More information about: The W.A.V.E trio

4 months, 28 days ago
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Summary: This is going to be my first attempt at using a code in a Litterature piece. If I see that it doesn't work for whatever reason, it's fine, I'll just make a character sheet LMAO Anyways, this might be the first part of a little series I'd like to imagine to talk about some dynamics that I hold dear to my heart, for whatever reason. Today, we are starting with a trio of adventurers that explore the region to save the world from destructive robots: the W.A.V.E (or the Winning Against Vibrato El) trio, composed of Becky, Astaflor and Obie. Hope you'll enjoy!

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NAME Becky Puntchallow

AGE 21


GENDER Non-binary


HEIGHT 164cm/5'4
NAME Astaflor Isbel

AGE 32 (physically)




HEIGHT 213cm/7'0
NAME Obie O'Brien

AGE 48



ORIENTATION Heterosexual

HEIGHT 187cm/6'1


  • Knuckle Sandwrench: Given their main weapon is a monkey wrench, they can tackle a target, dealing their Mysticality in Sleaze damage.
  • Light it up!: Strikes a match and sets an enemy on Fire by their Muscle.
  • Greasy Fingertips: Thanks to their calluced and crusty hands, they can use them to healing themselves or another party member by their Moxie.
  • Disassembling Expertise: Can destroy any Robot type of enemy in one single turn.
  • Hobo Literacy: Thanks to their affiliations with the Hobo community, they can read Hobo Code with efficiency.


Ocean City is infamously known for its crime-ridden streets, and Becky just so happens to be part of one of the many gangs inhabitating said streets: the Tin Lizzies. They are big-mouthed, forthright, and doesn't shy away from a discussion when there is the need for one. They are clearly the type to not take any nonsense in their life, and always tries to figure out a rational explanation to all of their problems. That was, until Astaflor came into their life to rock their life the other way around, with her time fooleries and futuristic junk! Hopefully for them, their crafty senses and techniques get them out of any hurdle they have been put in in no time. They can easily be weirded out by upcoming obstacles, but that doesn't stop them from rambling endlessly in their mind, until they feel satisfied. They take big pride in what they create, and can even be found boasting about it; but as an anarchist, they 100% believe that things need to be said, equally when they're right and not.


Once upon a time, in 1907, Frisco. In the region known formely as the West was born a baby in the household of the Puntchallows. The background behind this newborn's uprising into the world was a loving one: with caring parents, uncles and aunts, and above all, lively cousins to play with. Whether it was to play with them stories from their family's youth, she loved spending times with family and for anything in the world, would trade that feeling.
Rebecca (or Becky, for short) did have troubled times, though, but mostly at school. They were being pointed at for being a "masculine-looking girl with her funny trousers". This will trouble Rebecca's body and identity judgement later on. This whole ordeal also messed with their scholarship quite a deal, and soon enough, pushed her to drop out of school early, returning to helping her parents back at the fields.
Another event that will drastically impact Rebecca's life for the longest term will be the Cola Wars, initiated in 1914. One night of 1917, a man knocked on the door to the household. It was a deserter and, to his words, a friend of Robert he made in the army. The news fell; he didn't make it in the battlefield. The news came off as devastating, equally for Camellia and Rebecca: neither of them will be able to see their husband and father, respectively. The tragic announcement was greeted with the same amount of sorrow amongst the family and friends, who all grieved him profoundly. As the years went by still, Rebecca's family business was slowly degrading, due to the lack of backup assistance, what with the passing of Robert. In 1928, in order to help a bit, Rebecca volounteered to work with Camellia, but even still, it was barely enough to make ends meet, and soon, Camellia and her child was met with a car constructor and the mayor of Frisco. The family had a full year to show business was still running, otherwise, they would be forced out of the loaned parcel of land for their shop with a construction permit! Rebecca felt revolted and wanted ultimately revenge onto them. But how to help provide for her with a decent job, while they had no proper diploma to prove any capacity?
An opportunity was given to them as they saw a promotional paper for Ocean City; in the South, it was known as the easy way out for any small businesses or ambitious youth that wanted to set foot into the world of industry. They took the first train leading to Ocean City and left, hoping to raise Meat by the next year. But already, as soon as they arrived to Ocean City, Becky was confronted by the first issue piling up to them: finding bread and board. With little Meat left on them, they were forced to reside at Mrs. Brewster's Hostel, strolling around the streets aimlessly and accepting errands wherever they went, such as the municipal park. One day, as they were wandering around the streets for money, Becky got jumped by kookie women in overalls, and suddenly inquired them of the gadgets they had, and what they intended of doing with them. After a bit of conversation in which Becky admitted looking for a job, the other girls, finding them to be pretty pathetic, took them under their wing and dragged them to their gang leader: Big Liz. She regarded them as a useful member, after making them pass a trust test, which ended up hiring them as an official part of the Tin Lizzies gang, under the nickname "Iron Becky". Thus began a life of mugging people, harrassing others in the streets, and... helping hobos in need?
Though they find this position to be of low taste, they can't help but feel like their team is growing onto them. Who knows if, after this whole ordeal, Becky will return leave Ocean City for good or not.



