Blue Topaz's Dilemma

1 month, 14 days ago

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In the tall, green grass soaked in the sun rays, stood a bright blue gems with human-like features. 
“Oh, you’re not getting away this time…” Blue Topaz mutters crouched in a battle stance ready to draw out their sword. In this world where humans are long gone, a life source called Gems inhabit the world. They are talented beings very skilled with swords. Locking their eyes on their prized possession, a Tsukijin, Blue Topaz breaths out and draws their sword to shield themselves. Arrows shower down; a tiny cling comes from Blue Topaz’s arm. ‘Not again…’ They sigh lowering their sword then swiftly finishing it off quickly. Tsukijin always appeared during the daytime. No one knew their purpose of coming down, but they were seen as a threat to the Gems. 
Blue Topaz secretly headed over to the medicine hall to fix their arm only to be interrupted by Ammolite.
“Blue! Hardness of 8, perfect cleavage. You should get a—” Ammolite complained lowering their clipboard.
“Nope!” Blue retorted gluing their broken arm back on. “No way am I getting a partner Ammo! Have you seen Pacchi and Taaffe!? Thanks, but no thanks.”
“You haven’t even been partnered. How would —”
“Nope! I—”
“Are you two done arguing? Sensei wants us in the meeting hall.” Garnet yawned, knocking the floor with their heels. “Hurry up or you’ll both be models for Red Beryl.”
Both Blue and Ammo looked at each other, terrified then raced each other to the hall. In there, stood a new gem. ‘Oh… The synthetic one…’ Blue glanced, accidentally making eye contact with them. The other gems jumped around unable to contain their excitement. 

“Quiet everyone. We have a new member today. Please welcome Opalite.” Sensei announces presenting Opalite. 
‘From what I remember, they were hardworking but SUPER talkative.’ Blue shuffled to avoid any form of communication. 
“Today is Opalite’s first day of patrolling,” Sensei acknowledged “Blue Topaz you will be their partner. You are dedicated and skilled. Please teach as much as you can.”
Blue stared at Sensei in disbelief, a ringing sound cloaked them. It was as if time stopped; their surroundings masked in white. They hadn’t negotiated this beforehand!
“B-but Sensei,” Blue staggered backwards to the meeting hall entrance, “I told you I didn’t want a partner!” 
“Blue you know Sensei is just —” Ammo reassured Blue. But it was no use, Blue had already out of the school and onto the Beach of Beginnings. They plopped themselves onto the shore and looked up at the lonely cliff. ‘Oh, what do I do? I’m not fit to be a mentor. Let alone a partner!’ Blue shut their eyes ‘What was Sensei even thinking.’ Blue Topaz neither hated the Tsukijin nor liked them. They however, hated the feeling of losing a partner. ‘Peridot lost my brother Topaz,’ Blue sighed “Yellow also lost Pink Topaz. I cannot afford to lose Purple.’ Blue being one of the oldest gems surviving, knew the feeling of loneliness. ‘Sometimes I wish I had just—’ Blue jerked their head up hearing a faint shouting in the distance. 
“Blue! There you are!” Garnet shouted from afar “Everyone’s looking for you!”
It was Garnet. Of course, it was Garnet; they always looked out for everyone. The not-too-old-and-not-too-young Garnet walked over and sat themselves in front of Blue Topaz. “Hey, I know things are tough on you right now,” Garnet smiled reassuringly “You’re 3699 years old, Opali’s your first, and this is all new to but isn’t it tiring to fight Tsukijins all by yourself?” Garnet was right; it was tiring fighting alone. They may have a hardness of 8 but they break easily when hit at the right angle. 
“Having a partner increases efficiency and it’s nice to have someone to talk to on patrols, yeah?” Garnet said placing their hands on Blue’s “It’s not too late to change your mind.”
Blue sighed and looked up “Oh, fine. I’ll give it a shot.”
Garnet’s eyes widened with surprise ‘I’m glad everything is solved now’ Both the gem’s gazes soften, and they headed back to the meeting hall where Opali was waiting.
“It’s… Nice to—”
“Alright…” Blue stammered “Let’s go patrol then, shall we?”
Patrol was really REALLY awkward with Opali chattering away now. It wasn’t annoying, just… different. ‘Why did I—’
“Oh a butterfly!” Opali exclaimed “So Blue! What are we doing today?”

“We’re going to—” Blue muttered.
“I know! You’re gonna go whoosh! Bang! Cling and clang at Tsukijins~!” 
“That… Actually, yeah. That’s what I’M going to do today and YOU’RE… Going to watch.”
“Aww that’s no fun.” Opali’s excitement washed away “I was hoping I’d fight today.”
Opali pouted at Blue, their iris widening. A bright light suddenly surrounded the plains — the grass clung to the ground — a silhouette of Tsukijin appeared. Shielding the oblivious artificial gem, Blue unsheathed their sword. Once again, the Tsukijins make the first move without any hesitation.
‘Tch, as I thought. Arrows again.’ Blue threw Opali away from the battlefield and attacked back. Metal clashed, arrows fell like meteors. An arrow races down and tears Blue’s hair away. ‘Damn it.’ They hissed. They weren’t going to last much longer — If only they had a bit of help now. No, they could do this by themselves. Another cling rings from their left arm this time causing the sword to fling away.
“Blue!” Opali cried, running over as arrows continued to shower down. Light poured down onto Opali turning them into a colourful lightbulb.
“It’s okay,” they whispered passing Blue’s sword back to them, “Let’s work together. That’s what partners are for,” 

Blue felt a rush of shame. They’d been so self-centred they forgot they weren’t solo anymore. 
‘Maybe it’s not so bad with a partner.’ Grabbing their sword, they turned to face Opali. They nodded at them; they nodded back.
“Alright, let’s do this,” Blue tossed their scabbard to the side “I’ll distract you attack the centre from behind.” 

Opali nodded and took off leaving Blue to be the star of the show. They lifted their sword and moved swiftly around. While the Tsukijin was distracted, Opali jumped up on the base where the Tsukijin sat. With one big swing from Opali, it cut in half and a puff of smoke cloaked them. They were falling. Falling from the sky. “AAAAAAAAHHHHH” Opalite cried.
“Turn around! No— Not like that! On your feet! Feet facing the—” Struggling to instruct Opali properly, Blue jumped to grab Opali from the sky and landed cleanly back on the ground.
“Maybe it isn’t so bad with a partner,” Blue said.
Opali chuckled back “It’s getting dark. Let’s report back to Euc.”
Blue clasped Opali’s hand, “Thank you,” they whispered, “Let’s do our best from now on alright?”
Opalite let out another chuckle, ‘Having a partner really isn’t bad,’ Blue smiled as Opali led them back to the school with the sun setting behind them. 

Author's Notes

looking back at this two years later- i want to expand on this—

the assignment word limit had me cut shor- *explodes*