Jedediah Arrives at SC

4 months, 26 days ago
4 months, 24 days ago
5 10951

Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 26 days ago

Jedediah settles into the dorms at SC, meeting people around campus and the city!

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Jedediah and Mialani


quietly comes here to meet the cowboy

and maybe HC some david interactions because asgsksh its been a WHILE

Willow Wormwood

yess hehehe helloooo

whos comin to meet the new boy?


mia! she's the more outgoing one so she'd actually try to meet the new guy asjsjdk ivy's become very shy, though since he'll be rooming with kseniya, ivy might be able to meet jedediah after some time!

Willow Wormwood

hell yeaaahh

Mia would probably walk up and see him kinda opening dresser drawers and stuff, he looks kinda lost.  His bag is on the bed, it's one of those huge camping bags with a ton of supplies, she would see a bedroll and blanket wrapped up on top.


Assuming the door is open, Mia would do a double take at a new figure she hasn't seen before. Without really thinking, she knocks on the doorframe."Heyyy, you new here?" She asks with a friendly smile and a tilt of her head. "Don't think I've seen you around before."

Willow Wormwood

You see him look over quickly, and he pulls back from the dresser he was looking through.  "Ah- hiya there.  Just got in actually.  Names c-" He stops and clears his throat for a sec, "Names Jedediah, pleasure meetin' ya."  He gives a small nod.


"Jedediah..." Mia repeats back, letting the name process in her head before nodding to him as a greeting from the door. "Nice to meet you. My name's Mialani, but most call me any nickname they can come up with." She laughs lightly to her own statement. "Just got here huh? Must be exciting- have you met anyone else yet?"

Willow Wormwood

He shakes his head and lets out a light laugh.  "Naw, no one other than the folks at the offices for papers.  You been here long?"


"Pretty long yeah. Almost two-ish years now?" Mia thinks out loud before shrugging. "About that much!" She laughs again. "Most the people around here are pretty nice, though there's always a bad egg here and there. I can tell you allll you need to know if you want?"

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah lets out a huff of a laugh and takes a seat on the bed.  He nods for a bit and goes "Hah, that'd be awfully appreciated, thank you.  Figure I've got a lot to learn 'round here."


Mia grins brightly and walks on over to where Jedediah is, plopping lightly next to him."Ok, so do you want a rapid fire type thing or do you want details?" She asks while she pulls out her phone, ready to show pictures too so he can have the visuals needed... most of them anyway!

Willow Wormwood

"Hah, you're prepared." It's said in a humored way, and he lets out a hum as he thinks.  "I think I'd like hearin' the specifics if you've got the time, I always appreciate the details.  Makes it stick more in the mind."


"Bet." Mia nods, pulling up some photos. She tells him about most of the people she interacts with, saying how everyone has some quirks but it makes them unique and they're all good people!"This one is Hugo, he's my brother- well kind of. We're not blood but it doesn't matter- there's a lot of 'families' here now actually. Don't be surprised if you get 'adopted' into one of them!" She jokes, laughing.

It's noted the picture of Hugo is cut off a bit, mostly showing the masked jawline, body, and some red hair

"He's not big on photos- so I don't take many of him. You'll know it's him though!"

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah nods along, tilting his head a bit.  "Ah, yeah I get it, never cared much for photos myself.  Now I 'spose it doesn't matter with the whole uh...." He kinda waves to himself and gives a chuckle.  "well, not showin' up in em anyway.  I heard people say it'd steal part of the soul, you know, the camera.  Wonder if that's why I don't show up in em."


"Hmm?" Mia gives him a good look and puts realizes what he means before laughing lightly."If that's the case, I'm surprised I still have one. I take photos aallll the time- as you can probably clearly see-" she laughs bashfully. "But hey, that's what like painted portraits are for, yknow? If you'd ever want one. I can't paint but I bet someone around here might." She shrugs

Willow Wormwood

He lets out another chuckle.  "aw yeah, I had someone tell me about that before, why they like havin' pictures like that.  I think it's neat, gettin' somethin like that so quickly.  Who would've thought they could get a big ol camera into such a tiny thing, ya know?"  He lets out another hum, staring off at the far wall.  "You know, that might be nice.  I had a friend a while back sketch me cause...well, I didn't know what I looked like anymore.  No mirrors either, you know."


