Parpy Timbe

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Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi has made a decent effort to make the common areas of the dorm into something resembling a house party! They've brought down a speaker and the music is loud, there's snacks and drinks on the kitchen counters, and a couple of random game items strewn about for anybody who fancies: A spare empty bottle for potential spin-ification, the TV is always primed for mario kart, and... there's a game of twister on the floor? Who knows where he got that, honestly. It's all a little teenage in energy, but... what else can you expect from somebody with four total braincells.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash quite honestly loves the vibes!!! They arrived a little early to bring their own share of snacks and arrange those, and then has just been helping or pacing around waiting-

Iseul's also been around for a bit, making some drinks ahead of time and labelling them. He expects to end up making drinks for people later but at least this gives him a little time before that-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi comes down to see what the noise is and also Baka desparately wants to see whats happening.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya has arrived with brandy, vodka, and Russian SNACKS.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess is here and she! is!   Ready!   She comes down from her room with a fangy lopsided grin following after Natsumi, and glances around the place to see everything that has been set up. "Yooooo, good job setting shit up."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani made sure to dress comfortably for the dorm party, excited to hang out with a bunch of friends and just have a good time. Her mood's been so high since coming back to Romania, and she wants to share it with others! She starts bopping her head to the music as soon as she walks down the stairs. "Oh what a vibe!" she exclaims to no one in particular.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo gets to the lobby to see there's already some folks here. He brought his guitar, along with some other bits of music he's been cooking upoff screen to play later if allowed. 

 Lucy trots in behind him and Mia, sniffing everyone within reach. She lingers on Sushi and Iseul for a bit because mmm.. feesh.. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul gets a chill down his spine. And not just because he hears Jess.

Ash turns to everyone approaching and waves cheerfully!!!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess understands, Lucy. Even if she has no idea you're there.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The ghosts surround Lucy with oo’s

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Lucy is loving the attention right now and nuzzling her fellow ghosts!!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani watches the cute little interactions between all the ghost children."Awww, look at them..!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi goes over with a stern glare. In Japanese they talk to the ghosts. ”That cat better stay in the area and without problem or so help me…”

And the ghosts nod in fearful unison

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Kseniya approaches Isuel, putting the Russian liquor down with a hum. "Do you mind mixing me something with the brandy? Get creative, I am not picky, but make it strong yes?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash also feels a bit of secondhand fear-

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"There's a cat???" Jess is staring into the ether.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Lucy has no idea what you just said, Natsumi, but she meows in agreement

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi exits the kitchen with a cocktail in hand and looks at the ghosts for a second. Looks at Natsumi "Hey. Can your little guys drink?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Well that didn't take long- none the less, Iseul gives a warm smile. "Of course." And he walks back to the station he just set up. Get creative, hm...~? 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"You're giving toddlers alcohol??" Jess gives Sushi a face that's a cross of surprise and being impressed. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks at them. “No… they can’t consume things. They just think they can” to which Akari flies up to sushi “OY!! SAKE O NOMU??” 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

last minute decides to add ivy so she gets more interactions adsfhj Ivy wasn't aware there was a party in the dorms today. She really came down to see what all the noise was, and that curiosity led her right into the crowd already starting. Her wings curl to her sides a bit, as if she were trying to hide. She tries to slowwwlyyy escape past everyone to get to the front door... giant bird trying to be a pigeon in this situation.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo finds himself a seat to get settled and set his stuff up while his cat joins him. "Hey Sushi, any chance you brought your bass?" 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess turns back to watch Ivy. She was not aware there were two whole giant buff bird women in this place. Help.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"It'd be fuuunny!" Sushi retorts to Jess before jumping a foot back at the sudden ghost in their face. These things never get any weirder to deal with. At Hugo's question Sushi blinks. "I mean, I can go to my room and get it? Why."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

"You don't have to. Just wondered if you'd wanna try another jam session." He shrugs

Hugo turns to Mia and offhandedly comments "You should hear him, he's pretty good." 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi sighs decides maybe they’ll try drinking. They’re going to the kitchen.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Lucy tries to follow

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Baka is picking up the cat

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

:O She's flying! 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya is casually watching  Iseul work that magic with the booze, before turning to  Natsumi coming into the kitchen. 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Oooh~" Mia gets excited about the notion, standing by where Hugo was sitting and looking to Sushi. "It'd be cool to hear a jam session! If you wanna of course. Oh, want anything to drink mano?" she asked Hugo, pointing towards the kitchen... But before she can think any more, she sees Lucy flying- "Oh god-" she laughs.

Meanwhile, Ivy noticed that there were some strong drinks in the kitchen... which is always something she's willing to partake in. Maybe she can stay a while.. She walks over to where Kseniya was. She doesn't say anything, just gives Kseniya a nod to greet her.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi grins with pride "Hell yeah I'm pretty good. Maybe we jam later? I wanna do other stuff first, but that sounds so cool." 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul looks to be debating between a few ingredients for a moment before picking some ingredients and beginning the process, movements smooth and practiced. As he serves up a brandy smash cocktail (that he may have purposely made stronger than the recipe suggested at Kseniya's request), he turns to Natsumi and waves with a smile. "We have some premade drinks here, if you'd like. Otherwise, if you want something in particular, I can try and make it up for you."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks at Kseniya then looks at the drinks. “How strong are they?”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

auran suddenly feels a disturbance in the force. should he be worried 

Jess decides she might as well drink, considering that's the last joy left in her life. She follows everyone else that seems to be going into the kitchen, very rudely pushing through the crowd. "Aight, do we got vampire booze here or am I forever doomed to feeling nothing?" And she just kind of stops in place and stares as she realizes who's in charge of drinks. "Oh. Hi."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

you probs should Auran yes

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Heck yeah dude." Hugo smiles, then looks to Mia. "Probably something light." He follows her gaze to see Lucy being hovered into the kitchen and huffs, also finding it funny. "Looks like someone's got a new friend."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Strongest are on the farthest left, gets weaker as you get closer to the middle, and then the mocktails are the 3 rows to the right. I put a divider to separate the spiked and the not, and a label for each one." Iseul explains to Natsumi, gesturing as he talks.

