Ring of Fury - The Tournament

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Fight 10 - Romeo and Wisty VS Syd and Sushi

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

The time has come for another fight, this time being against two SpectreCorps employees instead of one vs the other. The crowd is somewhat thinner, seemingly less interested in the humans fighting each other. The others grin more maliciously, excited to watch them have to rip each other apart. Β 

Romeo stands on their side of the ring, checking his arm and shield as he waits for the announcer to start his annoying dribble.Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is lingering around near the edge of the ring with Romeo, eyes roaming over the crowd a little. She nudges Romeo's side and murmursΒ "Remember what we talked about, ok? If you feel things start to go wrong with the operation site..."

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd is .. leaning on the cage chatting to Sushi about something that has nothing to do with why they're here. He seems lighthearted about this fight.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi is mostly just nodding along and not really listening. Notices that things are gonna start soon and gives Syd a pat on the arm, casting Enhance Ability (Bull's Strength) just like the last fight. "Kaayy, I think it's almost time? Good luck dealing with the pissbaby bitch shield."

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

"I will make you proud as I deal with the pissbaby bitch shield." Cackling

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

"Yeah yeah I know" he sighs and turns to the cage, expression hardening. Β 


The crowd hoops and hollars, some laughing and yipping in excitement.Β 


✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty gives Romeo a quick smooch on the cheek for luck before he goes in.Β "Good luck, love, I'm here if you need me."

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo nods and steps into the cage as the entrance opens, rolling his shoulders a bit.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

As Syd enters the cage he waves at Wisty, tapping his club to his shin when he was met with Romeo.Β "I heard you're still choosing to be stubborn."

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty salutes back at Syd and Sushi. We're allll in thiiiis togetheeeer, more or leeeesss,

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡

"Next time I charm their Marley into fighting the crowd. Who cheers then." Sushi mutters to themselves as they listen to the announcer.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

"Can you not talk? It'll make this less annoying." Romeo huffs

"FIGHT IN....3.....2....1!!!!" The buzzer sounds and the entrances lock.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd stretches.Β "I'm keeping it interesting." He dives forward, swinging his club down lightly at Romeo's kneesΒ (20, 24, 26 17 dmg). He jumps back and cackles a bit.Β "Sorry, was that light enough taps? I'm tryna be nice here."

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

Romeo huffs and tries to shove Syd with no success, then nails only one of his hits. His irritation is rising.Β (5 dmg)

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty may be chewing on one of her fingernails.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd grabs onto Romeo's shield as it runs into him, grinning as he's eye to eye with Romeo.Β "Is this giving you the rush you want hero?" He wasn't swinging now, just bunting his club into Romeo's hip to throw him offΒ (23 damage, 25Β / 26)Β "Should I act weaker so you get your fill?" He's talking soft enough so he's feeding into romeo and not the crowd.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi seems to be hopping around the ring as the fight goes, like they're trying to stay facing the action at all times. They're getting kind of hyped up and shoutΒ "HEY EMO BOY, PEE YOUR PANTS!!" at Romeo in the ring.Β (3 psychic damage)

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo stutters, blinking at Sushi and glaring before focusing back on Syd. He flubs a hit, but manages to land his other 3 on Syd.Β (15 dmg)

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi gives Romeo a thumbs up when he blinks at them. Their mind is an enigma.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd laughs at Sushi's contribution.Β "Love the fact even when fighting you hide behind a shield. Sad." This time syd swings straight onto Romeo's shield to make a point, fumbling his club as he didn't expect to feel the reverb back.Β (26 nat 1, 6 dmg)

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

Romeo just rolls his eyes, and hits Syd twice with his bat once again.Β (9 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

"You still have the chance to tap out, you know?" Syd sighs like he's pitying Romeo before he drives the head of his club into Romeo's shoulder/his chest and twists (48 damage). Steps back once he does. "I don't want you to get wrecked you know? Don't you want mercy?"

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo winces, arm going to his midsection. He tries to not show much more than that though, and backs up to his side of the ring, placing his hand against the cage. He doesn't say anything, assuming she understands.Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty puts her hand against the cage to get to Romeo's, giving him a quick heal as silently requested. (21 HP returned, -10 mana). "That was the... you okay-?"Β 

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo sighs a little, squinting across the ring. "I'm fine..." he grits out, but even with the healing that's barely true. He rushes forward, still landing 3 hits to Syd with his bat. "How in character for you to aim for the worst places. Really a show for your true character, Syd." he skids to a stop at the side. "What should I expect from a murderer though?"Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty drags her hands down her face.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

"Oooh, he remembered how to speak." Sushi comments.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

"Worst places? I'm low but I'm not gonna aim for your worst." His eye twitched as Romeo called him a murderer again. He slams his club against the side of the cage, the metal rattling behind him violently.Β "Want to say that again? Louder? Want to bask in the one thing that you think makes you better than me?"