Mia nods in agreement before doing an 'ohh' expression."Yeah I like always have to check to make sure my makeup is still good so- I think I'd go a little crazy not knowing what I look like anymore-" she laughs bashfully again before pausing and raising an eyebrow."Big camera? Hope you don't mind me asking but uhm... how old are you?"

Willow Wormwood

"Oh, hah, well..."  He has to think for a moment but gives a nod.  "1831.  I was bitten in  1867.  So 192 now, hah."  He clears his throat a bit, adjusting the bandana around his neck.  "Not used to given people my actual age, hmm."


"Whoa-" Mia starts, processing the age before a big smile goes across her face. "So cool! You must've seen so much!" She says enthusiastically. "Yeah, considering how like... new-ish places like SC are, that makes sense. But hey, you don't gotta hide it here." Smile smile

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah gives a small smile.  "Hah, yeah, 'spose I don't anymore do I..."  He lets out a small sigh, seeming to relax a bit more.  "Well, I'll be the first to admit I probably haven't seen as much as you'd think.  Spent most of my time out in the woods.  I've been travelin' up the Appalachias since before there was a trail to walk.  Met a lot of fine folk, but doesn't give ya much in the way of uh...important events, I guess?  I always felt behind, it was whatever I learned from people takin' the trail."


Mia listened and nodded along with what Jedediah said."Oh, well I can always help you fill in the blanks- or you can take up to the library and stuff. Of course, the internet exists- uh that's basically an electronic hub that lets you connect with people all over the world in an instant- but it has a lot of info, too." She tries her best to explain, thinking maybe she should if he really did spend most his time in the woods away from civilization.

"But that can be saved for another time. Gotta tell you who isn't the best company to keep around here... unless of course you keep it for the peace. I know I try." She laughs again, going back to the happy-go-lucky attitude she usually had

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah seems to grow a bit nervous at the mention of the internet "Yeah I uh....I've tried wrappin' my head around it but I don't feel like I....well I dunno, it's never really....clicked for me, I guess.  I still just have trouble understandin' it, and trust me I've tried over the years."  He seems to relax again though, letting out a sigh of relief.  "But-yeah, good and bad company.  Who'd you say I should likely be steerin' clear of?"


"That's fair. Another day. Maybe with enough exposure, you'll get a bit of a handle of it." Mia encourages, before going right back into describing the no-gos. She vaguely gives the bad features of those who she can think of before getting to some of the fight videos from missions.

"Okay, this is kind of funny-" she laughs lightly at a video of Cami and Iseul slap fighting the snake lady, Ina. "After the mission we went to get an artifact from this demon, these two decided to fight her personally. Deserved, to be honest, but I swear they're not bad people- Cami can be a little testy but he's just defensive yknow?"

Willow Wormwood

He tilts his head, staring wide-eyed at the slap fight in confusion and staring at the snake lady Ina.  "Wh- hang on pardon, you said demon?" He looks over in surprise, somehow more wide-eyed


"Oh- ah.." Mia pauses, realizing she just said that without thinking before laughing nervously. "Yeah uhm- my bad, probably shouldn't have said that so sudden but uh... yeah! demons, angels, all that totally exists. Everything you can think of prooobably exists... we're still trying to figure it out ourselves but, yeah it was something to find out the way we did." Mia admitted with a small sigh. "Just one day we were having a normal meeting and boom, an Arch Angel is there barking orders at us. It's a lot." she laughs nervously again

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah blinks slowly, then slowly turns to look at the far wall.  "Damn....damn.  So you've really met a real angel then.  And a demon, too."  He continues to stare off for a bit, before letting out a sharp breath and shaking his head.  "Well, can't say I was expectin' to hear that when I joined."


Mia laughs lightly, playing with her hair to make herself feel better about just spilling that out without thinking.

"Yeah, more than one demon actually... that's all we've been dealing with for a while which, to be honest, I'm fine with compared to who we dealt with before. There was a whole like... enemy company called Vitality that was hunting us at one point. Some people are lucky to be alive." she sighs, remembering the Russia mission. "But I swear it's not always dangerous- we do a lot of small missions too to help the occult all the time."