... before looking up as Jess pushes her way through. For a moment, he feels his heartrate spark and wonder who would question it too much if he suddenly walked out. But he takes a breath before pulling out the customer service smile. "Hi. You can pick one of the drinks, or I can make you something custom. What'll it be?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi didn’t process much of that. “…left then” and takes the farthest left drink and leaves the kitchen because they sense it’s all annoying ones.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia nods, then heads to the kitchen (following the flying cat) to see if she can ask for a drink. Noticing the line of people already forming, she quietly stands by listening to what Iseul says before grabbing a light drink for Hugo and a strong drink for herself. It's fine, she can handle it! She walks back to Hugo, sits beside him, and hands him the drink.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi meanwhile is sprawling out across the couch and enjoying having a moment to sit down. Sorry if anybody else felt like sitting there.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi walks up to the couch and stares, before just. Sitting on them. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess watched Natsumi leave with the strongest drink and just let out the quietest "... I feel like I'm gonna have to hold that one's hair tonight".  She then turned back to Iseul, turning down the rude meter juuuussssttt a smidge. "... Huh. I'll grab one of these." And grabbed something from the mid-left hoping with everything in her being that it wouldn't have any ingredients that turned to ash in her mouth before leaving the area. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash sneaks through the kitchen to grab a mocktail before heading back to the living room area and snorting, moving to one of the other couches. "So, who wants to have a go at mario kart?

Iseul belatedly wonders if maybe he should've lied to the short beanpole. Eh. Not his circus, not his monkeys, as they say. He hums and waves to Jess' departing back, before lettng out the breath he'd been holding.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Thanks" He quietly thanks Mialani before pulling a straw from his pocket and tucking it under his mask for a sip.

"Maybe when I get a bit more tipsy. I'm cool just watching the chaos for now." Hugo tells Ash. Now where's his cat?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi could complain about being sat on, but that would make him look uncool, so he just bears with it like Natsumi isn't even there. "I don't wanna play, but I'll watch?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess comes back out of the kitchen, drink in hand, and leans in to rest her elbows on the back of the couch, staring down at Sushi with a bit of a smirk. "Wow, what do you wanna do, then? Clearly you're comfy there." 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

“I do not play Mario kart. Not since I lost to a shitty baby peach that cheated at the arcade.” Natsumi huffs. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash snorts at the all around 'no's to mario kart. Damn, who hurt you guys-"Well, there's nooot much point to me playing on my own- We could throw in another game?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"I wanna do something funny. Like, uhhhhhh. Truths and a lie or bottle spinning or something. Bonus point if I don't have to get off the couch." Can he breathe right now? debatable. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

“What is truth bottles??” Natsumi blinks down at him. How you doin pal. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo becomes hyper aware of his mask right now. "I dunno if I can play spin the bottle. Truths and a lie, though-" Sushi you okay dude?

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"ooooo we're doing classic party games okay i'm down-" Ash is kind of looking concerned to a squashed Sushi and drinking Natsumi. Hm."Lets do 2 truths one lie then!! You say two truths and one lie about yourself, and people have to figure out the lie!"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya nodded back at Ivy, moving to grab one of the strong drinks. Thanking Isuel, her attention moves to observing the party. (Aka, albo is driving home now HAH)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

“Eh?? What does that do with bottles??”

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani happily sips on her drink watching the chaos happening around them. She's gonna need to get at least two down before she does much else.

Ivy grabbed one of the strongest drinks available and slinked to the side so others could grab there's, but she decides to stay by the kitchen area not yet feeling comfortable chatting with people she doesn't really know. Luckily, she remembers Iseul."You made these?" she points to the drink in her hand, a small pleased smile on her face. "Very good. I like it." 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Bottles is a different thing, you spin it and have to, like, dare people to do things if it points at them." 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks “ah that sounds funny. We should do that”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie arrives late to the party, very quietly walking into the dorms and just... watching for a bit to see what's going on and who's where.

Jess snorts. "Man I don't remember the last time I played that kind of games. I'm down." And she downs her glass whole.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Is that how it goes?" Well. Better than the version they know. Ash hums and shrugs. They're down either way.

Iseul blinks in surprise before smiling warmly to Ivy. Praise!!!!!"Thank you! I'm glad it's to your taste!!" "We've been on a mission before, right? I don't know if we exchanged names."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

At some point, Lucy's escaped Baka's hold and come to sit in Mia's lap.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Overhearing more noise than usual, Bones has assumed there must be some kind of mission or briefing happening at the dorms and has wandered in unceremoniously. Probably straight through the wall next to Leslie, sorry sir.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie absolutely jumped startled.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani is just all smiles now, enjoying her drink, ghost kitty on her lap, and excited to watch people play a variation of a HS game... ahh memories..

Ivy nodded to Iseul, taking good size gulps of the drink."Yes, we were in part of an interrogation. You had quick thinking for it. Very good work." she nods again, agreeing with herself.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"ja, we should get a bottle. Do we have a bottle?" they look around, notice bones and leslie and wave.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Leslie waves back with a tiny smile, finally approaching the group. "There's a bottle?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo just keeps sipping his drink while they figure something out

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi finally gets sick of being sat on and attempts to suddenly roll over enough to shove Natsumi onto the floor.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess cheers. "Wrestling match!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hops up after downing the rest of their drink, and heads to the kitchen quickly.

Iseul is absolutely beaming at the praise. "Aha, thank you- And I appreciated yours and Kseniya's protectiveness during it. I appreciated having the support for if things turned.... bad." 

Ash goes up to Iseul and asks for an empty bottle, to which he gives them an empty glass one. On the way out, they snatch another drink and appear back in the living room with both the bottle an their new drink. "Bottle obtained!!!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"ah-" they stumble a bit and spill some of the drink in their hand onto the floor. "oy!" they stand up and sigh, staring at the carpet 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

After seeing Sushi finally tried to get Natsumi off, Hugo checks the invisible watch on his wrist. "5 minutes." Then sees the mess. "Here, I'll get it." He sets his drink down somewhere and goes to find something to clean the spill. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi sits up and grins. "Sorry, accident." Before cheering when Ash brings back a bottle. "Nice! Who goes first?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Don't we need to be sitting in a circle for that?" Jess put down her empty glass and sat down top of the back of the couch.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi stares at their drink and sighs, before.... foolishly knocking the whole thing back.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya hums in agreement, "Very good, good strength" peering into the living room, she spots the tiny fellow who'd gotten the VERY strong drink as well. "Hmmm...there will be mess...are they playing game? We should join " 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo gets back with some paper towels and something to keep the carpet from staining. The cleanup is thankfully short!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie winces. "Ooohhh... good luck with that later." 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

They cough a bit and wince "Blegh! Why does it taste bad???"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani laughs at the '5 minutes' comment before instinctively reaching over to cover Hugo's drink (assuming with a napkin she probably grabbed with it for the condensation). A little habit of hers. 

