Spring Chaos

2 months, 27 days ago
2 months, 27 days ago
3 1869

Entry 3
Published 2 months, 27 days ago

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Spread the Havoc

"Good work you two." Reaper chuckled as he watched the two others spread some seeds around. "This seems to be a real success. Handing those flowers out to those idiots was a breeze."

Forge and Scorch nodded. "Yeah those smart types really are useful heheh." Scorch finished spreading the last of the seeds he had.

"And we finally don't have to deal with those zorua." Forge shivered.

"Yeah. The best part of this whole thing." Reaper sighed in relief. He'd take mindless anger over the calculating nature of the duo. "Remind me to send a gift basket or something to the scientists back at home base. Real lifesavers."

"OBSERVATION." Reaper froze at the all too familiar voice. Slowly they looked over to see a group of pokemon, the one his eyes locked onto was the robotic zorua. Metal's stare was cold. "YOU HAVE FAILED TO TOTALLY COMPLETE YOUR OBJECTIVE."

Reaper's eyes darted to the other members of the group. His only solace was it seemed the flowers had done their job on Metal's companion. Though he also unfortunately recognized four of the knights which had come into town recently. This was going to be a losing battle and the best outcome for them and their group was to get out of here as soon as possible. Looks like the flower plan might be a bust, but maybe they could try and use it on a smaller scale still. Right now though Reaper was happy to cut their losses and get out of here before they were given a painful reminder of why they needed to be more careful. With a deep, shuddering breath Reaper nodded. "Guess so."

The hisuian sneasel stepped forward, a sort of buffer between Reaper and Metal. "Well I suppose now would be the time I'd let you know your rights or whatever." There was a lazy smile on his face but Reaper could see the sharp focus in his eyes. "But based on how many brushes you've had with people I don't think that matters too much."

Reaper subtly glanced at Forge and Scorch. The duo nodded. "Be this the easy way or the hard way." The snaesel spoke up, stepping forward to be next to the hisuian sneasel. "We'll be taking you in."

"Yeah I'm gonna have to refuse that one. Sorry bout that. Have fun cleaning up the mess!" Reaper grinned and the two pokemon next to him released a cover for the trio to run away. Now Reaper wished he had the confidence to fight the group, being a legendary someone would think they'd be strong enough to deal with whatever opponent they came across but no. After deciding to try and dip Shiverkeep into beautiful chaos they quickly learned that being a legendary wasn't everything. There were pokemon stronger than them out there. They needed to be smarted since it would take a lot of work to become stronger than all their enemies. They glanced at the seeds they still had in a nice little bag. Yeah, they'd just have to play this smarter.