Disc 1: Playing Hero

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
26 49709 2

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Touma gains something called a stand, the manifestation of a person's fighting spirit with incredible abilities. His life quickly spirals out of control as he meets more and more stand users, drawn to them by the strings of fate. In the meantime, a string of unsolved murders is growing to a fever pitch.

Arc Theme: Church by Fall Out Boy

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Author's Notes

Hey, popping to say this is all being converted from bulletins (before that was the only method of posting any writing on TH) and so there might be some funky choices. 

Originally I could indicate which character's perspective the chapter took using a bulletin specific feature, and I honestly don't know how I'm going to replicate that. But on the bright side, this is a proper writing feature! I'm going to be re-editing everything as much as I can rather than just rushing through it, and thanks to the author's note function, I intend on providing commentary on aspects readers previously commented on.

The cute text music player on some chapters is ACTUALLY FUNCTIONAL! If you hit the play button, it will load up a youtube video within the icon and let you play the music along as you read. The music is either thematic or the lyrics are relevant. Please listen... I'm begging u.... I put so much effort into wrangling this...

That being said.. oof, this stuff is nostalgic but also kinda embarrassing. It's way shorter than what I write now for a typical chapter and I'm honestly astonished I let myself get away with this. I ultimately decided to keep the chapters as they are and not smush them together retroactively because I feel like it breaks the flow. But that's enough from me! Enjoy my dumb Jojo fanfic!

A Chance Encounter

"Aw, man.. At this rate, I'm gonna end up hopelessly lost!" Touma sighed, squinting at his schedule. He hadn't been paying enough attention when he was initially given directions, and at this point he was wandering around the campus of his new school aimlessly. He couldn't figure out which building held his homeroom, and he had already managed to discard his map somewhere in a nearby trash can when he decided he wouldn't need it. Touma prided himself on a relaxed sense of time, but even he didn't want to be late on his first day of high school. Students trailed into the various buildings around him, preoccupied by their excited and nervous chatter. From the looks of it, everyone else actually knew where they were going.

"Dammit.. It'll take too long to find wherever I dumped my map. Guess I gotta suck it up and ask." Touma looked around for a nearby student to pester, and set his eyes on another male student ahead of him with a slight frame. "Hey, you! Wait up!" He called out to them, and started to trot in their direction. They didn't stop, or even bother to turn. If anything, they were starting to walk faster!

"Wait up, I said!" They finally stopped at his shout, and Touma ran to catch up. Placing his hand on their shoulder, he exhaled, "What's wrong with you, not stopping when someone tries to talk to you? That's not very - Ah!" As they turned to face him, Touma's sentence morphed into a small exclamation of surprise. Framed by long brown hair was an unmistakably soft, round face. Though he couldn't see their eyes, Touma had absolutely no doubt the student was actually a girl. He jumped back a bit, self-conscious about the fact he had been touching her shoulder moments before. What the hell is a girl doing in a guy's uniform?

"What do you want?" Her feminine voice only confirmed his suspicions. Though the tone of the question was polite, it was also pointed. 

Touma had to take a moment to recover, still incredibly taken aback by her appearance. "I-I was going to ask for directions.. but that doesn't matter! What are you doing in that uniform? You're.. you're a girl!"

"Does that really matter?" The student's nonchalant response blew Touma away. "Wha- Of course it matters! I'm pretty sure it's against the school rules! Aren't you gonna get in trouble?" Just what kind of girl would say something like that? She's crazy! The girl tilted her head upwards to revealing a piercing look from under the brim of her cap. For a moment, something in his gut told Touma she was dangerous. But even her gaze couldn't offset her non-threatening features. No matter what, he just couldn't take her seriously.

"It's still a uniform, isn't it? You're making a big deal out of nothing. Not that it matters, since you won't remember." She turned away from him, beginning to walk away. 

Touma was stunned and exclaimed, "There's no way I'm going to forget meeting someone like you, not in a million years!" She continued to walk towards the school, ignoring him. Again, Touma felt a pang in his gut. Why did he suddenly feel so anxious? She was certainly a weirdo, but he had no reason to feel threatened. So why did he feel like something bad was about to happen?

Suddenly, something caught his eyes from the ground. To Touma's shock and horror, the girl's shadow began to move, darting towards him in an instant. He instinctively took a step back, and dark, almost cartoonish shadowy hands began to emerge from the mass of black, tugging on his pant leg. Touma opened his mouth to scream, but before he could everything went dark.

"......huh?" Touma blinked, regaining his senses. For some reason, he was spacing out in the middle of campus. He looked around, confused. Touma felt like he was forgetting something important. Before he could ponder it, though, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the school bell. "C-crap! I'm gonna be late!" Brushing aside whatever had been bothering him, Touma booked towards the nearest school building.