway, cant fault us for that"

"oh my god"

"please teach me to throw people"

"amon taught me how to use my body weight to throw people on the floor but that only goes so far if im already in the air flipped upside down"

"... wait that being literally your first fight is so funny"


“Yeah it helps to learn how to regain mobility”

“Oh it was hilarious-“

“He also thought it was good to get between me and a training dummy so.. great start overall.”


".... wow"


“Somehow he still came back from that and got me pinned”


"yeah no that seems about syd level braincell" snorts


"yeah i dont think ive ever managed to win a spar against him before we, huh. got banned"


Nods. A lil nostalgic smile on her face “yeah.. I really needed it though. Was having a rough day and it actually helped me get out of my head.”

“Oh I haven’t yet either don’t feel bad. Man is on another level when it comes to sparring.”


"yeah......." stares off into the horizon like war flashbacks

"but hey, thats good at least. that it helped you"


“We also went for a parkour run that same night. Not sure how he knew but I guess he could tell I needed it.”




“…I did almost fall off the roof though. Wore the wrong shoes I guess.”


"... cat,"






“He caught me, I was fine!”

“Helluva adrenaline rush though—“


"what if he hadnt...."


“…damn dude.”


"not that i can talk much, we used to be shitheads and go where we shouldnt, but"


“I’m not saying it was that smart but I was fine.”


"... ive swam in the sea in new york i cant talk"

"and the nile"


“I’m sorry what the fuck


"definitely not places a human should be swimming"


“The nile??”


"yeah sushi and i went to swim in the nile when we were in cairo"

"huh. getting out was a struggle"


“Yeah there’s a reason you’re.. not supposed to do that.” 


"in hindsight its kinda funny that i just follow the sirens into danger waters"

"even if hella reckless"


“Damn fell for the siren song huh-“



"like father like son i suppose--"


"i dont like that actually"

"bad omen"


“Yeah maybe don’t follow him so closely”


"yeah maybe should avoid the drowning part"


“Soooo avoid the dangerous waters that you don’t have to go in yeah?”


"i guess!!"

"but swimmings fun..."


“You can still swim Les just ya know maybe stick to calmer waters” snorts


"less polluted waters too maybe goddamn"

"its like swimming in a sewer"


“Blegh— yeah that’s awful”

“No wonder some sirens don’t like humans. I’d hate us too if my home were ruined like that.”



"fuck that reminds me i still need to figure out which of our coworkers were actually there for the barcelona floods"

"i... what originally caught sc under my radar was the news about sirens being involved in it, and i... wanted to know what actually happened?"

"ive talked to frank, who came from there, but... he didnt seem to be super aware of it..."


“Oh yeah… I remember reading some of the old mission briefings about that one.”


"interesting to know one side but it felt... off? like not the whole story"


Tilts her head “….frank?”


"oh the new siren-- purple, lightbulb on head, always wears a mask, fucked up eyes--"


“Ohhh yeah I’ve seen him. Haven’t chatted with any of the newbies yet, heard about the new werewolf from Syd though.” Smirks “Apparently he’s a big fan of Jamie’s-“

“Also I think Syd said he transferred here after joining in on that mission… he might not say much but could probably at least ask who else was on that mission?”


"oh, jack! ive met him. hes cool" nod nods

blinks "... oh. right, if hes from barcelona..."

"didnt know he was a branch transfer, though"


“Yeah apparently he worked for the Barcelona office for a while before getting put on a field unit.”


"huh... i might ask then"


Nods “if you’re gonna ask anyone a local is a good place to start.”



me, internally: is this gonna make more beef between them-


Rubs my lil paws together hehehehe maybe

I’m a bad influence



yeah i cannot see that going well

but leslie wouldnt know so


Listen I can see Cat suggesting this just to get Syd & Leslie alone in a room and talking

Nudge nudge go talk


cat pls that is not gonna end well



Hey all she said was to ask about that subject

If they talk about other shit it’s not on her aksjdn