Young Love

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

Yura and Alphinaud are children and they struggle

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A rather muffled sneeze echoed its way through the small garden which Yura had made her company for the day. So long had she been confined to Ishgard after her injury had it been that she had forgotten what it was like to be confronted by the vile sting of pollen. Still, in a way it was a comforting thing. A moment of peace in a world lost to chaos and insanity. Insecurity and disappointment, as so she was reminded by the figure standing not far from her in a way reminiscent of a scene not too long ago.

“You can come over here you know. Standing there and staring without a word isn’t really in your nature, it’s weird.” Yura stated plainly, never once looking up from the flowers contained in her hands, the petals falling into her lap as she remained sitting upon her heels. It had been a while since she had been able to speak alone with Alphinaud, the two always seemed to be surrounded by others, running in different directions into the faces of separate dangers. Not once had they had a moment to speak of that quiet moment of calm before yet another storm they had had what felt like so long ago.

“I hadn’t wished to disturb you. You seemed so at ease. That is a scene to cherish when applied to you, if you will permit me to say.” Alphinaud protested Yura’s invitation, but found himself smiling, and making his way closer towards her despite his words. Never once did Yura glance up to look at him as he made his way to her side. He hesitated a bit, standing over her, looking down at her as she gently glided a gloved hand over the delicate, pale petals of the flowers in her lap, similar petals seeming to drift all around them. The pale pink reminded him ever so subconsciously of the color which graced Yura’s lips, and he couldn’t help but wonder if they were equally as soft.

“Are you umm… doing alright?” Alphinaud was pulled out of his trance by Yura’s voice once more, though this time, she had taken the strength to look up at him, a furrow in her brow. He was confused by her statement at first, but only then did he realize he had been rather quiet in that moment. Not only have that, however, as he quickly flushed a bit as he realized he had been staring at her for quite some time as well.

Alphinaud let out an awkward cough into his fist as he attempted to regain his composure to answer her question. “Whatever do you mean?” He questioned, trying to allow his smile to return, though it was hard to hide the heat that lit up his ears. Oh how desperately he wished to keep it from spreading to his face.

Yura rolled her shoulders back in a shrug arching a brow at him as she did, “You usually never shut your mouth so yeah, you seemed kind of off.” His silence was the only thing she dared bring to light. She was lucky, Yura, being able to contain her own blush ever so desperately as he had been absently staring at her. Perhaps one of the bright spots to have horns instead of ears, it sure made it hard for the blush to spread into her face any faster. Unfortunately, once it hit her pale skin? It was almost impossible to hide. She wasn’t about to lose her composure here, though.

Alphinaud was a bit taken aback by her rather blunt way of mentioning his silence, but couldn’t help but melt back into a sense of comfort hearing her say it. Yura had always been one to speak her mind about others when confronted with the chance, and Alphinaud, for one was happy to see her returning to herself.

Feeling a sense of ease, Alphinaud finally knelt beside Yura, who quickly turned back to the flowers she had been pulling at for the duration of their short and rather random conversation. In all honestly, he had always felt a sense of ease around Yura, despite her rather… rambunctious nature. She made him feel safe in a way. She reminded him every so often that they were, in fact, still young. He couldn’t help but continue to stare at her, lost in thought as she continued to rub and pull at the peals which had littered the ground around them, thinking on the time they had spent together. These last few months, the years… had ended up meaning a great deal to them both, so much that he often questioned the nature of his relationship with Yura.

Yura might as well have been reading his mind, the way she was able to swoop in and speak exactly that which he was questioning himself. “Was it a mistake?” She inquired her own heart swell, muscles tense as she began to tear the petals in her hands. She knew what she was asking, she knew what it meant. She didn’t want it to be true, but she had to know on his end as well.

Alphinaud couldn’t even pretend he didn’t know what she was talking about. The moment the two had shared some time ago, that small but well-meaning kiss the two had exchanged after Yura’s recovery. It had lingered with them, in the backs of their minds. Nothing was ever said of it after that moment. Not until now. Was this lingering feeling the aftershock of a mistake on both their parts? Gods! He thought what had he done? What had they done? What did it mean for these two, especially now?