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty bonks her head against the cage. God.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

"I don't need to bask in anything. I just am better than you." he huffs "You bashed a guy's head in. I don't care what kind of person he was, you didn't have to kill him to win that fight. Just like you didn't have to go for the head against those sirens in Barcelona. But that would require holding whatever ravenous piece of shit spirit you have, wouldn't it?"Β 

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi is just looking between them, wondering when he gets to do something interesting.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is giving Sushi a look that says is there something you can do or??

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi is not looking at you, I'm so sorry Wisty.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty bonks her head into the cage again.

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

"He murdered werewolves, he wore their skin." Syd seems like he's aiming for Romeo but slams his club down to the side of Romeo. He steps closer. "She gutted my city and drowned our children." Another slam to his other side until he's in Romeo's face. "What do you do? Sit on your fucking throne."

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

"Throne? What fucking throne?! His organization hunted me and our coworkers, we were left to suffer through the wilderness against them and some hellbent creature after my bloodline! That keeps hunting me and hurting everyone around me! Every fucking second I'm awake I remember the wounds you and the others got because of me!" he shoves him back "but I still wouldn't kill those people! I don't have any right to take someone's life! But you? You think you matter so fucking much in this world that you do!" He goes back to swinging, despite the pain still resonating from his shoulder and abdomen, nailing all three swings. (17 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd grips the shield and it stops him from being shoved back too far. "Here it is, holier than me. That your mercy is something to be graced by because no one can give it like you can." He lets out an oomph this time as the blows connect with this shoulder. "Our dear Romeo, who's heart bleeds for his co workers." His club slams down on Romeo's shield (29) "Who will be a hero remembered for his times and sacrifices just like his dad."

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty might be slowly chewing through her lip now.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi can't tell if their plan has gone out the window due to the macho posturing or not and is just kind of watching in confusion.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo glares and just starts swinging, landing as many hard hits as he can to Syd's ribs.Β "DON'T FUCKING BRING HIM UP" He hitsΒ "My heart doesn't fucking bleed for anyone!" hitsΒ "Congrats to you for being some fucking cockroach of a being!" hits againΒ "I wouldn't choose your death, but the world would be better off-" hits againΒ "without a piece of shit like you!" with the final hit the bat flies out of his hand, huffing and sweating.Β (20 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd ended up stumbling on his ass, holding his ribs and wincing a little bit at the damage initially. He grinned at Romeo though as blood lightly dripped down his face from his nose starting. "You're no fucking better than me. Does it feel good?"Β 

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

As intensity rises in the arena, a low rumbling laugh echoes throughout the cage...

Romeo begins to feel a deep, intense hatred and rage for his opponent and the voices inside his head egg him on to fight with reckless abandon. There can only be one.Β 

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo freezes for a sec, blinking as something feels different... His eyes seeming different, redder somehow. He grinds his teeth together, going and grabbing his bat and turning on Syd.... and he just starts swinging, going immediately for Syd's head and hitting there or around on his shoulders all four swings. They're not well made, but swings of aggression more than decisive moves.Β (18 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd's face changes, his ears ringing as he gets a bat to the side of his head. He struggled on the floor for a moment. "Bitch-" He slams his club into Romeo's knees to knock him down. He's scooting back and trying to use the cage to help himself up (23 damage)

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo gets up and is just back to swinging again, landing hit after hit down on Syd's shoulders, head, and ribs. His face is full of what looks like blood lust and rage.Β (28 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd was knocked down again. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He tried to dodge, slamming his club down on Romeo's back (41 dmg) before stumbling back and holding his head a second. "Holy shit" his ears were ringing.Β 

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo is bleeding from... various places, it seems and yet isn't faced other than the strength and coordination of his swings are worsening, only managing to land 2 of his hitsΒ (4 dmg.Β )

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺

Wisty's hand goes over her mouth. "...Something's wrong. Syd, please-" With the unsaid just end this fast already-

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

The buzzer sounds! Time for break!

The cage doors open! But neither seem to be leaving?

