Spirals of Paradise [Event]

3 months, 30 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
5 6699

Chapter 2
Published 3 months, 30 days ago

All my writing for the anniversary event. Including the required parts and supplementary text I've included to make it flow better.

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Prologue: Part 2

"You still look so relieved that I agreed to this and turned up."
Mayr smiles faintly sheepishly, turning to look at the Pawniard carefully sat on his sofa, avoiding touching the material with any of its burning hot metal.
"Well yes, I am asking a lot of you, this isn't going to be easy or safe."
A cocky grin appears on the Pawniard’s face
Mayr was surprised over how fast Ivo agreed to meet with him so fast and was in fact relieved that he agreed to this, he explained everything he could, but told him that Gabriel would be around as soon as possible to then explain what he’s been told by Elton and that even at that point he could pull out. Ivo however laughed, this seems to be an opportunity of a lifetime so of course he’s not going to turn it down. Doesn’t matter how hard the work is, he’s willing to do it, muck in and he guesses, save the land he’s living in. Maybe a morally grey figure wasn’t the best to send on this sort of mission, but from the sounds of Mayr’s first message, they had little other options and he agrees with him, sending in either a child or a parent that has a child and another on the way, it’s not the best decision on the planet.
They’re currently waiting for Gabriel, which is why they’re sat awkwardly in the room together. Mayr keeps shifting and looking out of the window, waiting to see the Eevee’s arrival. They know each other, they work well together but they aren’t the sort of friendship that would sit and just chat together. He can probably thank the fact that Mayr rescued him from a dungeon for that, one hell of a  way to fall into another universe, smack bang into a dungeon. It actually took Ivo a while to realise this wasn’t his original home, not a lot is different and Mayr seemed to understand that very well. Talking of Mayr, the other has suddenly gotten to his hooves,
“Oh thank goodness” It’s breathed out but Ivo still picks up on it, “Gabriel’s here.” This is said louder, intended for the audience and Ivo does perk up.
He’s not met the Eevee, leader of Team Ambrosia and who seems to be about to be his employer, should be an honour really as he has no Eevee dna. He has heard of the other pokemon however, not so much a dungeon diver like Mayr is, but he takes on a lot of quest board tasks and apparently also came from another world, where he wasn’t a pokemon. Maybe Ivo can ask for that story as payment after this is all said and done.

Mayr let’s the other pokemon in and Ivo bows in greeting, it may be a bit dramatic, but that’s how he feels like acting right now,
“Gabriel, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, from both Mayr and the rumours alike.” He smiles out and Gabriel lets out a laugh, that’s the combination of nervous and trying to keep the air light.
“Hopefully all good things.” He tacks on.
Ivo straightens, with a grin, enjoying how the other pokemon looks over him, eyes lingering at his glowing metal.
“I assure you that they have been. I am more than honoured that I was considered as the option to help you out on this mission. I’ve heard a lot from Mayr, but he assures me you have more information for me.” It backs up slightly, giving them all room to enter the room.
“I do, Elton’s given me some more information since I told him we had a Pawniard willing to help.” Gabriel responds with a nod.

Mayr’s left the room to make them some drinks as Gabriel goes over the base information, covering everything even the stuff that Mayr has already told him. Ghost lets him repeat the information, it seems better to have stuff repeated then potentially missed, he’s only heard rumours about Stan and Team Ferine, but he knows it’s something deeply serious and he needs to know everything he can to ensure nothing goes seriously wrong. Gabriel’s clearly nervous, he keeps reassuring Ivo that it’s alright and he can back out if he feels like this is too much, and in return Ivo just keeps reassuring him that he’s willing to do basically anything. If this is as major as Elton seems to think it is, then of course he’s going to help out, he knows how these people work, he’s sure Elton’s probably got other Teams infiltrating, but how much guilt would he and Team Ambrosia feel if they didn’t help and then the others did not succeed. 

At some point Mayr has come back in, sat on the sofa opposite listening in, two hot mugs of coffee sit in front of them and Ivo takes a deep sip as both other pokemon look at him.

“I’m firm in my choice, I’m helping out.” He states and a sigh of relief comes from both other pokemon, their postures relax.

“Wonderful, I am so very thankful for you, Ivo. We have a final meeting with Elton tomorrow then, he’s managed to work out where we can get you into the organisation and from there it’s up to you to keep yourself safe. If we do this right, the Ferine will accept you openly and then we can save Coldour.” Gabriel’s tail wags nervously behind him.

Tomorrow seems fast, Ivo doesn’t voice it but he does firmly think it, but then, maybe that’s truly showing how much of a threat the guild thinks this is. No vetting from Elton, just trusting that from Gabriel’s own previous work for them, that the pokemon he’ll be bringing in is trustworthy and not going to double cross them, a dangerous game no doubt.

“Well then, I best sleep well tonight.” It takes another sip from the hot drink as excitement begins to thumb through him.

Author's Notes

How relaxing, Mayr's connection has agreed to help and he seems very excited to what this is going to bring him next. Introducing this events MC Ivo!

Characters: ♢ LVL225 Gabriel {Eevee/Variant} ♢ & LVL436 Mayr {Iron Valiant+Wooloo/Fusion+Colored+Variant+Keratinous+Alpha} & ♟ LVL22 Ivo {Pawniard/Shiny+Keratinous +Elemental(Fire)} ♟
Word Count: 1010
Prompt: N/A