
4 months, 19 days ago
4 months, 17 days ago
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Chapter 3
Published 4 months, 18 days ago

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Tsuku vs Nham [1]

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the shrine, Tsuku stood above Gakuganji's lifeless body. The principal lay defeated, a testament to the wrath of the curse that now inhabited Sachi. The air was thick with the scent of victory, and Tsuku wore a triumphant smirk as she wiped Gakuganji's blood from her face. Without a second glance, she left the shrine behind, making her way towards the cemetery.

"Tsukuyomi... I knew something was wrong with Sachi," a voice cut through the stillness. Tsuku turned to face a muscular man with crossed arms — Nham Choi.

Nham Choi, a formidable figure with a physique that spoke of years of physical combat training, stood at 31. Blind in his left eye, a testament to the battles he'd endured, he bore the scars of his past. Having lost a little sister to a cursed spirit, he'd suffered significant injuries in the fight but received treatment from Ieiri-sensei. Despite his gruff exterior and a tendency to be easily agitated, he held a soft spot for Kono-sensei, seeing echoes of his sister in her.

Known for his stern demeanor, Nham had trained Sachi, pushing her limits to harness her physical strength. His disappointment surfaced when Sachi became rebellious and engaged in questionable activities. The loss of her memory further distanced them, and Nham's pride had shifted to Todo, whom he admired.

Nham Choi, who maintained a garden at the Kyoto school, was protective of it, often scolding students who ventured too close. His seemingly mean and antisocial exterior concealed a good heart, evident in his acts of kindness, such as feeding stray animals. Despite his intimidating presence, he harbored a fondness for Ieiri-sensei, a fact known to few, as he guarded this secret fiercely.

"Tsuku," Nham continued, his tone firm. "I knew something was off with Sachi. What have you done?"


Nham Choi stood his ground, his expression unreadable as Tsuku taunted him. Her words cut through the air, accusing him of abandoning Sachi, of not understanding her struggle⁹ Nham's eyes narrowed, and just as about to launch into another tirade, he moved with breathtaking speed.

With a thunderous punch, Nham struck Tsuku square in the gut, sending her hurtling through the air. The collision with a large gravestone shattered it into pieces, the echoes of the impact reverberating through the cemetery.

As the dust settled, Tsuku emerged slowly, a wicked grin on her face. She absorbed the blow with an eerie calmness that unsettled Nham.

"And like any other man...you hate being criticized, using violence to shut up a woman," Tsuku remarked, getting up and assuming a defensive stance for the impending battle.

Nham, however, wasn't swayed by her provocations. "You are confusing something here. I am not fighting Sachi. I am fighting you, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto....you are a curse, you lost your status of being a human or woman that someone could respect."

Tsuku scoffed, dismissing Nham's words. "You are underestimating me...don't you know my technique? This is the worst place you could have chosen to confront me," she stated confidently. In response, numerous shadowy hands, fueled by cursed energy, emerged from the graves around them.

The atmosphere thickened with tension as Nham prepared for the battle against Tsuku, a cursed entity determined to wreak havoc. The shadows whispered with the promise of a fierce confrontation between the seasoned sorcerer and the men killing curse.