Stuck Between a Rock and ...

1 month, 15 days ago
1 month, 15 days ago
2 1868

Chapter 2
Published 1 month, 15 days ago

Ingrimm refuses help from his teammates.

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Far below the cliff face of the Clouded Sanctuary, there was yet another member of Team Enochian skulking about. Though she had deigned to venture into the dungeon alongside the other team, she had come in with three other members of their group… and now, she was all alone. Raiju, the pink-hued Piplup lay wading in the river, staring at the shore with half-lidded, unamused eyes as she was gently pushed by the tide.

Her brothers — Ikaros and Raiden — and her sister Rose had somehow managed to give her the slip. The four of them had been traveling along the waters, knowing that their allies were far above somewhere in the clouds, traveling along the cliffside and surveying the land for any signs of activity. Perhaps she had gotten a little overzealous in entering a dungeon where she would be allowed to swim for once, and she had swam ahead. Seeing as there was no sign of the others now, she was inclined to believe it. But there wasn’t much she could do about it at that point.

It was just as the Piplup was pondering what her teammates and their acquaintances may be going through that she was given her answer.

The shadows were the first thing to catch her eye, flying directly over her and blocking what little sun there was peeking through the clouds from her view. Raiju turned her head up to see a trio composed of two Charcadets and her own friend, Solstice. All she knew of the former two were that their names were Iknaiea and Adrasteos. She was surprised to see that one of them appeared to be capable of flight as they descended upon her, stopping just before they could touch the surface of the water.

“Raiju!” Solstice called out to her. The sounds that the Shedinja made were hollow, echoing as though they were coming from within him and yet airy as though they were emanating from around him instead. “We’ve got a bit of a, ah… situation.”

Raiju dipped her flippers beneath the water and set herself upright to properly address the newcomers. She quirked a brow and tipped her head slightly to one side. “Right.”

“Where are the others?”

It was a question she was hoping he would not ask her. Shrugging, she glanced back the way she had come floating. “Somewhere back there, catching up.” Looking back to Solstice, she received a friendly wave from Iknaeia. Adrasteos, on the other hand, appeared somewhat more pensive than his partner. There was someone missing from their company though… “And where’s Ingrimm?”

“Stuck as it happens.” Solstice returned her shrug, his disembodied arms floating and dropping to mimic the motions. One of them gestured upwards towards the towering stone walls.

She had to squint, but as Raiju followed the motions, she did spy what exactly he was pointing towards; a tree that was barely hanging onto the side of the cliff.

Raiju hummed thoughtfully. It certainly looked precarious. Yet, among the three that had approached her, there was almost certainly a solution. She was quick to point it out to them as well, saying, “Fly him over the gap?”

“He did not appear amenable to the suggestion.” It was the silver-clad Charcadet who spoke up. His voice was gentle, understanding. He was barely heard over the river’s din as he started his statement. “Solstice had told us that there was another group of you nearby. We had hoped you may be able to provide a solution to the predicament.”

Of course he wasn’t ‘amenable’ to the suggestion, Raiju thought. All she knew of Ingrimm was that he was rather irritable even when nothing had been done to offend him. Unfortunately for her, it seemed a lot of her teammates were in a similar situation of general unpleasantness. Still, she did not want to see him harmed…

She wished that her brother or sister were nearby. She and her twin were not the smartest tacticians and strategists of their family. Perhaps the others would have had more insight. At best, she went with the only thing she could think of. “I’ve got the team’s Tera Orb with me. Would that be strong enough to, er… get rid of the tree?”

“Perhaps,” Adrasteos now chimed in. He did not seem terribly convinced in his statement however. “I fear it may be a risk to do so. The tree seems rather precarious as it is, and it is quite deeply set into the rocks. Should it be forced loose, it may cause a rockslide. A small one, but still.”

This was getting on her nerves now. Raiju had the shimmering Crystalline Orb in one of her flippers already, ready to hand it over. Now she was being told they didn’t want it?

Before she could properly respond however, yet another shadow was cast upon the waters, blotting out even the light that shone upon the flying ‘mons amongst them. All four of them looked upwards, shocked to see a few distinct dots rapidly approaching. Above them, it appeared the very tree that they were discussing and a few of the rocks that had come free from the wall were hurtling towards them.

There was no time to think. Whilst she heard the call from one of her companions, crying out a frantic “Move!”, she would not. Instead, with the Tera Orb in hand, she focused her power and moved to take action.

A brilliant crown of shimmering crystal erupted from a corona of light that shrouded the little bird’s form. It formed the shape of a water emerging from a single point like a fountain. At a moment’s notice, Raiju had called upon the waters around her and sent a jet of it upwards, straight towards the trunk that fell towards her. The impact just about shattered it.

While pieces of loose wood and splinters went scattering across the air, she heard a rather loud yell among the cracking of wood. Not moments later, along with the splash that accompanied the remaining parts of the tree and boulders hitting the water’s surface, they all heard… cursing.

It took a minute for the dust to settle and for the flying ‘mons who had fled to return from their perches. Where the flying ones were lucky enough to escape, Raiju knew that her only option was to let the waters take her and hope she could dive far enough to avoid being crushed. The crown still atop her head, she breached the water’s surface again after the waves had swallowed her briefly, only to see that her fearless interim leader had managed to join them, and that he was currently facedown in bubbling waters — groaning no doubt.

At best, Raiju could only laugh, amused by the sudden turn of events. She smiled as much as she could muster as she simply told the bunch, “You’re welcome.”