Spirals of Paradise [Event]

3 months, 30 days ago
3 months, 21 days ago
5 6699

Chapter 1
Published 3 months, 30 days ago

All my writing for the anniversary event. Including the required parts and supplementary text I've included to make it flow better.

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Prologue: Part 1

Gabriel swallows nervously, the document feels heavy in his paws from the information Elton has given him. Of course he wants to help, but then there’s a problem, he doesn’t know any Pawniard or Bisharp who could help. Well know, that’s a lie, there’s Kozmotis and his family, but he is not going to force them into this, Adelaide is too young and neither of her parents would be willing to leave her, especially not to do something so dangerous.
This does leave Mayr however, the strange future pokemon has a wide range of friends and allies, he’s sure that he’ll have someone willing to help, so that’s where his paws take him. He’ll update the rest of Team Ambrosia afterwards, once the plans are already in place because he’s sure someone will try to talk him out of helping with this, that Team Ferine are too dangerous to try and cross. And while that’s true, Gabriel can’t bear the idea that he would just stand by and let whatever might be about to happen, happen, what sort of adventuring team leader would he be if he didn’t.

It doesn’t take him long to get to Mayr’s house, it’s eerily quiet compared to what it normally is, though it is used like a halfway house for many of the pokemon it rescues from the Dungeons, so maybe it’s just a quiet time between pokemon. He takes a nervous breath as he gets to the door, he’s not kept up with what the other is up to, there’s a chance he isn’t here at all, or has no one who could help, and then it’s back to the drawing board, finding someone to try and recruit himself.
His paw raps on the door.
There’s continued silence for a few moments before shouting can be heard, then drowned out by hoofsteps leading up to the door. It’s swung open with speed and Gabriel takes a sharp step back to ensure he’s not caught up by it.
Mayr looks exasperated until he looks down and notices Gabriel, and a smile spreads across his face, some of the stress melting away at the sight of him, clearly not the visitor it was expecting, but one that they’re grateful for.
“Ah, Gabriel. What can I do for you?” He’s curt and smooths himself down.
“I hope now isn’t a bad time, I was wondering if I could borrow your brain for a little bit.” Gabriel realises now that maybe he shouldn’t have just dropped in unannounced with what could be a job that could cause the rise or fall of Coldour.
“There is never a bad time for you Gabriel, please come in, I apologise for the mess.”
The eevee follows the other pokemon into the house, and tries not to look quite so surprised by the mess, he’s only been in the other pokemon’s house a few times, but it always seems so neat, normally the biggest mess is wherever Cassius ended up flopping to sleep after their dungeon dives. They’re led into the living room which looks slightly neater, some pokemon teleports off as the figure’s enter, Gabriel doesn’t even have time to work out who it could have been. Mayr sits on the sofa and gestures for Gabriel to do the same, after a couple of moments he follows and pulls the document back out from his bag. Mayr’s eyes follow the movement, the brief flash of question marks instead of pupils betrays his interest.
“I understand this will be asking a lot, I think it’s best if you read this first.” And Gabriel slides over the document.
Mayr picks it up and instantly opens it, eyes scanning through the document swiftly, Gabriel doesn’t worry about him missing any of it, he’s not sure how the other’s screen eyes work, but he always seems capable of taking in and retaining information at an alarming speed. These same screens also act as a glimpse into the other’s mind as he reads through the document, confusion and then the anxious sense of what this could mean, what Ferine could be up to and the future for their world. It has been a lot for the other to take in the fact that the future he came from is clearly not the future of his time, so he has no knowledge of what could happen from any event, it makes him feel bare and anxious.
“So you need my help finding a Pawniard willing to help?” It’s asked as a question, but Gabriel knows it’s a statement and he’s worked out exactly why he’s come here.
He nods nervously in response, clearing his throat,
“I have, I didn’t want to go to Kozmotis and his family over this, it’s not something I could ask of them.”
Gabriel keeps his head low, thoughts briefly drifting back to the new egg he also knows they now have, he just doesn’t want to bring it up in case Mayr hasn’t yet been informed. Mayr nods, almost knowingly, maybe it has been informed, the two do seem rather close and Cassius spends a lot of time with both of them, especially with their own daughter.
“That we agree on.” he pauses for a second, thinking, “I think I do have someone who can help though.” A soft smile spreads across his face.
Gabriel can’t help but mimic the expression as he’s given the document back, his tail wags lightly at the idea. They’re going to be able to help. Mayr’s gotten to his feet and is leafing through some sort of book on his fireplace, it’s sat next to a photo of it’s daughter.
“It may take me a day or two to get into contact with them and get them here however.” It adds.
“That’s fine, we have some timeline wiggle room to work with, as long as they’re willing to help.”
Mayr nods and turns back around, the book has been left laying open on a specific page.
“I’m sure they’ll jump at the idea, especially if it means working with an actual adventuring guild team. Can I interest you in some lunch, it’s getting late and I know it was quite a walk over here?” Mayr adds.
Gabriel pauses for a second, he does need to go back and inform his team over what’s going on, but his decision is sort of taken out of his paws as his stomach growls and he looks a little sheepish.
“Lunch would be wonderful if you could spare it.”

Author's Notes

Takes place right after the information we're given in part 0. Honestly no idea why Elton went to a Team made up purely of 'vees to get a Pawniard infiltrator

Characters: ♢ LVL225 Gabriel {Eevee/Variant} ♢ & LVL436 Mayr {Iron Valiant+Wooloo/Fusion+Colored+Variant+Keratinous+Alpha}
Word Count: 1090
Prompt: N/A