"Of course. That is what teams are for. I have no doubt that person would have regretted the day he was born if they had done anything more out of line." Ivy said matter-of-factly, before taking another gulp of her drink."Hm?" she glances to the living room and her wings slightly curl around her again. "Game? I am not sure I am much for... whatever it is they'll play..." no she's totally not just being shy shh

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Making this more interesting, huh?" Sushi finishes off the last of their thankfully much weaker drink and finds a spot to sit on the floor. "Circle, like this, right?" Bone is still just kind of watching, no visible thoughts on this situation.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Thank you Mia, even though Hugo's sure no one here would try anything like that. "We getting on the floor?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Nonsense,  we go" Kseniya is yoinking her towards the circle. "Isuel, are you coming?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash watches the scene and... looks concerned at Natsumi chugging the whole thing. Hm. From experience, they know that's not gonna go well. Lets just.... make sure they got Auran's number ready for later-"Ah- Yeah!! Lets get in a circle!!! Sushi, since you're the host, wanna spin it first?" 

"Aha, sorry Natsumi, alcohol's kind of bitter. You can always ask for a sweeter one later." 

Iseul considers this night successful! "Mm! To have each other's backs!" "Ah, I can come with! Give me a sec...." He puts his supplies away quickly before moving to the other side of the counter. "Ready!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi huffs and finds a place to sit. "dont we need to move the table??"

Mirror comes out, fed up with all the noise. "What the fuck are you doing out here? The music is stupid loud."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess rubs her hands and sits down giggling, patting spot next to her for Leslie to sit down at.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Ivy is being yoiked. Her expression is very much representing the feeling of 'ah shit-' 

Mia glances up at who's yapping and realizes it's Mirror... great. She takes a breath."Dorm party. They're trying to play a mix of spin the bottle and truth or dare or something."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Hey Mirror- We're having a casual party! Care to join?" Ash smiles, even though Mirror probably can't see it. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Morning sunshine." Hugo quips in Mirror's direction as he sits down to join the circle.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror pauses, crosses her arms. "You squares are gonna play spin the bottle? Half of you don't look like the types to want to make out with people."

Natsumi blinks. "Make out???"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Pretty sure that's not the kind we're doing"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I would." Sushi comments casually.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"We were gonna change it up and mix in some dares."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie chokes on air.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"You good, dude?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"'m fINE-" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"I know you would you whore-y little fish" she sniffs "Oooh you have drinks? Fine I'll join. Sides, you guys won't make it interesting on your own." She goes and grabs a drink from the kitchen, before plopping down next to Sushi. "So spin the bottle but truth or dare? You guys decide what the punishment is?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia rolls her eyes and starts chugging down her drink. She's gonna need a couple to tolerate Mirror's attitude... after that she should be chipper as usual.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Nodding, Kseniya finds a spot  in the circle, patting on either side for Ivy and Iseul to sit. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Lucy gives Mirror's hand a lil sniff. Who dis?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"There's punishment?" Sushi blinks. "I dunno, I only played this with friends once. Nobody needed to be punished."  Bones has also joined the circle, because that seems to be what everybody else is doing.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Well yeah. If someone refuses to do the dare or answer the truth, they get a punishment. Usually its like... take a shot, or eat something gross, or strip a piece of clothing. Shit like that." is it obvious she is very comfortable with these kind of parties

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy sits down quietly beside Kseniya. Who are all these people-

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

If anyone sees Andy watching from the stairwell snacking on chips no you don't.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul ignores Mirror and plops down next to Kseniya, giving an encouraging smile to Ivy! 

"Well, we got the drinks- lets do shots, maybe?" Ash suggests-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I always vote for stripping because no one gets shit faced and no one eats anything weird but~" Mirror sips on her drink

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Just don't chicken out and we'll never have to come up with punishments." Sushi offers.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"People always chicken out. They're lame. You know that."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Yeah that seems about right for you" Jess retorts at Mirror with a sarcastic snort.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"I do know that..." Sushi laments.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi goes to get another drink before sitting back down

"Jealous, baby-fangs?" Mirror grins

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy looks down at her one real piece of clothing covering her up... and hopes that stripping isn't a punishment for her. Drinking, she can do.

Meanwhile, Mia had already went to go get a second and third drink for herself. She's stocking up now so she doens't have to get up as much. Both are strong.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie stares at Natsumi. "... Haven't you already downed a whole glass--"

Jess hisses at Mirror.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo siiiips

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks at Leslie and nods, looking down at their drink. "I never drank much in Japan... its gross but I don't feel that bad. Kind of warm." 

"Aaaaaanyways, we can do dealer's... or I guess spinner's choice. They decide the punishment. Just know if you don't do my dares or truths you're getting naked~"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Mmm..." Leslie cannot see that going well. "... Pace yourself, if you're not used to it"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi grabs the bottle "Too much talking, not enough spinning." And with that gives it a twirl until it lands on Leslie. "Oooh, hey! Pick wisely."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash siiighs at how quickly this is devolving, but brightens up at the compromise. "Yes, that sounds good!! Spinner's choice punishment!!" "Also Natsumi, try to drink slowly, 'kay? The warm feeling lasts a little longer if you take your time with it." Is that a truth? Is that a lie? - OOOP and they're off!!!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"-- Oh that was too fast. Huh... Dare?" 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Brave start, dude"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Make it good Sushi." Mirror hums, sipping again.

Natsumi just nods and actually sips this time. They still don't seem to like the taste.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi hums for a moment. ".....Go to the bathroom, get a bar of soap, and bite it?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul cringes at that. Ew.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo chokes on his drink a little

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks. "Ehhhh..."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia laughs quietly to herself.

