Coral's Ex List/Timeline

29 days, 21 hours ago

The extensive list of (not nearly) everyone Coral's been with.

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Welcome to the extensive timeline of all the people Coral has been with. Still updating. Written by him! Warning for a lot of sexual innuendos LOL.

🫧 - Water 🔥- Fire ☁️- Sky 🌱- Earth ❄️ - lce 🕸️ - Dark

My memory is not perfect so l’m definitely forgetting some. So sorry to those guys! Maybe we can meet again and start fresh, haha. <3

Age 16:

❥ Ezra Bomberg 🔥☁️ l met Ezra at 13 years old and we became fast friends. He was the child of the Fire Emperor’s royal guards and was invited to every party. He was so shy at first, but l got him out of his shell. Whenever we were apart, we’d write letters to each other. lt was all very romantic. We started dating when we were 16, and things lasted a good year and a half. That’s, like, a record for me, ha. We even got engaged for a second. lt was naive adolescent infatuation. lt was fun, though. Lasted: A year and a half. Friends for longer.

Age 17:

❥ Rei 🫧 Was arranged to marry this asshole. Didn’t end up happening, thankfully. Unfortunately, it fucked up just about everything else in my life. Oh well, l’m doing much better without him or anyone else! Lasted: Half a year.

Age 18:

After being banished, the first place l ended up in was Ataraxian Desert. At the time, Ataraxian was not yet the business mogul it is today. Rather, it was a town bustling with color and art. Here, l’d discover just how far good looks can get you. Seriously, l was out of a home, but goodness guys will do anything for a bit of attention.

❥ Cricket Briarblaze 🌱 Cricket was a sorta hippie-like young, starving artist, around 19 years old, who had a small place in the desert. lt wasn’t anything to write home about, but l didn’t really have one of those at the moment, so l took what l could get. He liked painting pretty pictures of me, and l liked being his model. But he was constantly, and l mean CONSTANTLY high, and the artistic career was getting him nowhere (HE WAS POOR!!!). l figured l’d have better luck elsewhere. Lasted: 2 months, surprisingly. Look, l was a bit naive and l needed somewhere to stay!

❥ Surfer - Bodhi Cruz 🫧 A guy from Emerriden that recognized me. l hadn’t really done much to my image just yet. Bodhi didn’t care about the whole banishment thing, and professed that he’d ‘honestly had a crush on the princess’ for years.’ He really did like me, l think. l’d end up stealing his whole vibe (lol). l couldn’t have more people recognizing me! But l still can hardly bring myself to say half the stupid words that would come out of his mouth. lt’s more of visually giving the allure of a laid-back surfer dude. Lasted: 3 1/2 months. Ugh, l was so committed when l was younger. l’d never stick around this long these days.

❥ Mysterious ‘Bad Boy’ - Thorn 🕸️ He was like a mystery waiting to be solved. So much behind that dark, brooding exterior. Unfortunately, when l got past it, he was honestly kind of a big emotional baby. Total turn-off! Luckily, though, this dude’s stories were the perfect fodder for all the tragic tales of woe l could weave up later. Like, seriously, every fucked up thing you could imagine happened to poor little Thorn. He was an orphan, and his adopted parents hated him, he was constantly getting injured, (which gave him this whole rugged, scarred bad boy look that was attractive at first!) and, like, l could go on. Lasted: A month ½. (Most spent thinking he was cool.)

❥ Astra 🔥☁️ My first rich ‘boyfriend’ after everything. Money was tight and l needed this. He was nice enough, things were fun, and it kept a roof over my head for a time. l stayed with him until he wanted things to be more serious. l left while he was sleeping and haven’t seen him since! (l also grabbed a few things before l left. Like a whole lot of cash.) Lasted: Four months.

❥ Lief 🌱 First time l really hooked up with someone, realizing l didn’t really have to stick around. Eye opening experience, really. Lasted: One night.

❥ Jet ☁️🕸️ Started getting more into the groove of one-night stands and picking up guys at bars. The whole no feelings attached thing was like a whole new world for me. Realizing l didn’t owe anyone anything, that love didn’t have to be a factor at all. All this time l’d grown up with silly stories that touted all this nonsense, but l realized that things could be just as nice without. Lasted: One night.

