Ring of Fury - The Tournament

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Fight 6 - Jarno and Iseul VS Fish Stick

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Our fighters have once again returned to the ring to continue the fight for the championship belt! Who will be moving on today? Will there be another easy knock out, or will our Spectre foes get queasy with tonight's challenger??!?!? Standing at the far end of the cage, ready to go with fish in hand that you all can smell from here stands Fishstick! 

As the crowd sees her step up, the all cheer but covers their noses and mouths. Some even brought splash shields!  She makes a crooked laugh ring out from her end of the cage. "HEHEHE, Ready to rumble little man!~" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul may be nervous! But they've thoroughly prepared for ways to deal with this opponent!!! Which is why he gave Jarno a face mask before this and wished him the best!! He also has his own!!!! And He might be taking a step or two back! You can do this Jarno!!!

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Jarno stretches his shoulders from side to side, warming up. He tugs his mask to settle it tighter on his face and he finally enters the ring. These clothes are gonna have to be burned after this fight..."I'm taller when I'm standing up straight," he says as he takes a low, wide stance, knife in hand.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Oh yeah? So what, ya just like bendin' over?! Heheheheheh" Shes cackles even louder as she positions her bag behind her. "Aight fucker, lets GOOOOOOOOOO!!" 

Roll Initiative

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Jarno was ready to move and determined to make his first trike before the nasty stuff came into play. He dashed in and stabbed his knife at her, aiming at her arms, trusting her to protect her more vital organs with them anyway. First slash barely scratched her [17, 1 dmg], the second wiffed [9] but the third [15, 4 dmg] and fourth hit [14, 4 dmg] made solid contact. He was taking this serious.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Fishstick laughs as she backs up, attempting to doge but getting cut. "WOOHOO! Gettin' fileted like a fresh salmon!" She then takes her chane to hit him back with one slap after the other; using the fish in both her hands. (18/16; 10 DMG)

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Jarno nearly gags from the stink and fish guts flying around him now. He's so happy about the mask Iseul gave him, but it's probably also gonna be unsalvageable. And why do those fish hurt so hard, you'd think rotten fish would be soft and mushy?? He takes a small step back before gathering himself for another set of slashes. He's aiming high, to make her cover her face, close her eyes, anything to make her avert her eyes even for a little bit. It's plan A time.  First two strikes make contact [22, 24, 3+1dmg] but the other two [13, 8] fly past her. He retreats a little and crouches low again to let Iseul work his magic.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul hums. Well, didn't think he'd have to use this so soon... But it was Plan A for a reason!  As he sings, an illusion double of Jarno, in a crouching position as well, appears on stage next to Jarno.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Fishstick blinks, shocked by the sudden appearance of a second opponent. "Oh shoot! Twins??? Im into it! Heheheheh!" She then lunges to attack the illusion with two more fish slaps, but the glide right through as the illusion vanishes. "OH IM A MURDERER- NEAT!" The crowd cheers for her in confused amusement.

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

While Fishstick is distracted with his body double, Jarno takes the chance to swipe one of her own fish and slaps it down hard on the back of her head. [nat20]"In your dreams," he grunts as he throws the fish after her as she goes down.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"OOP-" Fishstick is taken off guard when her own beloved fish is suddenly taken and used against her, but honestly she wouldnt wanna go out any other way. As she gets slammed against her head, Fishstick hits the floor as her fish bag spills out into a nasty warm pool for her to lay in unmoving. 

The announcer, plugging their nose, walks out to call the "ONE... TWO... THREE... A WINNER!!" before the crowd goes wild in cheering for Jarno and Iseul. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul grins and cheers, jumping and punching the air with a "YES" before going to meet Jarno to congratulate him!!!

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Jarno watches her, still in combat mode, waiting for the countdown to finish before he stands up straight, puts up his fist still squeezing the knife, and takes a deep breath before bellowing out a fearsome "PERKELE!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul chuckles and calls out, "Congratulations! Excellent way of turning it around!"

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"I just got lucky," he dismisses."You were the one who provided the opportunity. So. Uh- Thank you," He's purposefully staying away from Iseul but he is truly grateful, despite him being so awkward about it.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie runs in, rotten fish smell and all! "Heeyyyy, good job guys!! Congrats!!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme doesn't go all the way to the stinky ring, but gets about halfway before shouting "WELL DONE JARNO!!!" as loud as their feeble voice will allow.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul tilts his head, before laughing into his hand. "Of course. You're the one who first came up with the idea though, remember. I was only executing our plan!" "Well- I think after cleaning up, we can go get lunch to celebrate! What do you say?" 

Ash runs over and cheers!!! "CONGRATS JARNO!!! Congrats Iseul!!! You guys did awesome!!! Jarno, that was so awesome, grabbing her own fish!!!" They are not going near enough but they are cheering!!

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare doesn't try and overpower the noise from how far he too is from the ring only offering a thumbs up when Jarno looks over. He can gush about how cool that was once the noise and smell is gone

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"Don't come near me, I'm disgusting-" Jarno protests. He wipes his knife on his shirt carefully and sheaths it. Trusty puukko never fails. Being the center of the attention is embarrassing though..."Yeah... Sure. I think I need a few glasses after this." He raises his hand at an awkward wave to the cheers."I'm gonna go take a long shower first."

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Look out Jarno, here comes Jiemba with the HUG of CONGRATULATIONS!! "That was AMAZING mate!! Damn fantastic!!" He pulls away, hands on his smelly shoulders, "Take as long as a shower as you need, I'm begging you. you smell horrendous"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash laughs. "Jiemba, now you need a shower too!!" Iseul chuckles. "I'll save the pat on the back for after the shower then. Take as long as you need, you deserve it."

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Jarno tries to weakly protest to the hug and push Jiemba away, but it's his own fault if he's gonna subject himself to the stank."Yeah thanks. You got some on you too now," he points out. The dead fish aroma...

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"I'm wearing a poncho---"

"I'll just scrub my hands real good"

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"I'm going to burn this shirt," Jarno says, grave serious.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Mate, where--"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"I'll buy you a new one as a treat." Iseul promises.

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"Okay, fair." He whips his head to Iseul."You don't have to do that-" Protesting. But only because he can't handle people being so nice to him and showering him with attention.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Iseul pulls out his fan and laughs into it! "I insist! A job well done deserves a reward!!" "But we can worry about that after lunch!"

Teaiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"If you really want to, then fine. See you later." Jarno relents. Now, to the shower. As fast as he can. Please.