Ivy tilts her head, cringing.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie squints at Sushi in confusion with a grimace but does get up and go. And returns with a soap bar. And bites it. Fully holding eye contact with Sushi the entire time. Trying so hard not to gag.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Aw, no- Hugo cringes, knowing that must be awful.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Hohhh" Natsumi is impressed. That's really gross.

Mirror is silent. She has no fucking clue if they did it.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul decidedly looks up at the ceiling.

"Well, this is a... start. You wanna go get a drink from the kitchen to wash that down, Leslie?" Ash chirps!!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Nice, dude..!" Mia exclaims to Leslie, laughing lightly.

Ivy cringes some more."What have you gotten us into..." she whispers to Kseniya

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi cracks up at the eye contact. "Oh my god, dedication!" Bones is fairly sure that isn't supposed to be eaten.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I'm guessing they did it. So they get to go neeext~" Mirror sips more drink

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya is unimpressed with the dare, to be absolutely honest. She whispers back, "Team Building."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"............................. I'm gonna go burn the taste out of my mouth." And they grab a drink and sit back down. Still shuddering at the taste, but spins the bottle, which lands on Bones. ".... Oh. Well. Truth or dare!" 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Bones stares down at the bottle. It can't exactly eat soap, so it goes for the other option. "Truth?" 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Αμάν..." Ivy continued to gulp at her drink to distract from the cringe. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... Man, I don't know what to ask a cryptid-- Huh..." They seem to be blanking out for a while, just staring at Bones. "... Who's the most annoying person in the room?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"That's a crappy truth, man." Mirror sighs.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"That's an odd thing to want to know, I am neutral on most of you." It looks around the room for a second, assessing who's here. "...That one." They eventually point at Sushi, remembering their arrogant behavior at speed dating. I'm not insulting anybody elses oc today motherfucker. Sushi for their part just grins and gives a vague salute. They're not even mad.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"..... Look I couldn't think of anything else that'd make any sense to ask you either. Your turn then!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash snorts and is glad that Sushi seems to take it like a champ. "Alright, your turn to spin the bottle and truth or dare someone, Bones!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"I have to make the bottle spin?" Bones is only just picking up the rules.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟


Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 


🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia raises a brow and laughs lightly at the interesting answer. She continues to sip her second drink. She's putting these down fast.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Bones gives the bottle a fairly gentle spin, only twirling a few times before landing on Kseniya. It says nothing and just looks at her. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya stares back at it, "You are to ask me if I want truth or dare now"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Do you want a truth or a dare?" This is going to be the most boring round, I already know it. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is tired, jet lagged, but mentally and emotionally feels really good about himself! Looking forward to relaxing and- oh shit there's a party. fuck it he's had a whole (currently offscreen) arc let's get it. gets a drink from the kitchen and starts spectating the bottle spinning from a door frame 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"I am not imagining either with be very interesting, but let us do dare." Drier than the Sahara. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Amazing." Jess is snorting at how this round is going.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror slams back the rest of her drink. Fuck man hurry up.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy raised a brow and gave a side smile. Love the attitude Kseniya.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo takes another sip and nearly leans on Mia. Looks like the alcohol's kicking in.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul chuckles to himself as he pulls out his phone. Ash laughs outright and stretches, waiting.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia glanced over to Hugo and smiles, adjusting how she sat so he could lean on her legs (assuming he's on the floor and she isn't). Gonna take starting her third drink for her to get tipsy, so she's still good! 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Bones looks around the circle like it's seeking guidance. "...Am I allowed to take suggestions?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror sighs "Tell her to stand on her head for a minute"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie spots Spare from afar and waves at him! 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Yes, attempt that." 

Sushi takes this moment to get up and grab another drink before sliding back into their spot as fast as possible.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare waves back so hard and smiles way too bright.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya blinked, "Is that all? Alright" The former circus gymnast stands to her feet and finds an open spot. With an inhale and exhale, she deftly flips to her hands, arms holding her steady. Do not be gay at the arm muscles, whatever you do. "Iseul! Keep time for me, yes?" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul gives a thumbs up!! "Time starting now!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks "woooow!" they lean back to see better "Sugoi!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi openly whistles at the athletics. Not that they couldn't also totally do that.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy watched Kseniya walk over where she does and smirks impressed."Exceptional." she states plainly, glancing to Iseul once they say they started the timer.

Mia meanwhile made an impressed expression before glancing over to Spare who had appeared out of nowhere."Welcome to the party."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Yoooo!!! Go Kseniya go!!!" Ash cheers!!!!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Ok that's actually pretty sick. Hugo watches Kseniya for a moment before finally noticing Spare's here. He nods at him.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess oofs and steals Leslie's drink to sip on while watching. Eyes glued to the bird.

"Hey--!" Leslie does not take their drink back, but does also watch. "Oh damn, wish that were me." ... Very good form. They're impressed.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Oh...I am to spin bottle  still--I can do that during dare??" Her minute is probably almost up actually LOL.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror stands up and goes to get another drink. "You're probably done, parakeet."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Aaaaaand time!!" Iseul taps his phone!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Not the correct bird, μάγος." Ivy quickly comments to Mirror with a hint of spite. (it means magician)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Its a bird so whatever" gets her drink and goes back to her spot.

Natsumi sips again. Swaying a little.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Snowy owl actually, but I can understand you lack knowledge in many areas" She nods her thanks to Isuel, returning to her upright position. "Thank you, I shall spin now" 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is taking a moment looking in a slight bit of awe before noticing that he's being noticed. Okay, fuck it time to get in there like carpet. He's not asking he's gonna get in there and- okay wait no fuck this is awkward. shuffles in for a slot

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

She spins the bottle, and it lands on Mirror. "Truth or Dare?" She glances at the witch. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I'm not about to do whatever militaristic tatic you have in mind. Truth." she sips her drink

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy snorts at Kseniya's comment before finishing up her drink. She goes to grab Kseniya ad herself another strong pair of drinks before plopping back down.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul brings out his fan to hide the smirk that threatens to show at Kseniya's words, but lowers it to smile at the 'thank you'. Oh, and then it lands on Mirror. Convenient timing. 