❥ Oniix 🌱 This guy was a real hottie. Came up to me all interested, hardly had to do any work. l felt wanted. lt was nice. Lasted: One night.

Age 19:

❥ The Stand-Up Comedian - Maxwell ☁️ His jokes weren’t that good, but l laughed along anyways. After the night was over, l told him how much his jokes stank, just like his room. Lasted: One night.

❥ Tiger 🔥 Tasted burnt. Lasted: One night.

❥ Novus ☁️ A terrible listener. Lasted: One night.

❥ Mahogany 🕸️🔥 He wanted to write a novel and sat at my table asking if l wanted to hear his first draft. lt was total trash, which of course l didn’t say! But, it, like, was. After our encounter, he said he’d base a character off of me. So, l guess, look out for that, haha. Lasted: One night.

❥ Fredwick 🌱 His room was a total sty. And what kind of name is ‘Fredwick’? Lasted: One night.

❥ Raven 🕸️ l think he’s killed people. Honestly, a part of me was like shit l’m gonna be his next victim, LOL! Luckily, did not end up happening, and it was a riveting night. Lasted: One night.

❥ Solas 🔥 Sort of a bummer. Lasted: One night.

❥ Aymer 🌱 Honestly kind of a total creep. But l like when people are obsessed with me, so. Lasted: One night. Think he followed me around for a bit afterward, though.

❥ Charm 🌱🔥 Rich. Didn’t want to spend any of it on me. Lasted: One night.

❥ Milton 🌱 Had money. Not attractive, though. Lasted: A week-ish.

❥ Finley 🫧 Took a trip to Cyaneous. Had me gasping for air. Lasted: One night.

❥ Gayle ☁️ He was a magician. Pulled many things out of his hat. Lasted: One night.

Age 20:

❥ The Vegan - Finn 🌱 Huge animal lover, worked on a farm. Really wanted me to be vegan. Lasted: A week.

❥ Barley 🌱 Wanted me to call him “daddy”. He was a twig. Lasted: One night.

❥ Firo 🔥 Super passionate. A good time. Lasted: One night.

❥ Tidal 🫧 Declared he loved me during sex. Lasted: One night.

❥ Mercury ☁️ Performed in a circus! Laughed when l found out, but he was pretty flexible. Lasted: One night.

❥ The Jeweler - Richard ☁️ The ‘rich’ in Richard is right. This guy was loooooaded, and he had suuuch nice jewelry. l gave him what he wanted, and he gave me what l wanted. A very nice arrangement. Lasted: A few months.

❥ Hayle ❄️🔥 l’m pretty sure this man was an actual criminal. He was super shady and discreet about everything. Wonderful in bed, though. Lasted: A week-ish.

❥ lgnit 🔥 He was umm… a dancer! Very good at it. Less good everywhere else. Lasted: One night.

❥ Tsunis 🫧 Bad at asking what l wanted. Made it all about his needs. Annoying. (That’s my job, lol!) Lasted: One night.

❥ Glyn ❄️🌱 Told me he was a ‘risk-taker’, but nothing about our night together surprised me. lncredibly and painfully vanilla. Lasted: One night.

❥ Ruith 🕸️ Rugged and mysterious. l don’t think he liked me very much, but we had excellent chemistry in bed. Lasted: One night.

❥ Thalanil 🌱☁️ Asked too many questions, but they were all those annoying icebreakers. Like let’s quit the small talk and do something more fun. Unfortunately, even the ‘more fun’ aspects of our evening he still would not Shut Up! Lasted: One night.

Age 21:

❥ Rockstar - Apollo Muse 🔥 Traveled with this guy and his band around for a short time. lt was lots of fun, and he even dedicated a few songs to me. Swoon! Lasted: Four Months, but both of us saw other people at the same time. But apparently that was only okay when he did it.

❥ Dusk ☁️🕸️ Fell asleep during. Lasted: Does that even count as one night?

❥ lnferno 🔥 Total anger issues. Was fun to get him riled up. Lasted: One night.

❥ Ticktock 🔥 An inventor! He had such fun toys to play around with. Lasted: A few nights.

❥ The Cowboy - Rye 🌱 He rode horses. l rode him. (Ha!) Lasted: A weekend.

❥ The Musician - Luca 🫧 l can admit he was extremely talented with a guitar. But that was it! The rest wasn't worth the musical theater. Lasted: One night.

