Let Me Help You

1 month, 14 days ago
1 month, 6 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 14 days ago

As Lapis spends more time with Trinity, she starts to understand them better.

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Author's Notes

Hey guys! I've been wanting to do something fluffy with Lapis and Trinity forever and I finally got around to this! I don't know when I'm gonna update it but enjoy! ^^

I Like What People Like

The days on Arcanum Sucreum have become calmer now that I has been taken into Trinity's home. I'm given all the necessities I need to an almost alarmingly perfect degree. Trinity is doll-like and elegant in everything they do and they are almost creepily perfect if not for noticeable bad habits they have. But I suppose but that's normal for a Sweetical.

I was busy dusting the the dark blue antique cabinet in Trinity's front room. I had to be careful and get the dust bunnies lingering in the cracks of Trinity's fine China filled with beautiful intricate white plates with blue fine details and the many blue glass figurines that are place so delicately on the shelves that even the slightly mistake would alert Trinity's attention. I was so focused on my dusting that I failed to hear the familiar jingle of the door bell. When I hear the familiar clacking of Trinity's white platform heels I finally pull my nose away from my cleaning to greet my familiar doll owner.

 "Welcome back Trinity, did you have fun shopping?" I ask, looking over at Trinity with their plethora of shopping bags floating in the air behind them while they carry the rest of their bags on their left arm. Trinity was wearing a long flowing dress with a sky blue ribbon tied around their waist in a loose bow in the front that went well with their soft blue lipstick. Their dress was off the shoulder with long white sleeves and their curly hair was let down in loose flowing curls rather than the usual tight girls they often prefer to wear.

It was wonderful Lapis, thank you for asking. Trinity signed, albeit with a little difficulty due to their hands being preoccupied.

I did not know why Trinity always thanked me for asking about their day, but it seemed to put a smile on their face. Perhaps they aren't use to a lot of people being interested in them. Trinity is very similar to a doll after all. People only see them as an accessory rather than a person with feeling and thoughts. But Trinity has friends that are very much interested in what they have to say so why?

I did not know all of Trinity's life since they're more focused on taking care of me but they have little indicators that let me know certain things about them. They likely are native to Earth rather than Planet Sugar like I am due to how they sign. They use ASL rather than the sign language native to Arcanum Sucreum. They also do not enjoy mirrors and actively avoid them, I do not know why yet but the nasty scar on their back has given me an idea that it's due to some type of trauma they experienced back on Earth. This is still speculation but perhaps once me and Trinity become closer they'll tell me more about their past so I can better take care of them. I like taking care of Trinity, they're...different and youthful. They're also mysterious and I want to learn more about them as their tiny companion.

I take some of Trinity's shopping bags and follow Trinity upstairs to their walk in closet. It was filled to the brim with blue and white dresses, skirts, shoes, bows, and so much more that it was almost straining to look at from all the different shades of blue Trinity loves to wear. But my eyes have grown use to the sight as I easily help Trinity put away their new purchases. After that Trinity looks at the clock on the wall and turns to me.

Are you hungry? Trinity signs meticulously.

I nod and on cue my stomach growls, signaling lunch time. Trinity picks me up and carries me back downstairs towards their spotless kitchen. The island was a marble texture and the chairs were blue with white detail, while the cabinets were a lovely shade of dusty blue. Trinity sets me down on the island as they take out the ingredients to bake my favorite dessert, blueberry cheesecake. For a blueberry based Sweetical I don't think I've seen Trinity eat any blueberry based desserts and sometimes I wonder how come. They never outright show it but I don't think they like blueberries very much.

Trinity gets to work making my lunch and I watch them as they work. They never seemed like the type get their hands dirty due to their doll like nature but they're a very attentive doll. They're a very good cook and always makes the perfect cheesecakes for me. The ones I used to have were bland and didn't taste very good but were just enough to keep me and my sisters sustained. It feels good to be taken care of like this by such a thoughtful owner.

"Did you meet anyone while shopping Trinity?" I asked casually, deciding to have some small talk with my doll like owner in the quiet kitchen. The house can be so quiet sometimes that it reminds me of the nursing home, I didn't like it but the subtle sounds of the kitchen utensils at work have become therapeutic to me.

Trinity turns their head and their eyes beam ever so slightly at the question. They allow their magic to do the work of baking while Trinity sits down and signs to me about the people they saw today. They saw Papillon and gave him a gift. I don't know much about him and neither does Trinity so that was alright. Trinity had a friendly chat with a few unfamiliar Sweets but from how frantically Trinity was signing, they were likely to become familiar faces among Trinity's circle. They visited Kanaloa and Yating's shop and got a few custom orders of dresses and a few outfits made just for me which makes me happy. I haven't quite gotten used to Trinity's constant spoiling but I can't say I don't enjoy it. I may dawn a maid uniform to clean but while I relax it's nice to have some clothes other than the same maid uniform I wore and had to change out when dealing with elderly patients. Trinity visited a cafe and got some freshly made chocolate chip cookies while they relaxed. I think the shop keeper was named Beryl and he seems kind. A few Sweets complimented Trinity's outfit which I know Trinity enjoys. They bought a few clothes that wasn't quite Trinity's style  and they pause for a moment as the oven dings.