Ash notices the swaying and wonders if they should hold onto Natsumi to steady them. They may be gently already taking their arm to keep hold of them. (we keeping natsumi from falling!!)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess continues sipping on the drink while staring at Kseniya over the glass. Siiiiiiiiiip.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi jumps at their arm being touched and looks at Ash, blinking. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi kinda perks up now that the bottle is on Mirror, wondering if her turn will lead to a fun dare.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Your ignorance is very loud, I have never been in military." She pauses to think, "What is the worst pain you have ever experienced? It can be physical or emotional, I do not care" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Because Natsumi jumps, Ash also jumps before giving an apologetic smile. "Ah- Sorry sorry- I can let you go if you don't wanna be touched- it's just - you looked like you were about to tip over. Do you wanna lean back against the couch-?"

... That's a bit of a specific question, Kseniya-

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"I am specific person")) 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"...Interesting." Bones comments.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror hums, thinking. "Hmm.... one time I went to this pub, they were featuring some local band and everyone was going crazy about them. Like, lots of drunk people. The band got all hype and shit, and the crowd went nuts and through a series of unfortunate drunk events I ended up tripping on this frat dude who was ass-naked on the ground near the bar and busted my chin on the bar edge. Blood everyway, split clean open. Had ta get stitches, it sucked." then takes a sip 

Natsumi blinks again and scoots away a little. "I am alright."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Daaaaaamn." That is not what Sushi expected, and yet somehow entirely what he expected.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"oof" Mia cringed at the story. By now she'd started her third drink, so she was tipsy enough to interact more. "I'd have been so maaad..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie spots Natsumi and gives them a bit of a concerned look. They're gonna keep an eye out,

"Serves you right" Jess muttered under her breath.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Oh I was pissed! A steel toe went straight to his crotch while I held my chin together waiting on paramedics." she huffs then scoots and pats around for the bottle. "Anyways~" she gives it a good spin, landing on Ash. "alrighty pinky, truth or dare"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Honestly, fair." Mia nods, agreeing.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya hums at the story, grabbing the fresh drink from Ivy with an appreciative nod.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

the nickname 'nutcracker' passes through spare's head and he finds it fitting for someone like mirror. he's not yet brave enough to say it out loud though

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash lets go of Natsumi, their body language speaking enough. "If you're sure. Sorry." They turn to Mirror at her story telling and wince. "Yikes- Glad you were able to get back at least-" Oop and then the bottle's on them- "Hmmm~ Dare, sapphire." They got nothing to lose by saying no to her dares so-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Ohoho ok let me think" she hums "I dare you to.... give tongue to the toddler vampire."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess is snapped back to reality "Wait what-"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“The what who?” Hugo was zoning out until Mirror said that

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"I think I have to ask for consent for that one-" Ash looks to Jess with a tilted head.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Fiiine. Are you chicken, you green menace?" Mirror leans on her hand, facing Jess

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

She makes. a clearly disgusted face. ".......... Dare's a dare, I suppose. And stop calling me a baby, you fuckin bitch"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia is siiiippiiiing her drink, hiding a smile. That sounded more like a dare she was used to hearing-

Ivy is confused. She leans over to Kseniya. "Give tongue...?" she asks in a whisper. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi sips their drink "Damn, you guys get the fun ones?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya leans over, "They will be kissing with tongue in mouth"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"How do you give away your tongue??" Natsumi blinks, sipping more

"Oh. Nevermind."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"aishh.." Ivy reacted, cringing a bit at the idea.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare takes a sip. he is just gonna sit here and embrace the feeling of amusement

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo, respectfully, looks away

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror smirks and summons butterflies with a snap

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash laughs before standing up, walking over to Jess and sitting in front of her. "Ready, then?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia pats Hugo's head lightly. It's okay, she'll watch for the both of them.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Dios mio... make it fast." And she goes for it.

Leslie grimaces and looks away.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi stares, sipping

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Kseniya is watching intensely as usual.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare leans over for a better look and is. immediately overwhelmed by the sight and is gonna just. cover his eyes. peeks through fingers.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi watches completely nonchalantly.  

Bones does not know what is happening at this point. Why hasn't it left yet.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia sips her drink, eyes wide that Ash actually is doing this- oh look at that her third drink is done.

Ivy respectfully, looks away.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash goes for it and makes it quick. On the bright side, they're a great kisser! They back up as soon as they're done and go back over to their spot next to Natsumi. "Okay, done! Where's the bottle!!"

Iseul admittedly got a picture but just kind of shrugs at it.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess wipes her mouth and sits back down.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Wow I congratulate you on having balls." Mirror chides.

Natsumi is side staring at Ash alittle. Woooow.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Bones gestures at the bottle with a tip of it's hat. "It has not moved."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Eh, you're not the first person to ask this. Probably won't be the last. It's whatever." Ash says to Mirror, smiles at Natsumi with a shrug, before reaching for the bottle. "At the end of the day, a kiss is just a kiss. Doesn't have to have anything attached, really." They spin it, and it... lands on them. They snort and spin again. "Hugo, you're up! Truth or dare bud!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror mutters "Well this will be boring" she sips more of her drink.

Natsumi finishes their second drink and is definitely... warm. Leaning forward on their knees more.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

... Leslie leans over Jess to reach a hand out to steady Natsumi.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

It might be the alcohol talking, or maybe Hugo just wants to prove Mirror wrong, but he decides he's gonna do a dare! "Dare me."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi once again jumps at being touched and blinks, looking at Jess and Leslie. 

"Oh my god he has some balls." Mirror chimes

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi also looks a little more flushed than normal, waving their glass in the air as they speak "Yeahhh, dare him!"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie does take their hand back. "... You good?" 

Jess glances at Natsumi and gets up to go get them a glass of water.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia glanced down at Hugo, eyes slightly wide and just hopes the dare won't be too embarrasing. In the meantime, she quickly slinks away to get two more drinks: strong for her.. medium strength for Hugo. She wouldn't grabbed a light one but she wanted to get back quick. Mia plops back in her seat, obviously tipsy but in a fun way.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Oh shit. Now i have to think of a dare." They were very much ready with a truth. They think for a moment, before laughing. "Do your favorite tiktok dance!!"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia snorts, quickly taking a gulp of her drink so she doesn't laugh-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Their face is quite flushed and they sort of nod. "I'm- fine. Im gonna get 'nother.....drink" they get up and manage to walk to the kitchen, albeit wobbly. 