Willow Wormwood

He lets out another hum, still somewhat lost in thought.  "Worse than demons?  If ya say so... Good that it was at least dealt with though, the feelin' of being hunted..."  He lets out a sigh.  "That's a scary one.  It's good no one died."


"I mean, like... not literally worse but kind of worse? The demons aren't hunting us, they're just kinda trying to take over in general. Vitality was targetting us, so I think of it like it's worse in a way?" Mia tries to explain, using her hands a lot to talk. "But yeah, there were injuries and a lot of trauma but that's about it."

Willow Wormwood

"Tryin' to take over....what like, the world?"  He watches her hands as she talks, his expression now settled into a small frown and furrowed eyebrows as he thinks.


"Earth, Heaven, Hell- yeah." Mia says with a small cringe. "That's probably a lot to take in huh? My bad"

Willow Wormwood

"Mmm..."  He looks back off to a far wall.  "...'spose so.  Still, better to know now rather than later..."  He looks down to the ground, letting out a long breath.  "...I always believed in hell.  Not sure how I feel knowin' for sure now..."


"Ah well-" Mia starts, looking down herself. "Yeah, I know the feeling. Finding out gave me and a lot of others a religious crisis. But Arch Angel Michael did say that there's other Heavens and Hells, too, so... there's always a place to go, if that's comforting at all?" she tries.

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah blinks a bit, still staring down at the floor.  "...I mean, I always knew I 'spose, where I'd end up, just feels different havin' it confirmed I guess..."  He takes a long breath, and closes his eyes for a moment.  "...well, nothin' to do about it right now.  I've been around for almost two hundred years, I doubt I'm gonna end up there anytime soon..."


"Oh well, I mean- you never really know where you'll end up? None of us are innocent, yknow?" Mia tries, glancing to Jedediah. "Actually, funny you mention that, I thought the same thing when I found out." she laughs lightly. "Mi mamá always told me that I was la hija del diablo and that'd I'd end up in Hell for being a psychic but yknow, I don't think being different determines where you go. Not exactly fair, yknow?"

Willow Wormwood

He looks over at that, scanning over Mia's face.  He seems lost in thought, and for a while just sits in silence.  "I.... appreciate that, but...."  He trails off, letting out a grumble as he thinks and looks away again.  "Well, I won't argue you on it."  It's said a bit curtly, not in an angry way, but it seems like something he doesn't want to debate.

"I don't know much about psychics, I thought they were the same as a witch, I think.  What's that mean?  For you, anyway?"


Mia takes note of the subject change and doesn't press anymore. It's touchy after all, and she understand it being uncomfortable."Not really the same. Witches have a core, from what I've read, and have their magic come from that. I'm just a human who's more in-tune with 'the other side~'" she says in a ghostly tone of voice before laughing. "There's different kinds of psychics. Some can use energy, some can stop time- and then there's me. I see and speak to the dead." she flips her hair lightly to put a period on her own sentence.

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah's eyes grow a bit wide again, and he lets out a chuckle.  "Speak with the dead, ey?  Can you control it, or do you always see em around?  And hows, with the whole heaven and hell aspect to it?  Do you call em back from wherever they end up, or are some of them always around?"


"Oh it's not up to me. It's up to them if I get to see them usually.. in a way." Mia tries to explain. "If they have unfinished business and happen to be roaming around, yeah I see them as clearly as I see you. Although, obviously I can tell if they're a ghost." she flicks her hand a bit with the statement. "I can talk to them if they let me, too. I haven't really had to as of late since yknow everything we've been doing has been affecting the living. But hey, I get to see the cutest ghost kitty daily thanks to it!" she laughs. "Her name's Lucy and she belongs to Hugo, but yknow she's basically mine too at this point!" big smile

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah smiles softly and tilts his head.  "A ghost kitty, huh?  Interestin' pet to have, hah."  He glances around the room, as if looking for the ghosts himself.  "And you saw them as a kid, too?"


Mia nods.  "I did a lot, yeah. I thought I was going crazy, not gonna lie." she laughs. "Mi mamá especially made me feel like I was. When I confirmed I was psychic, I actually had to move out so I could even explore it and get more in-tune with my abilities. But, now that I'm older, it's a lot easier to handle. Still get a jumpscare here and there from a sudden visitor or weird dream though."

