February 17, 1878 Outside the Ministry.

3 months, 23 days ago

Meet little Stew and Lilith.

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February 17, 1878 Outside the Ministry.

The sun has set an hour ago, the rain pours hard battering the sleek roof of the Ministry. A sister of sin in her late twenties is briskly walking down the main corridor.

“Lilith I am being serious, you better not bring that little rat into here! We don’t need anymore ghouls.” A beaming feminine voice echoes behind Lilith.

She continues to walk down the main corridor frustrated, “Brother Ryan said it was just a runt, it is raining outside for hell’s sake! The poor thing is probably scared too- with the whole ruckus you ignorant fools have stirred up over it.”

There’s a loud huff and then the sound of dress shoes walking away echoing off the walls.

“Whatever- just don’t bring it to me. You will be responsible for it.” She rolls her eyes and continues on.

Lilith plows through the main doors and out onto the landing. She frantically whips her head around squinting to try to spot the little ghoul. In the dark something shifted along a rose bush, its little silver eyes shining in the ministry’s window light.

She smiled and slowly walked down the steps and into the rain. She crouched down and made herself small while inching closer to the figure. “Hello little one, I’m here to help you”

She reached a hand out to the figure, holding her palm open for it to take. A small grey hand hesitantly takes her hand and a small chirp comes from the figure.

Lilith smiles gently while pulling the little ghoul out of the darkness of the bush and into her embrace. The ghoul looks up at her surprised but relaxes into her embrace. Lilith observes them, she notices it looks potentially like a male ghoul. He was nearly naked except for the pair of soaked shorts he wore. His short silver hair is drenched, some of it sticking to his small nubby horns. With further inspection she notices the small gills along his lower neck and sides, along with frilled ears, identifying him as a water ghoul.

No wonder he was outside in the rain.

“Let’s get you inside where we can get you nice and warm.” She gently pulls him up to stand and takes his hand.

Once inside the ministry she guides him to a utility room and sits him atop a table while she fetches a towel for him. He twiddles his thumbs while watching her dig through a hamper.

She finds one with a triumphant hum and returns to him. She begins patting him down with it, mindful of his gills, which with closer inspection look inflamed.

“I haven’t introduced myself haven’t I?” she smiles as she gets a chirp in response “Well, my name is Lilith, but you can call me Lily.”

A garbled chirp comes from him, like he is trying to mimic her name. He smiles confidently up at her as she giggles lightly. She takes the towel and begins gently drying his hair.

“Maybe we’ll have to teach you how to speak some English.” she pauses while holding his head, looking into his wide curious eyes, “Do you have a name, little one?”

He shakes his head no and then tilts his head in question.

“Then how about I name you.” She finishes drying his hair and puts the towel on the table. “How does Stew sound?” She questions while turning to another hamper to collect some clothes for him to wear.

Behind her she gets an excited chirp in response.

“Stew was the first name I could think of; maybe because I had some stew earlier.” She giggles to herself and returns to him again with a new pair of clothes. “Plus, too many ghouls are named after their element.”

She pauses, noticing the small tremors leaving his body.

“Let’s get you changed so we can sit in front of the fireplace.” He nods, and hesitantly grasps the pair of clothes.

At the fireplace the newly named ghoul, Stew, sits with a blanket wrapped around him. Lilith sits next to him reading a book. It’s a little after nine now, and Stew is softly drifting off to sleep. He eventually slumps against Lilith, subconsciously nuzzling into her side. She smiles to herself as she turns to another page in her book.

Stew’s soft snores fill the room as the rain continues to patter against the ministry’s roof.