Nadia x Finn OTP Facts

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Nadia x Finn OTP Questions 1: 30 Questions

1. Who is the most affectionate? – They can both be pretty affectionate. Nadia isn’t as physical but there’s a lot of small touches Finn tends to give that act as comforts or reassurances.

2. Big spoon/Little spoon? – Nadia is forever small. She feels comfortable being held as it’s something she never got a lot of before. It makes her feel safer. 

3. Most common argument? – It likely deals with how willing Finn is to take risks at points. He sometimes forgets the people around him when he brews up an idea. 

4. Favorite non-sexual activity? – Kick back and light up a joint? Crack open a cold one? Nah, they depend a lot on conversation and camping around a fire to get their kicks off given they don’t exactly own a lot. Whatever nature’s got, they’ll find a way to be entertained. 

5. Who is most likely to carry the other? – Honestly throw a lot in as it could go either way, but Finn being more hands on might be the one to do the carrying more often 

6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? – Nadia admires how confidant and strong Finn is able to act despite everything they’ve been through and everything he himself has gone through. He never second guesses himself and she appreciates that. For Finn, Nadia has shown a great deal of kindness and growth over the time they’ve been together, and he can tell how hard she’s trying to do right by her life. Her persistence is admirable and gives him faith in the pair. 

7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? – Nadia doesn’t really know what to do. Romantic attraction never really factored into her life beforehand, only physical contact really mattering in any relationship. She hesitated a bit, but wasn’t ready to run away from the feelings either. Upon realizing feels might be there and even a chance to act on them, Finn recoils a bit from pervious activities, devoting less time to “fuck buddy’ relationships with others to rather try and do right in perusing something with more substance with Nadia. 

8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? – Finn had always had a habit of referring to Nadia, and others, with words like honey, sweetheart, etc which made him the more likely to jump into nicknames. After Nadia confided in him about her past, he’d start calling her Dove at times, increasingly so as the two had growing feelings, referring to her motherly instinct and pure heart despite everything she’s been through. It’s a hope of peace for her. As for Nadia, she isn’t initially one to jump to nicknaming anyone, but does eventually get into the habit of referring to him through Russian terms of endearment in an attempt to hide her own embarrassment in calling him sweet names, always keeping everyone guessing what she’s saying. This include terms such as долгожданный, meaning long awaited, and Солнышко, meaning sun. 

9. Who worries the most? – Nadia by far. She worries about everything and worrying about him is no different 

10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? – This is honestly something they’d both get into the habit of. Nadia pays attention to everything and, even if his mind seems to be elsewhere at times, Finn tends to remember small things that seem to matter such as this. 

11. Who tops? – Could be a switch thing? It takes Nadia a while to get back into anything like this is general, and she isn’t one to jump to control, but it could turn later in the relationship LOL 

12. Who initiates kisses? – Probably Finn generally. Nadia still isn’t really used to all the relationship stuff. It’s something that’s relatively foreign to her and she’s not sure at what speed to proceed or what’s appropriate. 

13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first? – Even if she isn’t as feely, the hand is one thing Nadia isn’t afraid to go for, as having one hand in hand brings her a sense of comfort. 

14. Who kisses the hardest? – It could go either way, but surprisingly Nadia can get relatively intense once she gets comfortable. It’s nice for her to be able to find comfort in a relationship of actual substance and she isn’t afraid to go a bit further once she finds her comfort zone. 

15. Who wakes up first? – Probably Nadia. She’s always been an early riser and just never really broke the habit. She likes to see the sunrise when she can. 

16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? – Probably Finn. Nights tend to be rough and long so who doesn’t want to chill out for just a few minutes longer? 

17. Who says I love you first? – Does it have to be in English? Nadia defers to foreign language’s to address her feelings first, such as saying Я люблю тебя всем сердцем, to avoid any awkwardness if she can. She likes knowing without others and even Finn himself knowing, and Russian helps her get used to the idea. She is the first one to admit so both parties can understand however. 

18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) – Nadia cooks, she leaves the notes, not that she makes anyone a packable lunch very often. Still, her notes are usually small thank you and reassurances of the good she sees in the day. 

19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? – They don’t really need to “Tell” anyone given how open everyone in their little drifter family is. Everyone just sort of knows after all is said and done. If anyone, Nadia would jump to tell Andie I’m sure. 

20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship? – Love is love and everyone can do what they want. There is nothing but support from their friends aka their family since none of them have any real blood family to speak of. 

21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? – Nadia actually has a lot of energy in tis department, and the one part of her job she liked was learning how to move where she could. It’s nice for her now to be able to do such things with someone she actually cares about. 

22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? – Nadia loves to cook and she’s pretty dang good at it too. I’m honestly not sure about Finn’s disposition towards it but I know Nadia never minds doing and takes plenty of joy in doing if for others. 

23. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines? – There generally nothing cheesy here, but overall, Finn is better with the talking here and lines are no different. 

24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? – Another point for Finn, as Nadia isn’t really comfortable doing such a thing for a while but boy is fin good at getting her going. 

25 .Who needs more assurance? – Definitely Nadia. This is not at all something she’s used to as she’s always been used and tossed in her life. She wants to do things right and depends a lot on his reassurance to make she she’s doing alright. This, of course, causes him some concern every now and again 

26. What would be their theme song? – I’m not good with these so we’ll go with "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion 

27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep? – Nadia. She knows a lot of obscure songs and lullaby’s and has a pretty okay voice. It’s calming to listen to her.

 28. What do they do when they’re away from each other? – They function just find away from one another. They’re built on their freedom and would never hinder it for one another. There is, of course, the usual “I miss you” and longing but they’re able to keep themselves together when separated. 

29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. – Upon the suggestion of a more casual physical relationship before the two developed and revealed their real and genuine feelings, Nadia backed away quickly and seemed to hide in a shell for a while. She knew she really cared about him, and didn’t want to drive him off. But she was scared of falling flat on her face again and into old habits. She felt someone else might be better to help with his needs in that department and was sure she was just not what he needed. 

30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it. – Having such feelings, Nadia actually worked up the courage to talk to him about it after he approached her to make sure she was okay, leading to her confessing to her past for the first time to anyone outside Andie. It was eye opening for her and deepened their bond, especially when Finn assured her he still cared, and she didn’t have to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with.