Willow Wormwood

His expression falls back to one of slight concern, and he nods along as she speaks.  "Mmm.  Sounds like you were a brave kid, puttin' up with all that.  That's a shame you had to move out though because of it.  Your mama still callin' you la hija del diablo, or has she come round?"


"Nope, still calling me that." Mia laughs lightly, glancing away. "Actually just went to visit during the holidays. Normally, I'd just stay with my Tía since yknow that's where my room is, but I tried staying with them instead. Didn't go too well, but I got to hang out with my younger siblings and papá so still a win I guess." she shrugs, though it's obvious by her slightly sad smile it does still affect her.

Willow Wormwood

He lets out a hum, then a sigh, looking away.  "Well, shame on her for pushin' ya out.  She outta know what she's loosing.  It's good you got to spend time with your family though.  Your Tía treat you well at least?"


Mia's smile brightens as she nods."Oh yeah, way better. She's the one who helped me figure things out and honestly the entire rest of my family openly accepts me and taught me a lot. Was able to experience so much because of them!" she's cheerful again, quickly letting go of the sad feeling. "I'm hoping to find out more. Seems like I'm legit the only one in my family who's a psychic... even though it took a lot to get out of her, mi mamá did give me some info to find out about mi abuela. So... maybe there's more than just me if I ever go to Mexico."

Willow Wormwood

"mmm, you should take a trip if you can, I bet that'd be good for ya.  I'm still wrappin my mind around how quick people can get around the world.  I'd heard about planes but bein' on one myself..."  Theres a small shudder.  "They move so fast.  I thought I was gonna die, hah.  Like a bullet from a gun."


Mia laughs lightly and nods."Yeah, planes can be scary if you're not used to them. We use them a lot since our missions are all over the place, so you might get used to it! Or maybe not, I know there's some who still need sleeping pills to tolerate a plane ride." she quickly scrolls on her phone to show some photos she's taken of people who did fall asleep on some plane rides. "They look comfy though!" she laughs lightly

Willow Wormwood

He looks over at the photos and lets out a light laugh as well.  "Ah, I think after a while I got used to it.  It scared me for sure but... it was also an incredible thing.  I just never imagined anything like it."


"Yeah, it's crazy how far things have gotten technology wise!" Mia nods in agreement. "Makes meeting new people and seeing so much pretty culture a lot easier."

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah nods, more enthusiastic.  "Right?  I never imagined traveling this far in my entire life.  And the fact that you can travel so much as part of the job..."  He smiles softly and looks back over to Mia.  "Wheres your favorite spot you've been to so far?"


"So far, a few cafes and bars I've found. A few food places my friends and I have been to. And of course, the mall." Mia laughs. "I love to shop, so I don't mind going back to the same few malls and boutiques to look at what's new in the world of fashion~" she does a little jazz hand movement to emphasize the point before laughing at herself

Willow Wormwood

Jedediah looks down at himself and his own clothes- they're clearly well worn, covered in patches and areas that have been sewn back up multiple times.  "Spose I could do with some new clothes of my own.  If you don't mind the company I may go along with ya one of these times, if you don't mind showin' me around, hah."


Mia looks at his clothes then to him and smiles brightly."Sure! I'm sure we can find something that's just your style! Something warm, something not so warm... it can get pretty humid out here." she comments, taking notes in her phone real quick. "I can let you know how it looks so you know if you like it or not, too!"

Willow Wormwood

He lets out a chuckle and gives a nod.  "That'd be nice of ya, thank you."  He stands up and dusts himself off, looking back to his room.  "Alright, I reckon I outta start unpacking some more so I'll let ya head back on your way.  I'm gonna see how much of this I can unpack and see how much room I've got left for some more clothes."  He looks back to Mia with a smile.  "I appreciate the company, and the advice on who to look out for."


Mia also stands, adjusting her hair so it's back behind her."Of course! Anytime- I'll pop by some time to see if you're available!" she smiles with a wave."It was great meeting you Jedediah!"

Willow Wormwood

He gives a nod and a small smile.  “Pleasure meetin’ ya, thanks for stoppin by.  I’ll see ya ‘round.”