Chris and Dr. Alucard have a Conversation

4 months, 27 days ago
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What the title says.

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This is a drabble I wrote with no regard for setting. Chris T. Zorua and Dr. Alucard be talkin' morals.

“You are the acclaimed author, Chris the Zorua, correct?” Dr. Alucard asked this with a smirk.

“That’s right!” Chris nodded confidently. “Your methods of doctoring are inhumane! They’re diabolical, and I don’t understand why you do it this way!”

Dr. Alucard chuckled. “So,” he answered, “You want the truth? I will tell you the truth, since you are not that bright. I was born into a family of idiots. I was the smartest out of them all. I grew and I learned like everyone else. Then, as my family of lesser intellectuals passed on, so did my aspirations to become a scientist. I went to college.”

“I find it hard to believe you went to college,” Chris quipped, “Must have been an evil college.”

“Morals be damned.” Dr. Alucard continued. “I got my doctorate’s degree. I studied hard, and I wanted to learn about how to achieve the impossible; the likes of which no one had ever been able to accomplish before. So, I studied the concept of immortality, and learned that souls were not some religious nonsense. They were real, and inside of us all. The more souls I had, the more… test subjects… I had to benefit from my research.”

Chris shook his head in shock and disgust. “That’s dreadful!”

“Says the one with a pure soul,” Dr. Alucard rebutted, “And that is the soul that I require in order to finally achieve my goal. But, since you will not give it up willingly and I am in no condition to fight, I will not be going after your soul or your Silverwing Quill. It would be a pointless endeavor, and besides, don’t you have someone who is after your quill already?”

Chris growled. Dr. Alucard laughed. “You are well on your way to a soulless life, Chris the Zorua! One day, you will take a path in life that will drive you to depression, and when your soul becomes corrupted like everyone else in my laboratory, it will be ripe for the picking.”