The silence was too much to bear for Yura. She was still so confused, so terrified of his response. She didn’t want to hear it, she just didn’t. Her face had started to give that pink glow she had been avoiding so long as she finally let go of the torn flowers she ahd been holding so tightly to the entire time. They were twisted and torn, a look soon followed by her face she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. She couldn’t take this silence anymore, the wind was taunting her, the sounds of nature evoking her want for just an answer to bring her peace. Too many emotions were building up inside of her. Yura was a woman of action, and one who would tolerate this undisturbed silence no longer.

In a single quick motion, Yura lept upon her friend, catching him quite off-guard. She was easily able to overpower her unsuspecting Elezen companion, though she hadn’t expected him to be so light, the force of her tackle managing to knock the breath from both teens as torn petals shot upwards from the ground at the force of impact. Yura’s right hand had caught his left in the fall, the weight of her hand catching his wrist. In an attempt to keep balance, Alphinaud reactively raised his right hand to grasp her left forearm, propping himself up on his elbow. Alphinaud was taken aback by Yura’s sudden show of force, and far too confused by her methods to feel the blood rushing to his face, mirroring her own look as she looked down into his face. She looked almost sad, lost and confused even. They both knew that this was the time, now or never, to sort whatever this was out.

“You make everything so much confusing than it has to be!” Yura’s cry could have been interpreted as angry and threatening to anyone other than the boy beneath her. But he knew better. To him, it was a plea, a desperate cry to action. He could feel her trembling as his grip on her arm tightened, Yura, the woman who had to be one of the strongest he knew, terrified of this mere encounter and confrontation of their feelings. “You’re important to me, I care about you. Which is why I don’t want to make any more mistakes. Please, if you can, tell me it wasn’t a mistake.”

Alphinaud finally understood, and that understanding had him tensing at the mere thought of having cause his friend any degree of pain. The two had never spoken about that moment of weakness they shared after Yura’s recovery. That kiss by the ledge, the promise Yura had made. “I’m not going anywhere.” He had never had a desire to hold her to it until now. He had never thought to show it. But now? All he wanted was to never let her think such things again.

The young Elezen somehow managed to free himself from the trap Yura had landed his left hand in, further propping himself up towards her. The sudden closeness caused Yura to recoil a bit, pulling back slightly at the surprise of him suddenly being right before her face. Alphinaud wouldn’t allow her to recoil for long, however, as he released Yura’s forearm, moving a hand to close around her waist, causing her to lurch forward once more. The two remained looking at one another for some time, the silence of before returning as they both struggled to move. Alphinaud knew it was his turn to make his case. Yura had said all she needed to say.

Ever so slowly, Alphinaud took a grip on the hand that had trapped him not too long ago. Ever so slowly he entwined his figures with hers closing his eyes as he brought her hand to his lips, holding it there for what felt like an eternity. When he finally brought her hand back down, he was ready to speak. He knew what he needed to say, and exactly what she needed to hear. Smiling, he spoke softly, “Not a moment we have spent together has ever led me to believing it was a mistake.”

Yura could not express in words the weight he had suddenly taken from her shoulders. She felt as though tears were preparing to well in her eyes, but only the best sort. She did her best to wipe what she could from her eyes, but was sparsely left with a moment. She felt a force tighten on her waist as she was slowly pulled further down. Their eyes met for but a moment before the inevitable collision. After what felt like ages, he leaned upwards to close the gap between them, his turn to initiate as their lips met one another. The intensity of the moment had been more fervent than their first, though still, a touch of world innocence laid entwined with it.

As their moment became longer, Alphianud was finally able to pry himself fully off the ground, Yura still snuggly in his lap as he moved his free hand behind her head. Only so long could they continue in this moment before the need for air forced them apart, but not entirely. Foreheads still resting against one another, they remained for a moment, catching glimpse of one another eyes for a brief moment before Yura felt herself pulled into a powerful hug as her head his Alphinaud’s chest, the two falling back with another grunt as he held her tightly. They knew now, what they had, and, in this peace of the moment, as they lay closely intertwined with one another, calm and warm, children in love, they knew exactly where they belonged.