  • Beating Proficiency: Thanks to her immense strength (and her bionic gauntlets, not gonna lie), deals great Physical damage, so her Muscle + 5 Physical points to a target.
  • Science Gun: Shoots a ray beam at her opponent, dealing her Mysticality in Physical damage.
  • Beam-boozling: Uses a pen-shaped device that flashes at the enemies, reducing their stats by her Moxie.
  • Safeguarding Sheild: Activates a shield that grants them her and her allies the Shielded perk.
  • Time Warp: When the opportunity is given, Astaflor can travel back or ahead in time, to solve out paradox so her timeline would not be affected by them anymore.


A triple-A battery that works on coffee and sulfuric acid. This would describe the eccentric and lively personality of Astaflor. She speaks a lot and shows a lot more through her gestures. Thankfully for her, her great knowledge of El Vibrato techs did not get over her head, and acknowledges when she has some shortcomings... only when they are flagrantly pointed at her nose. It is often too late for her to realize, but Astaflor always makes sure to give herself time to recognize where she went wrong and solve the issue out, in her own way. What makes her so unforgatable as well is her immense kindness, that oftentimes does not go unnoticed.


This story is set in 2315. Humans have evolved over the course of a few centuries, now becoming autonomous in various fields such as the multiplication of their look-alikes, with the help of a solution that made them immortal, with all the health benefits that came with it. They also improved in the fields of nutrition, vehicules and now they could even travel back in time. Everything was made to be prosperous for everyone.
But boy howdy, did they forget one thing. They were still awfully behind in terms of technologies.
The machines from El Vibrato, the fruit of their very own labour. They never planned for them to become sentient! And invade entire timelines, out of the blue! In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, a specialized Perfessor set off with his granddaughter, back in the past, to find the source of what could have possibly started the rebellion of these machines against their creator.
During her exploration, Astaflor went all the way back to 1895, where she found no other than... a cult praising these machines?! Who would have thought they would date back from so early! But how come they were built here, if the humans didn't have the technologies to build them by then? Well, it was as she advanced all the way to 1928, during Prohibition, that she learnt that the El Vibrato machines were initiated from a college course that was taught in the S.I.T's Porkham campus, teaching these kids how to build robots with this newest technology they found. They have outspread over time, but there was still time to prevent them from causing the worst yet. Will Astaflor be able to stop the El Vibrato techs before causing a multi-dimensional mayhem? Will humanity be doomed thanks to her? And most of all, who brought these techs all the way to the past, and for what purpose?
So much to unravel, yet so little time. Even with time traveling fuckeries, this won't be all in a day's work for her!



  • Hot Lick: Blows in his oboe, dealing his Moxie in Hot damage.
  • Reed Slice: Jabs a target with his oboe, dealing his Muscle in physical damage + Bleeding
  • Inspiring Glissando: Sings an inspiring tune, raising everyone else's stats by his Mysticality.
  • Forbbiden tune: You know what they say; "One god's elevator music is another god's undoing." (Does... something?)
  • Knows how to decrypt Hobo code: you could ask him to teach you some after discussing it with Letters.


(DISCLAIMER: Obie is an official character from Shadows over Loathing. I added him into the dynamic for headcanon and fanmade plot reasons. Thank you for your time!)
If you can hear out faint jazzy notes in the distance, that probably means Obie is somewhere in the street, busking for some Meat. He has a suave kick to his speech-making, and won't hesitate to give out advices based on his past experiences to anyone willing to lend a curious enough ear. His wanderlust and independence have guided him through many places before, so he would have quite the knowledge about one thing or two, and that is also granted by the hobo community in which he is since a bit of a time now. He can make decisions for himself with strong resilience, so long as it can benefit him and the few companions he trusts on his journey.


