Back and forth banter

S and Uzi are left alone together (bad idea) and S starts to tease Uzi. She shoots right back at them and they go back and forth for a bit. Only for N and V to come back..

Canon characters featured: N, V, Uzi

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For once it wasn't snowing heavily on Copper-9, gentle snow drifting down and covering the ground evenly. The spire felt oddly quiet, with no added bickering or light banter. This was due to the absence of two disassembly drones, V and N. Two drones were left together in the landing pod, one spinning in their chair and the other attempting to finish remaking one of her old weapons. The small sound of S spinning in their seat as well as the sound of Uzi tinkering with her new railgun were some of the only sounds filling the pod, until one of them broke it.

"I can't frickin believe N thought I need a baby sitter!" Uzi grumbles, shooting a look to S. 

It paused in spinning, smiling innocently at Uzi. "Hey, your boyfriend wanted you protected while he was gone! I just so happen to be the drone for the job!"

S' boyfriend comment makes harsh blush lines appear under Uzi's eyes. She glares at the other drone. "BITE ME!! N is NOT my boyfriend!!" She says quickly, and defensively.

They giggle and spin their seat around again, speaking in a sing-song tone while doing so. "Oh but you so want him to be!!" This gets an angry huff from the purple themed worker drone.

"I do not!!!"

"Oh, but you so do!!"

The back and forth goes on for a while, S looking smug while Uzi blushes heavily in embarrassment. S had stopped spinning in their chair to look at Uzi, their hands in their hoodie pocket with a smile in the shape of a wide, sideways, three. Uzi's tail had come out and was sort of lashing in anger, this made S smile more. They didn't know Uzi was so easy to tease!! Eventually, S makes a comment about Uzi being lovesick, and this makes the drone pause. She then grins evilly, getting a shocked expression from S.

"Oh you're one to talk." She says smugly, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat. S stares at her in confusion, and slight panic.

"What do you mean?" They say quickly.

"You bring up me and N, but I can see the way you act with V." Uzi says, going right to the point. S' mouth falls open slightly, a few lines of teal-blue colored blush appearing under their eyes. "HAH! Caught you."

S' eyes narrow as they give Uzi a small glare. "You caught nothing!! There is nothing there. V and I practically never talk." 

Uzi puts her fingers together with a grin. "Oh but there are the times you do talk!!"

"That's besides the point, we were talking about you here, not me!!!"

"Lets talk about you! Mx love-sick lesbian."

S hisses standing up as Uzi's eyes hollow. Before S can do anything however, the hatch opens and in comes V and N. S freezes, towering over Uzi with their head turned to the disassembly drones, Uzi looks towards them while her body still faced S. Well that's some terrible timing isn't it?

"Who is love-sick over who?" V says with a smug look. S shrinks back into their seat, pulling their hood over their face, blush lines intense at the bottom of its face.

Uzi looks from V to N then back to V. "How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it..." N mumbles. Uzi mutters 'bite me' under her breath while S dies of gay panic in its seat while V watches.