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

"Okay, fuck it-" Sushi completely disregards the plan and attempts to cast Fear on the fighters. It sure felt like it worked, but nothing changed...? Huh.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

Romeo doesn't seem to even register anything and just. keeps. swinging. Blow after blow down on Syd's ribs and head and shoulders like its the only thing he can think about, unaffected by Sushi's magic.Β (18 dmg)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd is backed against the wall, a solid swing to his head having him on his knees. He clutched it as blood was starting to rush down his head and over the floor. He swung his leg out, climbing on romeo and trying to grapple him by the neck but slipping (25, 12) Still couldnt hear jack shit.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹

Buzzer sounds again! Doors have locked!Β 

Romeo swings again after Syd attempts to pin himΒ (6 dmg) then gets back up.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty hisses a breath out through her teeth and a black force field, edged in an orange-yellow, appears in front of Syd (10 temporary HP to Syd, -10 energy mana).Β 

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟

Syd tried choking Romeo again but it wasn't working. He was back on his ass, trying to rub some of the blood out of his eyes before grabbing his club readying for his next attack now.Β "I'm so fucking sorry Wisty."

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo grunts angrily, easily getting out of the grip and nails the force field with his bat, aiming for Syd's ribs.Β (7 dmg)

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Sushi attempts to put Romeo to sleep, growls a little when it also fails, and throws his hands in the air with aΒ "Whatever, kill each other I guess!" He is literally just walking away. You're on your own Wisty.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

"It's fine, I'll fix him, just end it-"

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd was stumbling, swinging on Romeo with a blur against his torso from the blood down his eyes. (51 damage). Eventually his club slipped from his hands and he was on his knees. "Fuck is he out? God. Fuck-" He couldnt hear, couldnt see anything. Was blindly feeling around his pockets before he felt a soaked pheonix feather that he pressed on Romeo's neck now. Wow the ring was a blood bath!!

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo's abdomen is hit and something cracks, blood spitting up from his mouth as he hits the ground, dribbling down the side and pooling. He doesn't move, his bat hitting the ground, as he goes completely limp. Β 

The buzzer sounds. "THE REDHEAD WIIINNSSSS!!!" and the crowds cheers in joy at the bloodbath before them, the cage opening.Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺

Wisty immediately darts in and skids down next to Romeo's limp body, pressing her hands against the least injured part of him. "Romeo, wake up, c'mon- Romeo-" Her hands and eyes glow bright gold as she Psychic Surgeries his lung and ribs back together. "C'mon, cmon..." (-20 mana).Β 

Goose | CatπŸ“š Lana🌻✨ JackπŸ›ΉΒ 

Caitlyn is rushing to her boyfriend and will be helping him get out of here now I really gotta go byeeee

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd was just bent over holding his head trying to keep in the blood still in himΒ (woo).

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

Jamie booked it down to the stage following after Caitlyn. "Syd-!"

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡

Esme is behind Wisty already and ready to help.Β "If you've got the internal damage, I can heal the rest as much as possible-" They also glance to Syd.Β "And you too,"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠LπŸ—‘I 🐟 

Iseul is running over, looking between the two in the ring before gritting his teeth and situating next to Wisty, before taking a deep breath.Β "I can also help with wound healing-"

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

"Check on Syd first, I've got it-" She takes a deep breath and pulls, another strong glow coming from her hands (-20 HP for +10 mana, immediate Lvl 3 Heal for -10 mana and +15 HP).Β 

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡

Esme pulls a face, but can't except judge Wisty for that decision. They turn to Syd and hold his arm gently, healing the superficial injuries first. (+21 HP) "Hi, hello-- please don't feel bad, he was definitely demon posessed in some way-"Β 

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd's hearing was going in and out, leaning against the first thing that touched him.Β "So fucking sorry Wisty." He was mumbling he didn't mean for this to happenΒ :Β (

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo gasps a ragged gargled breath before immediately coughing and shuttering physically, garbled coughs bringing forward a ton of blood from his throat. He flops to his side, the blood dripping from his mouth onto the ground and gagging, wincing and shuttering at the raw feeling in his throat. Β He blinks and looks around, confused for a second before trying to get up "What- why did I-.... Syd-!" he tries to find Syd quickly, twisting around on broken or barely together bones that leaves him lurching in pain.

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

Jamie stepped in close, not really thinking much about the fight itself and just focusing on his partner right now. He reaches out to pull Syd into a hug so he can lean against him, careful of any injuries. "I got you... We should get you to a doctor, like, now-..."Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

"Shhhh-sh-sh-sh-" Wisty keeps a hand on Romeo's back as he vomits. "Romeo, stay - stay still a second, Esme's got Syd taken care of, please-"Β 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠LπŸ—‘I 🐟

"You both need to go to a hospital before any apologies can happen.""Wisty, I can call an ambulance to meet us."Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺

"Please. Thank you," Wisty is working very hard to hold it together at the moment.Β 

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

He coughs again, more spatters of blood flying out. He still searches, eyes wild with shock and some fear. "I didn't- I heard laughing and then all I could think about- I didn't want to-" perhaps shock is catching up.Β 

Teaiu | Jarno🌲NeraπŸ‘ΌΒ 

Jarno is standing there, looking over the the two broken men on the ground."I can carry one of them," he offers. It's all he can do, really.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

Esme performs a Sense Damage on Syd, frowning. "...Yeah, I can't pinpoint what is broken but-- hospital. For sure."