Obie was born in 1880, in Nowheresville, upstate New York. He rapidly grew his eagerness to explore the world around him, and left town as soon as possible, to raise himself. His hot-headness has driven him as far as he could go, aka college, and precisely the Porkham campus of the Seaside Institute of Technology (also known as S.I.T). On the side, to keep up with rent and other university duty, he would pick up a contract at a racket, hidden a bit further from the steam tunnels of the place.
Now, if there is one thing you need to note down about this place, is that this racket was infernal. Like, seriously. Real damned. Held by a horned bartender (Llyod), with many demons and other types of imp-erial beasts surrounding the place. But this was one of the rare opportunities that were given to him, as he couldn't live the campus so easily; he had no driving licence, and the Meat for a bus ticket to go places was seriously lacking. He accepted the contract he was given, regardless of the price. And that one contract costed him a lot. But what did that contract say exactly?
"Virtuoso musical ability and all the wealth and fortune that comes with it, in exchange of your immortal soul upon death." He set a pact with a demon, but only now did he realize that he would play the oboe flawlessly to this ragged audience, but lose all the fortune that was promised to him. Now becoming peniless, Obie was kicked out of the campus' dorms, being unable to pay rent. He settled down in the swampy paysages of the Big Moist instead, in an old squat he found abandoned. Truly the most regretful decisions of his life.
This is also there that he would stay for a few extra years, after graduating, until he found out about the settlement, back in Ocean City. From that day, he moved there and would switch between busking at certain places and the Hobo Camp, hoping for nothing else but explore more of the world that is opening to him.









  • Astaflor often provides the group with super-advanced gadgets she build with scraps of metal and parts she gets from Becky, due to their position at the Tin Lizzies. They rank from weapons to utility items that can be used in everyday life.
  • Obie tried to initiate Astaflor to Hobo Code, but it was much harder to learn about that than "having to decypher the equivalent of twelve El Vibrato battery codes", to her words.
  • Given their polar opposite dynamics, it is quite surprising to see Becky and Astaflor tolerate each other. The key to their success is their shared sense of loyalty towards each other and their common goal of getting rid of technologies, at all costs. Though they don't communicate much, they still like to soot the breeze every so often, when they're just the two of us.
  • Obie's oboe solos are definitely what raise the morale of the troopes, even outside of Becky and Astaflor!
  • Although they won't admit it aloud, Becky likes to consider Obie like a father figure to their eyes. Not sure if he took the hint or not, but since then, he wouldn't stop calling them "Beck-aroo". Whether it is an affectionate or taunting nickname, they can't help but appreciate that.


It's late out there. Ocean City, despite its beautiful lamp posts dimming the streets with a unfamiliar glint, were not a sight to behold; gang members everywhere, tentacles ready to ten-tackle you down, rats with multiple diseases running everywhere, and... some particularly-shaped machines, storming around town with malicious intents coded in their program. Definitely, tis was not a swell time to live in Ocean City.

But then, a mechanical SWEEP can be heard, and a gunshot, though sounding more like a lightbolt next. The peculiar robots are taken down in one fell swoop. By who? Why, that's all thanks to Astaflor, the rookie time traveler, tagging along her two companions; Becky and Obie! Together, they aspire to save the world from a great catastrophe... and recruiting all the hobos they can possibly meet, as a sidequest. For that, they traveled all around the tri-state area, gathering clues and chips on how to overcome these El Vibrato machines and put a stop to them rapidly. To help them through their quest, they know they can count on the help of the allies they rally along the way, as well as old acquaintances that just wanted to catch up with them. Small world, amirite?



By the time they met, Becky was already friends with Obie and part of the Tin Lizzies as well. They were both wandering in the streets, when they got tackled down by robots attacking them! Luckily enough, Astaflor popped just behind them and deactivated them just in time, saving them both in the nick of time. After a brief recap of their mission and what she was doing here, Becky and Obie reluctantly followed her in her endeavor of time traveling crazies and robot disassembling. Becky got a good taste of that sweet freedom, and Obie could just enjoy playing the oboe, and find some hobo companions in the journey.


Basically, what happens with them, during their time in the South? A lot. In short; lots of battles with robots, a big investigation that led them at all corners of the region, countless encounters, the battle against a Shadow Monstrosity of some sort, and hobos joined the camp, little by little. But then what? Did all this pace-making and consultations lead to somewhere?


At the end of it all (which took them easily a whole two weeks to get done with), all the hobos around the region were recruited, and the El Vibrato techs disabled for good... or, was it, really?
Just as they thought the party was over, they all got tackled down, yet again, by the sentient machines! In no time, they set off with the Hobo Camp to the seas to get away from them, but that wouldn't have been without the El Vibrato robots catching up with them, as well as their creator... Roberto Isbel, the Perfessor in person?! And Astaflor's grandfather as well! Cue the ensuing epic last battle, and with that, the rise and fall of the Perfessor, as he gets stuck into a time rift for good. The robots have now been dealt with for good this time around, and with that, Hobopolis could be founded on a stray island, by the East. To now return back to their starting point, Astaflor elaborate a portal that transported them back to Ocean City. Becky travels back to Frisco with them, and Astaflor convinced the car concession to build their factory on the ruines of the old mine of the Roberto cult. The trio could now bid their definite farewell, before Astaflor returned to her timeline. Becky and Obie, meanwhile, wandered around Frisco and its region while taking care of Camellia's business as well, sometimes even visiting Hobopolis and looking at its progression as it was getting founded.

Author's Notes

Learning more about Obie in-game here: