Wynfina as a Warlock

5 months, 10 days ago

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A small haregon born to a modestly well off  family who lives in the tree's city. She was the smallest of the litter  but not the runt. Just ended up not growing much taller than she is. 

Ever  since she was a tiny hare she'd always been fascinated with water. The  falling rain, the accumulated droplets, and puddles. Each time a droplet  touched her fur she'd watch her fur change color a little bit (darken)  and would be amazed. Wishing that instead of it darkening It could turn  rainbow colors instead. That would be neat!

She  knew how important water was to the tree, and to all of the plants. And  so every time it rained she would happily set up pails and buckets to  collect rainwater. Then after it rained she'd walk around and water the  different flowers and offer the rainwater to neighbors. 

The neighbors before she could speak would call her The Little Rain Helper. The Watering Can. 

Her actions were not unnoticed.

At  the age of 10 during Wynfina's morning baths with her siblings, a  sudden pain struck her head. It was intense enough to knock her out and  she ended up slipping into the small wooden tub for a moment before her  sister could grab her and bring her up. 

When she was fully submerged, she heard it. She was knocked out but it was loud and clear. 

"Child.  Come see me, alone tonight. Submerge yourself in water. You will not  drown. I would like to choose you as my Scion, if you take me as a  patron."

The child could not  respond. She was unconscious. She woke up but did not cough out water,  she was lifted up by her sisters who looked worried. She just replied  she had a headache and was going to lay down for the day. 

She returned to the bathhouse room alone that night, making sure it was empty, and submerged herself, awake. 

Tentacles  surrounded her for a moment, tiny tendrils thin almost like hair, and  she felt nervous. TThen they unraveled and some of them moved to take  her hand and her legs, positioning her into a standin- huh?

When was this bathtub so big, how would she be able to breathe this long?

"Breathe my child. You can breathe underwater. I've given you this gift for even visiting my domain." A voice says from above.

The  being looked humanoid at first, but her skin was off, glowing with  antennae, and her lower body was a jellyfish. She had wings of a fey,  and long thin tendrils down the bell of her jellyfish dome. An elegant  sight. A large deity it seems. 

"...who are you?" The child asks. 

"I  Am A Primordial Water Elemental, please call me Aban. It will be easier  for you to do so... I would like to form a contract with you. I've been  watching you and your dedication to water. I've heard your wishes. I'd  like to grant them if only you'd grant mine" 

The  little hare's eyes open wide. She's just a child. She doesn't and  wouldn't quite understand the consequences of these actions quite yet. 

"What do... You wish for..?" She asks curiously.

Aban  floats down until she's tentacles to the floor, still looming over the  tiny hare. "I wish to see water bring people joy. I wish to see more of  your world, when you are older of course. And I wish you safety and  power so you may do my bidding for me." She glows. Rainbow from top to  bottom. 

"...whoa, yeah that'd be nice."

"Then it is done, Wynfina Azudenn."

"Huh- wait i-?"

The  hare doesn't get a second chance to think and sits up in the bath after  the tentacles finish their swirling. She exhales out water but finds  she didn't have a hard time breathing or coughing it out. 

Looking  down to herself she feels her body and finds her fur does feel wet but  is glowing a soft rainbow on her little spots as well. Her breathing  picks up a little more. 

She  notices a couple of small hairs on her hips grow longer like the long  tentacles the lady had, almost like a skirt. And they also start glowing  rainbow on the ends. Her eyes fill with tears and she yells for her  mom. 

The night in the Azudenn  home was strange that evening and from then on she was the sibling who  learned that she had made a Pact for Power. 

She  also learned that any time she had gone under any intense feelings or  any time she wanted to she could get her spots and whiskers and little  tentacles to glow rainbow as the fey could. And she could communicate  with Aban when was holding water. 

Her  siblings freaked out at first. Half of them called her a freak. The  other half was jealous and tried to figure out how to dress her up to  make it work.

Her eldest brother,  Magjyre Azurdenn, was studying to be a Wizard and picked on all the  siblings, and since he was the tallest. Would sometimes simply pick up  his sisters and brothers and just drop them. To let them practice their  hops. 

Wynfina one day was  focusing on watering plants she did not expect to be picked up and  suddenly dropped, this is when she discovered she could use the  tentacles. Which caught her. Another one got summoned and pushed her  brother away. 

She's always had a  fear of being dropped from the top of the tree. But angering her  brother, and now with him knowing that she could do magic without saying  anything. 

This caused a silent and loud rivalry that would go on for a while. Butting heads. 

Hard work + Attitude vs Given Arts + Gratitude. 

It was clear to everyone that he would win in the end, but the fight is still standing strong.