Mirror "Oh well I need more butterflies for this" she summons more

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Yeah.... Iseul is gonna go replace all the drinks with mocktails in a sec.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Get me one too?" Sushi calls after Natsumi.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Haaaai" they catch the doorway and stumble into the kitchen

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... That... doesn't seem smart--" Leslie just watches them go in concern. Ah.

Jess shoves the glass of water in Natsumi's hand in the kitchen.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"My favorite.." Hugo pauses to think. Does he have a favorite?  He has to think for a minute before he remembers one. "Crap-" He mutters, and pulls out his phone. "Does that speaker have bluetooth?" 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Sure, it's already playing from my phone. You're giving us a full experience?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi looks at the water and sits it on the counter. "Ah no sankyou..." they start pouring two new drinks. They don't know how to mix drinks. Its fine. 

Mirror summons more butterflies

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"My dude I will have to clean your vomit off our room if you get wasted." Jess can already see how this is gonna go.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

"Dancing without music is more awkward-" He grunts as he gets up, gait unsteady. After an awkward moment of Hugo trying to pull up the song, he does the Toca Toca dance! Pretty well, actually, for a drunk man. He doesn't do the whole song though, since he almost trips over someone's leg.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul appears in the kitchen a bit after. "Hello~ do we need more drinks? I could mix some up!"

Ash gets ready to watch and cheers to the dancing!!!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess gives Iseul an exasperated 'help me over here' look.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia pulled out her phone to record- only his body though. She made sure the camera wasn't on his face. She giggles at his dance before slumping back into her seat, happily drunk. At some point she glances at the butterflies Mirror summoned."Wooow, pretty.." she comments to herself.

Ivy is very amused, actually smirking at this little dance. It's something!

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya is not sure what dance she's witness, but this Hugo has the spirit!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Bones is not sure what it's watching in general. Interesting moves, little man.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash claps and sings along!!!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"What? I'm not gonna....uh.... puke. I am fine" they pick up their totally fine drinks. Then look at Iseul. "I got it." they're heading for the living room, prayers be. "Sushi dozo" and hand Sushi their totally fine drink. 

Mirror smirks and whistles "okay masked man"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess stares. And sighs. Whatever if they black out she tried.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Am I done?" Hugo asks, a tiny bit of his southern drawl slipping in while he goes to sit down anyway.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"... well, I tried. Want to help me really quick?" Iseul looks around and lowers his voice. "I'm going to start replacing the alcoholic drinks." 

"You're done!!! You did awesome!!!" Ash gives a grin and two thumbs up!!! 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Thaaank you." Sushi takes the drink. Sniffs it suspiciously. Wow, is Natsumi challenging them? Challenge accepted, they attempt to do the glass like a shot and gag miserably.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Yeah." Mia speaks up to Hugo, then leans down to pat the floor in front of her. "Come back and spin the bottle 'mano."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks at Sushi "is it.....bad?" 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

".... Yeah I got you." Jess decides it's probably better for everyone involved if she just cooperates and they can replace everything quickly.

Leslie's just watching the two punks and mentally preparing for having to carry at least one of them.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Sweet." He plops down next to Mia and grabs the bottle giving it a spin until it lands on... Mirror. He looks up at her. "Truth or dare miss ma'am."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi coughs like six more times before pulling the straightest face they can manage. "....Is good."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare has gives hugo a while he downs his glass real quick. only thing better than a bunch of drunks is one more drunk

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya saw that, Sushi. There was an attempt.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror grins "Dare me daddy" 

Natsumi blinks "....ok!" and they roughly sit back in their spot. Y'all can smell the pure alcohol in the glass. Be ready for a very upset face

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy covers her mouth to muffle the smallest laugh at Sushi's attempt.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo visibly buffers for a moment

"Uh.. Okay. You have to speak pig latin for a minute."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare is catching that visible buffer and is saving it to memory. wait, pig latin?

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia raises a brow at Mirror. She might be drunk, but that's still her brother she's talking to-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror looks so disappointed. "Ugh... ine-fay. is-thay i-say eally-ray oring-bay."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo just snorts. Apparently he's finding this really funny in his drunken state.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare lets out a snort. "this is pretty amusing to me, mirror"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi blinks at Mirror and then looks down at their glass. And quietly leans back to put it on the coffee table.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"ou're-yay oth-bay ame-lay."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Come on, it's kind of funny." Mia chimes in with a grin.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi looks so confused, what the fuck is she saying

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash snorts at Mirror's response, and then laughs into their hand at the dare. Play stupid games, get stupid answers. 

Iseul hums and lays out his supplies again, handing Jess a few recipes for the sober versions of some of the drinks before getting to work himself. "Let me know if you need help mixing."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare has gone up to chuckling

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo just smirks. “ five minutes then if you think it’s too boring”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

She huffs and finds the bottle, spinning it. It lands on Spare. "kay-oay. uth-tray or-ay are-day?" then flips off Hugo

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo just cackles. Yes, cackles.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare has gone up to laughing "wait, wait! that's not fair! you ca-can't ask me that like that! it's hard to take seriously! truth!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash leans over to high five Hugo.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie's chuckling at Mirror. Ok that's funny.

"I think I can follow a recipe but--" And Jess just gets to work. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo high fives Ash. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"kay-oay-- Okay its definitely been a minute." she huffs "Okay... are you a virgin?" 

Natsumi idly takes a sip of their drink, unfortunately decent sip before immediately coughing and gagging, quickly putting their glass on the floor

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 


👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I could ask worse" Mirror shrugs

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Ugh, I don't wanna hear this, be right back." Sushi swoops up their drink and heads back to the kitchen to try and re mix it into something bearable.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare takes a moment to chill out, his nerves melted away for a moment. "heh heh... okay, okay. sorry, about laughing and picking truth. i wouldn't mind worse! this one i'm not too ashamed of! i've uh..." wait no nerves coming back "er... a couple of... times."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash slooowly puts their hand over the glass. "Natsumi? Do you need some water?" Asked slowly and gently. 

