Magical Trinkets

3 months, 26 days ago

Another try out piece from his original adopts

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"How many focus gems do you need for this new trinket?" Magnolia sighed as she watched her brother carefully place the gems into the fine, decorative headpiece he had commissioned from the best charmsmith in Europe. The headpiece alone had been at an extraordinary cost. But the gems themselves? They were absolutely priceless. And Daxius had meticulously collected them himself after his last project had finished-- the chain wrapped around his horn with a focus crystal of it's own embedded in it.

"You've barely rested since your..." Magnolia paused. "... incident. And these focus gems are just overkill at this point. You hardly need them. It's only a show of your arrogance--"

"Mags, really, arrogance? They're for emergencies. Packed full of my extra magic, just in case I need them, These are not your average focus gems, and you're more than aware of that. You oversaw my spellcasting yourself once they were properly polished. Now I just have to set them and--" he cast a spell, whispering to the gems before stepping away. He wiped his hands together a moment, and then on his pants before turning to Magnolia with a grin. "And it's done! And beautiful, I might add. I don't think I'll have to worry any time soon about a lack of raw magic, at least. Fantastic."

Magnolia shook her head "Just you wait until some other prominent witch sees you in this ridiculous and gaudy trinket."

Daxius frowned to his sister. "You're just old-fashioned. And not in a good way. This is like, very antiquity. The types of things ancient witches of prominence wore daily. You have several bits of jewelry in your precious school's historical section just like it."

"Yes, we do have some in our collection. Pieces owned by arrogant witches like you." she replied, but the sound of her voice and the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her fondness.

"Oh come on, quit teasing me sister. Help me put it on, please?"

Magnolia sighed, but with a fond smile in place she picked up the delicate-looking headpiece and gently set it on her brother's brow.