His Story Thus Far & Into it's Future

2 months, 21 days ago
2 months, 20 days ago
3 3507 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 months, 21 days ago

Hyasynith has had many adventure's in his life, it's travelled across countless planets around the universe but then he returned home. And then home was gone. Now they are stuck with the majority of the remaining rest of their kind on a new planet. What does he make of it, how does his life now change with his new friends and found family. [Mainly follows the main storyline prompts but may feature mini-prompts or side stories that supplement lore points]

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A Bumpy Arrival

A cold shudder runs down its spine as it lifts plants head with a hearty groan. His head spins and as it glances around, the other Moorn’tal in the room with him don’t seem to be faring much better than it is themselves. A hand is raised to their forehead, a very soft whimper as it feels the torn off chunks of keratin. It must have been an awful landing for them to have cracked.
They’ll grow back, they always do, something it’s more than embraced at this point, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt as they replace themselves.
Clambering to his feet, when did he hit the floor?
Glancing around, it rushes to help one of the others.
She’s pulling at a chunk of ship, it seems to have her arm trapped but all she’s going to end up doing is hurt herself more,
“Wait.” His throat hurts but she stops at the sound of his voice.
She looks up, frozen, blinking wide, a hint of blood coming from the corner of her mouth and she looks so very afraid. The panic of her trapped limb combined with whatever happened to the Anerias and wherever they might now be, he trusts the scientists, trust Actias to have the correct programming to have kept them safe, well as safe as they could. He doesn’t have time to dwell on this right now though, there’s a young woman who needs his help.
“I’m going to try and lift this, I need you to move your arm out from under it as fast as you comfortably can. Don’t overpush it, I can hold it for as long as you need.” He explains, trying to catch her eye, see how lucid she may be.
She doesn’t speak in response, just nods, and he runs his mind trying to remember if he spoke to her before this, if he got her name or if she’s just another Moorn’tal he smiled at and she stood out in his mind with her traits. Her dragonfly-like wings flutter behind her, one slightly torn as he carefully stands over her, at least this chunk of ship seems whole, even if it’s fallen and she got caught underneath it. Everything could have been worse if it wasn’t likely to have shifted and moved in one solid piece, content he’s got a good location to grip it, he tries to smile softly back down at her.
“Ready? This will hurt.” He asks.
Again, her only response is a nod, though it is accompanied with a slight vocalisation, which he’s just going to have to hope is a good sign.

It lowers his centre of gravity, before bending his knees and lifting. The metal creaks loudly but then shifts, a soft but pained whimper emits from the other Moorn’tal below him. His eyes linger down to her arm, it’s not visibly damaged but he knows anything could be happening under the surface as she slowly recoils it. Once it’s safely out of the way, he lowers the metal back, hoping it wasn’t something important that the ship needed.
“Are you doing alright?” He asks, stepping back around to kneel in front of her, “My names Hyasyinth, do you have family aboard?”
It’s a dangerous question, a lot of kin got aboard but some were left, as far as he is aware himself, none of Hyasyinth’s own family even resided on the homeworld anymore, and part of him wonders if he should have never returned those years ago.
The mention of kin however, makes her eyes widen, and she nods.
“My sister, I have to find…” She’s cut off with a heavy, heaving cough.
She doubles over and he braces her up, running a soft circle across the back of her right arm, worried to touch her damaged one. She hopes for her sake that her sister is close and safe on the ship, as things start to stop ringing in his own head, the curiosity over what has exactly happened is growing and the urge to explore is back. There’s a chance he can be help, even if it’s just helping another Moorn’tal from the damage of the ship, see if where they’ve landed is truly safe. Her coughing has stopped, and so is the more laboured breathing, she’s hanging onto it’s arm, just above the growths, she’s now looking at them, fascination spreading across her face.
“Go look for her,” His tone is soft, snapping her back to attention, “I will pray to whoever will still listen to me, that she's okay as well.”
She smiles softly in response.
He can’t help the fatherly feelings that overwhelm him as he smiles back, he’ll blame the crash and the shocking reminder of his own mortality for why he’s thinking about his own empty nest status. It helps her to her feet, her legs a little shaky but he knows that’s from the adrenaline which is coursing through her veins right now.
She’s then dashing to the door, a little haphazardly and avoiding the other Moorn’tal who are also still pulling themselves together and trying to work out what’s happened to the ship, them and their loved ones. But then she pauses,
“Neveah.” She calls back before dashing off.
It makes him pause for a second, before realising that it’s probably her name and he smiles softly.

It runs its eyes over the room one more time as he heads to the doorway. No one else in here seems to need any help, the few still struggling on the floor now have others gathered around them and too many helpers stops being helpful. Walking out of the door, it feels odd, the normal hum of the ship and its inhabitants now diminished thanks to the crash.
There’s light streaming into the hallway just in front of him, and it takes Hyasyinth a second to realise it’s a massive tear into the ship, so he approaches it with caution. Unsure if curiosity or apprehension is the leading emotion, his tails drop, dragging across the floor and occasionally banging against the torn up rubble. He’s glad to see there’s less Moorn’tal still on the floor here and there’s a couple staring out through the teer. It stops any apprehension he had, and it goes to join them.
His eyes widen.
It’s distinctly aware of the noise of shock and awe that escapes it.
Hyasyinth has been to many planets in his lifetime, but something about this one just feels different. Maybe it’s because he’s also more than aware now, that this is going to be their permanent home for the foreseeable future and that life has changed a lot. He stares, a few of the others back up as it spots a few large, boulder covered creatures able out of the woods and begin to lay down, basking in the warm sun. It reaches down for its pouch and notebook, and then realises it was left in his room and hopefully hasn’t gotten lost in the crash. He wonders if they’re friendly, they look friendly as a few walk to the river visible from the hole, hopes they’re visible because he just wants to go and pet one, they look petable.
No one’s ventured out yet, not from this side of the ship and Hyasinth isn’t so sure if he’s willing to be the very first one, though as soon as he spots someone else stepping out, well then he’s going to have to join them, if anything because numbers is safety but also because oh he’d love to get a closer look at those lumbering beasts and whatever else this planet has to offer them.
For now however, it’s stay in the ship, see what the crash has done and maybe try to locate Neveah and her yet to be named sister. It could also do him some good to sit down and check over himself and his own wounds, ensure none of his growths have snapped too low that it’s overly irritated his skin, unsure on how he’d even treat that on this planet, their new home as it seems.
Padding back down the corridor, Hyasyinth’s mind is whirring at top speed. It’s worth finding another notebook sooner rather than later and then try to find his other one.
He has a feeling there’s a lot of things that will need to be noted down.

Author's Notes

Story Point: Prologue
Task: Task the First
Characters: Hyasyinth & Neveah
Characters mentioned: Amara [not by name]
Word Count: 1405

Note: Neveah only appears in the first 800ish words