Fox | Judas

Judas is also down there out of the way but ready to help get people to the hospital if needed…

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠LπŸ—‘I 🐟 

Iseul's phone is out and an ambulance is being called! Time for hospital treatment!

🌌InΓ© | AuranπŸ›Έ Leslieβš“ Jess πŸ› Β 

Leslie's finally made it down to the ring. After a long conflicted stare at the mess going on, they decide to just quietly leave.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺

"Shhh-sh-sh-sh, I know, I know..." She takes a deep breath and braces herself one more time, a calming glow emanating out to try and settle his panic. (-20 HP forΒ +10 mana, thenΒ -10 mana again for Calm Mind)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd holds his hand out to Jamie only to cough a bit and spit out a tooth.Β "fuck.." His hearing comes backΒ .. only on one side though.Β "Is he alive?" He eye narrows a bit to see Romeo crawling around.Β "I'm fine, called me a cockroach bitch. He right." He has a bit of a lisp as he talks from jaw pain.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo calms down, his breath slightly evening but he does finally manage to see Syd, despite his vision being a bit blurry. "Syd- Syd I didn't mean to- I didn't want to-"

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

Jamie looks conflicted, but stays focused. "He's alive... do you need me to carry you? Can you walk straight-?"Β  He turns and glares at Romeo trying to plead, unaware of what's happened here.Β 

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡 

"Not fine enough." Esme comments. They touch his face gently to try and solve whatever's going on in there to cause the lisp, but no dice.Β (3)

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd looked up at jamie, grinning.Β "Carry me handsome." His face wavered for a moment before His head lulled andΒ .. he was out. Zonked. Gooped. bye.

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty breathes a sigh of relief as he settles, hand going to find Romeo's. She can feel the mana overextension setting in. Oops. As Syd knocks out, she moves slightly in that direction.Β "He- Esme, he can't be asleep right now, he got hit in the head. CanΒ - can you-"

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

Jamie did manage to catch his at least, since he was already going to pick him up. Trying not to panic while he lets the healers work-

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡

Esme sighs, also pulls deep to summon a lot of extra mana with a hiss, and paps Syd again. "...Sorry, no nap time." (Revive, +12 HP)

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

Wisty lets out a sigh too.Β "....Thank you. Jamie, try...try to keep him awake. Thanks." Another breath in and out.Β "We have to get them to the ambulance. Can people with more muscle than me help move them? Iseul, is the ambulance on its way?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠LπŸ—‘I 🐟 

Iseul gives a thumbs up.Β "It will meet us nearby."

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

"I can- I can move" Romeo winces, attempting to get up himself.

πŸ‘½ Bennie | 🌸 A πŸ’€ F 🍡 CΒ 

"Yeah, I've got him.." Jamie ends up being pretty curt with her. He lifts Syd up to start getting him out of this place while gently chatty flirting to keep him up.

Fox | JudasΒ 

Judas is going over to Romeo time to repay the man and he’s going to help him walk if he will let him

Ari | Syd πŸ”₯ Ryder πŸ€ Babs 🌟 

Syd is swooned by his boyfriend while struggling to stay awake. He may thank people later who knows

Teaiu | Jarno🌲NeraπŸ‘ΌΒ 

Jarno goes to help out with Romeo."Come on man, you're pretty beat up, accept the help," he says as he goes to take one arm over his shoulder, very delicately.Β 

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺

Wisty is about to protest Romeo standing on its own, but relaxes a little and nods when Judas and Jarno offer support. She's gonna. Stay sitting on the ground for a second.

Rob | Esme πŸ„ Sushi πŸ–• Bones 🌡

"If you try to move while Injured I will Injure you myself." Esme frustratedly mutters at Romeo before following Jamie and his idiot out of the cage.

πŸ‘» Bec | R πŸ₯€NπŸ‘MπŸ¦‹Β 

Romeo doesn't really fight Judas or Jarno, mostly cause he honestly can't and lets them help him out of the ring.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠LπŸ—‘I 🐟 

Iseul just. Gently pats Wisty's shoulder, before getting up to maybe go lead everyone out of the ring and to where the ambulance will meet them.

Fox | JudasΒ 

Judas looks back to Wisty β€œneed a hand as well??” He’s got one arm around Romeo very gently let’s try not to hurt him more

✨ Blue | Wisty πŸŒ‡ Thistle 🌺 

"No, I'm good, I'm good..." She drags herself up to her feet and follows after.