Trinity turns their attention back to the cheesecake at hand and grab their blue oven mitts to take out the freshly baked blueberry cheesecake. It smelled delicious and I audibly gulped. Trinity let the dessert cool before cutting me a slice and picking up a piece and attempting to feed me the spoonful of yummy cheesecake.

"Trinity, I can feed myself..." I stated blankly and they pout before handing me the spoon as I finally take a bite of my lunch. It was amazing and I moaned in delight. If I had a tail I would be wagging it like crazy. I enjoyed every bite of my meal while Trinity watched. I used to think their staring was unnerving but I know now that they enjoy knowing their being a good Minical owner which they are. They're better than my creators were.
81707049_vfQABnQYo28YIVV.pngAfter I finish my meal, Trinity puts away the leftovers and takes out a plate of brownies they made yesterday. They settle down into their seat and finally eat. Trinity eats like a robot, they were very....dull. Like it was a routine to eat something sweet in the privacy of their home. They didn't seem to enjoy what their eating since they were usually in a daze.

"Do you like your brownies Trinity?" I inquire with a hint of curiosity, my eyes centered on Trinity as they pause their movements, their eyes coming back into focus. 

Trinity looks at the brownie in their hand and down to the plate of brownies and slowly places the brownie down to sign.

I think so. I've been eating them since childhood so I should enjoy them. Trinity guessed, their hands pausing as they answer my question.

I tilt my head at their answer, confused at the response. Trinity usually knows what they enjoy doing so what difference did it make when it comes to eating food? I would think that childhood meals invoke certain feelings in a person like when Trinity stares at a particular purple outfit in their closest but eating brownies do not. Trinity has eaten a variety of childhood meals regularly since I've been here so perhaps the meal doesn't hold the same meaning? But they don't even know if the brownies they eat are enjoyable to them. I've had one at they are amazing but I guess brownies aren't really Trinity's favorite thing to eat.

"Alright then, what is your favorite thing to eat then?" I asked straightforwardly and Trinity immediately answered.

What people give me. Trinity signed quickly, as if that was a normal response.

I suppose Trinity did like a variety of foods but they rejected being given food by people before so their statement wasn't completely true. I found it hard to comprehend because Trinity answered the questioned so eagerly but at the same time it wasn't making any sense from what I could see from my own eyes. I struggled to see how someone like Trinity, who has so much money to spare to buy the finer things in life, doesn't have a favorite food. Their photo albums are filled with so many pictures of Trinity at fancy restaurants with different people and some of the photos are of different meals. Photos held importance right? So why?

"Tomorrow can we do something together?" I asked out of nowhere, causing Trinity's eyes to widen a bit.

What would you like to do together Lapis? Trinity signed with shaking fingers. I understood why they were nervous since I don't often ask us to do activities together but I would like to get closer to Trinity and hopefully figure out Trinity's favorite foods.

"After you come back from work lets play a game. I'll cook lunch tomorrow and I want to know your opinions on my cooking." I explained and Trinity nodded signing their reply.

Of course Lapis, that sounds wonderful. I have a few photo shots to do but after that I am free to try your cooking. Trinity signed eagerly, a faint smile grazing their lips as they stare down at me.

Trinity finishes their lunch and we immediately go about our business for the day. Trinity heads to their personal library to read and listen to some soft piano music and I finish dusting off the furniture and moping the floor downstairs. It's a lot of work to do by myself and I know I don't have to do it but it feels good to relax after a hard days work. Even as a Minical I don't wish to take advantage of my benefactor's kindness even if Trinity has told me every now and then that I didn't have to.

After I finish my cleaning a few hours later I decided to head to Trinity's personal library to check up on them. As the door creaks open, I see Trinity sleeping peacefully in their comfy chair with a stack of books by their feet. I grow curious and look at the book Trinity was reading and I smile. It was a book guide on how to take care of any Minical in existence. Trinity reads a lot of educational material which I find fascinating but also I understood why they did it. They are a great caretaker and I see why from the bookshelves stacked with books on anything and everything Trinity wanted to learn about.

I yawn and climb the book stack and get comfortable on Trinity's lap and slowly let the soft piano music lure me into a deep sleep.

Author's Notes

Papillon and Beryl belongs to CrystalCrowned

Kanaloa and Yating belong to BatsintheBelfry