Out of Hand

8 months, 12 days ago

A quick little what-if. Sort of canon but not fully. Daphne gets injured on a mission. Cameron is displeased (slight understatement).

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“God, I knew from the beginning that this was a mistake,” Cameron said, starting the car and glaring into the rearview mirror. “I shouldn’t have—“

“Are you sure you’re good to drive right now?” The Detective fretted, glancing between Cameron and Daphne, who was trying to make herself as small as possible in the backseat. “If you want, I can—“

“I’m not going to run anyone over, don’t worry,” they snapped, still agitated. 

As the three of them sped off, Daphne spoke up quietly. “I… what are we going to do now?”

“Well, you’re going to go home. Get your parents to take you to a doctor. Lie about how you got injured. And the rest of us will take it from here.”

“W-wait, the rest of you?!” She leaned forward, panicked. “I’m not even hurt that badly, I promise! I’ll be fine in a day or two, I just need some rest…”

“This isn’t about how bad your injuries are!” A car sped in front of them, and Cameron slammed down on the horn and the gas pedal at the same time. “I should never have let it get to this point!”

“But you’re just going to kick me out? Just like that?! I’ve been helpful to you guys, haven’t I? The Detective said so! Right? You told me that I was getting a lot better lately!”

The Detective looked out of the window with a grimace, not saying anything. 

“Helpful? You’re a liability, that’s what you are. If you can’t handle yourself, I don’t see why we should keep you ar—“

“Cameron!” The Detective yelled with a frown, cutting her off. She sighed, taking a deep breath as she slowed down in front of a red light. 

“…My decision’s final. Don’t try to change my mind about this. Not this time.”

Daphne bit her lip, leaning back into the seat and fidgeting with her seatbelt. Her voice sounded even smaller than before when she said, “Ok, Boss. Got it.”