Iseul hums, once again working smoothly and giving tips to Jess as he desposits his drink into glasses.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror shrugs "a no is fine, i didn't ask for your belt notches. Spin the thing" she sips her drink

Natsumi sticks out their tongue, wincing "eugh it taste so bad!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi barges into the kitchen, pours out half of his drink and refills it with the nearest mixer before leaving and sliding back to the circle just as chaotically. Sorry to interrupt mocktail time.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Right! Right." spins it quick like taking a shot. it lands on spare. "..." spins again. Mirror! "Huh, take your pick, Nutcracker." has the bravery to say it this time and with a smile

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Damn it loves me. Uhhhhh truth" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash brings it up to sniff and makes a face before putting it back down with a chuckle. "You didn't mix it with anything. No coca cola, no juice- you're just having straight alcohol, and straight alcohol sucks. Lets go get you something else, yeah?" 

Iseul waves to Sushi as cy comes and goes-

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess just starts working faster.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia raises a brow at Spare's change in energy. Guess he lost his nerve. No matter, she sips at her drink and... what do you know, it's empty. She's happily drunk but... she's going to get more. Although she sees the two making some drinks, she decides to slyly make her own. She can tell those are mocktails...

Ivy is vibing

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

At this point, Hugo’s leaning on Mia because this man’s gonna tip over otherwise

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi nods, teary eyed and grossed out. "hai." and muttering in japanese "it taste so bad. awful drink."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

...Mia made sure to bring a mocktail and water for Hugo, too, plopping right back where she was she he doesn't fall. She pets his head while handing him the fake drink. She'll keep her own away from him so he doesn't accidentally drink more alcohol- 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Okay... hm. Who... What's the question you don't wouldn't want to be asked? Yes, that's my question." he looks proud of himself for thinking it up

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"...bitch that made no sense" 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Wuh- that makes perfect sense! Do I pick a different one?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"You asked me what question i don't wouldn't want to be asked. Since that's a double negative, you mean you wanna know what I want to be asked? Fine. I wanna be asked to get married by a hot rich guy so I don't have to deal with anything ever again." 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"You could get that easy if you talk to rich guys, you've got nice boobs." Sushi comments. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Kasper's already taken though" Hugo blurts out, then sips his water. He is not paying attention to anything rn.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"A dream-" Mia laughed at Mirror's answer being  laughing more at Hugo's response. "Oh my god-"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I know and it damn sucks. He's got like, a whole inheritance" Mirror laments, then grabs the bottle. Spins and boom, lands on Sushi "Alright fishy, truth or dare?" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul finishes up on his end with his drinks- 

Ash hums and helps Natsumi up. "I know. Lets go get something to wash it out." They start leading them to the kitchen. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya is having a great time casually listening in to the commentary. Very entertaining.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"I did not say that! I said 'what question wouldn't-... never mind." pouts. already movin' on, spare!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Ohh finally! Dare dare dare!" Sushi bounces and spills their drink a little. Xe was getting bored. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess finishes hers too and stares at them somewhat proudly with her hands on her hips. "... Cool now we can go back before they suspect too much" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Totally did you drunk little gnome" then turns to Sushi "Okay, make out with someone in the room. I'll even be nice and let you pick this time. Gotta do it for like, a minute." 

Natsumi stands with Ash and nods, heading for the kitchen. They nearly clip their hip on the couch but keep themselves from falling, luckily. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

xe's gotta what. spare is a little nervous to see where this goes

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"I'm betting they pick one of the birds" Hugo whispers to Mia.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi looks around. Damn there's a lot of decent options. "Uhhhhhh. Any of you gonna say hell no if I ask?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo slightly raises his hand

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

... Leslie can feel their heart skipping a heartbeat but chooses to ignore it.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"I do not have a mouth." Bones comments.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare takes a moment to ask himself that question. he comes back to himself a moment later to realise he's totally okay with the idea. stores the implication of that away for later.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"I would not say no, because I will not have you fail your dare" Kseniya replies.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Man this water tastes so good. Loud sip.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia laughs lightly at what Hugo says. "Maybe- maybe they'll choose someone unexpected." she comment, sipping her drink. Happy drunk happy smiles 

Ivy doesn't comment, as if that would make her invisible.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror shrugs. "I don't care. Just watch your teeth"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul chuckles and nods proudly, before gesturing Jess to follow before walking out casually with one of the drinks. Makes it more natural, like he and Jess didn't just speedrun mixing mocktails- "Nope, I wouldn't object. Not that you'd choose me." Teasingly said- 

Ash 'oop's and carefully moves them a bit away from the couch before they lead them to the kitchen!! 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess comes to sit back down too. "I already kissed one person today what's one more"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi grins. "Cool, barely any nos, I feel special. Hey, you're hot, want to make out?" They point at Mia despite her not being in the circle.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi goes with Ash and gets a better fake-drink, rubbing their hip a bit. They sort of half bow to Ash as thanks, splling a little and go back to their seat. They blink in confusion "whats happenin?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Sushi will be making out with Mia" Kseniya nods at the choice.

"Well if she agrees"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo blanks for a moment before looking at Mia.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"oooohhh" they sip on their drink. much better. doesn't taste like gasoline

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia wasn't expecting to be picked, and did a double take when she was."Me?" she points to herself with a raised brow before laughing lightly. "Sure, why not. Not the first time that's happened to me~" she shrugs. "I'm not moving though, you gotta come here." 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Niiiice." Sushi wobbles to their feet and goes for it. I'm not writing making out indepth you can use your imagination. Mind the teeth.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

As soon as Sushi approaches, Hugo quickly scoots away. He's not leaning on Mia while she's making out with someone.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash chirps a "no problem!" to Natsumi before taking a drink themselves, blinking at the taste and then looking over the drinks contemplatively. "... Hm~" They decide to shrug it off and join the circle again, taking their seat from before. "Mia? Oh same sister-" They give Mia a salute, before giving Hugo a sympathetic expression.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess whistles at them really loudly.

Leslie is looking away again.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Sorry Hugo, Mia used to party a lot so this is nothing new to her- good thing she's a great kisser! But yes, mind the teeth

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare is happy enough with one make out session and is gonna go get another drink. is not aware they've been replaced with mocktails

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Good job! Alright Sushi your turn" Mirror whistles

Natsumi leans their head on their knees. Its heavy. They're tired.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy is still in the background watching. Chip bag long emptied. This is surprisingly entertaining.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi leans back and grins, if there was any light lip shreddage they didn't notice they did it. They flop back into the circle and give the bottle a spin, landing on Ivy. "Ohh hey, your first one? Truth or Dare?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Ngh-" Mia flinched a bit, having gotten nipped from Sushi. She had to feel to see if there was blood. "Wasn't expecting them to get bitey~" she laughs lightly, not complaining to be honest.

Ivy's wings stiffened, showing her surprise when she got picked."Ah. Yes. Truth." she says simply, not feeling comfortable with doing a dare.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo scoots back to leans on Mia. Sorry he's really cuddly right now.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

It's fine Hugo, she'll go back to petting his head

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror finishes her drink and sighs. "Well while you get that question, I'm out. This was mildly entertaining, shockingly." and gets up

Natsumi. Might be asleep on their knees.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Aww, I suck at thinking of these." Sushi contemplates for a moment. "Uuuuhhhh..... If you had to pick make out with anyone in the room, who would you pick?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Easy. Kseniya." Ivy says matter-of-factly, pointing a clawed thumb towards Kseniya right next to her. She has no shame.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess' expression changes suddenly. Uh oh. She can smell the blood. "........ Yeah maybe lick that off quickly--" 

Leslie is scooting across the outside of the circle to go sit next to Natsumi just in case. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi looks at Kseniya contemplatively. "..Yeah, that's fair." They're starting to notice things winding down and people getting tired. "...Wanna spin it one last time, and then we call it quits?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash looks over to Natsumi and reaches for one of the blankets on the couch, draping it on their shoulders. "Spin it for the heck of it, I say."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror peaces out and goes to her room.

Natsumi shifts a bit but does move much.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya glances at Ivy, "I am curious to your reasons for that, but it is good to know"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Hmm..." Mia licks her slowly, tasting the blood. "Tastes sweet, oddly enough." she laughs at herself and slumps into the couch.

"Because you are lovely. Simple." Ivy nods, blunt once again. She then goes to spin the bottle and it lands on Natsumi who... seems to be falling asleep? "...You're next, little one." she points to Natsumi.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Natsumi isn't the only one who seems to be knocking out. Hugo's cheek is pressed into Mialani's shoulder and his eyes are shut.  Good night, sweet prince...

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"They're asleep, sorry!"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Her lovely? Thats a first, but Kseniya's not questioning it.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I think you can spin it again." Bones offers.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess makes a face at Mia. "Dangerous words." 

Leslie blinks and lightly shakes Natsumi's arm to wake them up. "Your turn- oh."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi jolts and jumps away from Leslie, standing up quickly and then wobbling. "EH-" blinks, looks around "....ah" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hangs their head.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Oh jeez sorry--" They put their hands up in a peace gesture.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Truth or dare, dude!" Sushi calls over at Natsumi a little too loud.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks and sighs, breath having kicked up. They rub their eyes sleepily "nani... ah... uh.... d....dare..."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"They do not seem fit to continue." Bones points out.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Can you blame me?" Mia smirks to Jess. She continues to pet Hugo's hair, fully fine with the idea that they're probaly stuck sitting there till he wakes up. 

Ivy thought a bit."You are correct." she nods to Bones. "You're dared to go to bed. I believe we've played long enough."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"mm... hai..." they start walking towards the stairs sleepily. They do not make it up the stairs. They instead trip, with the ghosts flying over to them trying to pick them up but well. They are ghosts.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Judging by the soft snoring, you’re not getting up for a bit. Sorry Mia.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash squeaks and jumps up to go help Natsumi.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"I'm just sayin', not wise words to utter to a vampire who can smell your blood."

Leslie ran so fast to catch Natsumi. "... Alright dude I'm carrying you."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Ehhh? daijo......bu." they try again. didn't work.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Daijo-nothing." And they get picked up.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare is alarmed to see natsumi stumbling but, they'll be fine with friends like that.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

they act like they're fighting it but lbr they got the strength of a spaghetti noodle currently.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie snorts and turns to the rest of the group. "Alright I'm taking this one up to rest, good night guys."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy smiles, entertained by the attempt.

"Ahhh, that's riiiight- my bad muñequita." she says with an apologetic smile.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 


🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Alright, if you've got it- Night night Natsumi, Night Leslie!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi snickers a little at Natsumi "Damn, lightweight huh?" Before standing up and stretching "But yeah, probably enough of that. I'll turn music down, you can hang around and chill if you want."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul waves to the two departing, before getting on his feet. "I should probably start cleaning up. ... Ah, does anyone want to help me finish off the drinks? Don't worry, we ran out of the alcoholic ones a while ago-"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess sighs. "I would but I think the non-alcoholic ones probably just turn to ash in my mouth."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

natsumi does just. pass out p quickly. they're dead its fine

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Ah so we are finished then?" Kseniya stands to her feet, stretching out her wings, "I will get my Vodka and brandy and will return to room then" She glances at Iseul, "I will hlep you clean up and finish off the other drinks" 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"I haven't had a lot, get me some!"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy also stands, turning to the side so she can stretch one wing at a time. She's trying to be considerate."I can also help with the extra drinks."

Mia is stuck with Hugo on the couch this is fine, let the siblings rest there asdfghj

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Ah, shame. I can make you something that doesn't turn ashy to taste, if you want." As a thank you for helping him speed-mix- But he beams at the people who offer to help finish off the drinks! "Alright, meet me in the kitchen then!"

Ash does go to get two drinks- one to pass to Mia and the other to drink themselves-

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi kind of just sprawls out on the floor giddily, vodka hitting them hard at this point. "Ehhhh, leave the drinks, I still want some..." They do not get back up until they pass out. Adios. Bones assists in cleaning up, seeing as it has nothing else to do, before leaving unceremoniously.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Oh that'd be cool, if you're ok with that." Jess stares down at Sushi and kicks their leg. "... Oi. Do you need to be carried too." 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Should we bring down sleeping bags?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"If you carry me anywhere I bite you." Sushi mumbles. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"I can carry them, I do not care if they bite me" Kseniya calls, "I will simply bit them back"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Aight suit yourself" And she's off to the kitchen to clean up djhfgbsedg

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul chuckles. "Careful Sushi- that's how you get people dragging you instead." And then he goes to get cleaning!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"I've already gotten bit." Mia laughs at the convo behind her and gladly accepts the drink provided by Ash.

Ivy just watches entertained by all these personalities. Maybe SC isn't that bad...