❥ That Guy From Empyrean 🔥 Had a night to… forget at Empyrean lsland. l don’t remember this guy, but from the tidbits l do remember, things were exhilarating. Lasted: One night?

❥ The Florist - Honey 🌱 He brought me flowers, and more flowers, and more flowers. l say One mean things and suddenly it’s weeds! Lasted: A week.

❥ My Ex-Husband? - Caraway 🔥🫧 We drunkenly got married. We quickly got divorced. lsn’t that fun? l can tell people l’m divorced, haha. Lasted: A week if you count all the days we had to figure out how to annul this thing.

❥ Zephyr 🕸️ He was all sadly sitting in the corner of the bar. All ‘nobody wants me, everybody leaves me.’ l didn’t help this complex. Lasted: One night.

❥ Slate 🌱🔥 Another rich man who l could mooch off for a time. Sometimes you need to make a quick buck when you travel around as much as l do. Lasted: A week or so.

❥ Giullus 🫧 Sweet guy. Probably too sweet for his own good. Thought there was something special between us. Lasted: One night.

Age 22:

❥ Gym Bro - Brent Lotuspool 🌱🫧 A total sweetheart. Kinda totally dumb. lt was fun in the day it lasted. Lasted: One night.

❥ Xander ☁️ Suuuper energetic, a total adrenaline junkie. Wanted to take me skydiving. l dove right out of there!! Haha! No, but seriously, as fairies, what is the appeal of skydiving? And seriously, for a date? Lasted: One night.

❥ Bodhi Again 🫧 l pretended not to remember him. He tried to jog my memory. ;) Lasted: A few nights.

❥ Terri 🔥🌱 lt was explosive. Lasted: One night.

❥ Tarragon 🌱 Our interests did Not align. Lot of interesting stuff he was into. Lasted: One night.

❥ Marsh 🫧🌱 Made me do ALL the work! Lasted: One night

❥ The Vet - Jon 🌱 He was absolutely gorgeous, so l looked past the fact that he had these ugly, crusty dogs that he loved more than people. (But also not enough, as they looked horrible! And smelled!) Lasted: A week.

❥ The Romance Writer - Willow 🕸️🌱 l probably would’ve fallen in love with this guy if l was younger. l ate up all that fantasy romance fairy tale shit. Now, though, it just became grating and annoyed the shit out of me. He was quite cute, though. Lasted: One night.

❥ Flo 🫧 The guy still lived with his parents. They were in the house the whole time. Total momma’s boy to an uncomfortable degree. l was like, “You’re 23. Move out.” He said his parents wouldn’t let him. You’re 23! Why are you listening to your parents??? Lasted: One night.

❥ Plasma 🕸️🫧 Had a lot of weird interests. Lasted: One night.

❥ Valanche 🌱 He was Huge. So tall. So muscular. So Big. Lasted: A few nights.

❥ Avis ☁️ Dude was so dumb it was nearly unattractive. But my was he extraordinary in the bedroom. Lasted: One night.

Age 23:

❥ Big Boss - Earl Kulkarni 🌱 Ataraxian was undergoing a big change. The once vibrant town had become one full of skyscrapers and boring businessmen. However, a certain businessman caught my eye, and pretending to be an interested hire, l snuck my way into the office. l worked there for a month or so before being fired for toying with the guy’s poor heart. But, seriously, he was so gruff and mean and serious, l did not expect him to actually fall for me like that. So annoying. l liked the sex. Lasted: About a month.

❥ The Poet - Sylvan 🌱 This guy spoke in romantic, cheesy, lines and would write literal poetry for me. lt was sweet and all, but quickly became too much. Like, do not recite poetry in bed. Lasted: A few days.

❥ Nocturne 🕸️ Wanted to do everything with the light’s off. Lasted: One night.

❥ Cricket Again 🌱 l was in a weird place, okay. He’d lost his place in Ataraxian and one thing led to another and we were staying together again. l really do not like the guy, and told him as much, but he, like, got off on that shit. Total freak. (Not in the good way!) Lasted: Two weeks.

❥ Mermaid Dude - Kael 🫧 From Cyaneous. Had a tail instead of legs. Definitely different. Not complaining. Lasted: One night.

❥ Smokey 🔥 A chef! The food was delicious, l would’ve stuck around just for that, ha! Unfortunately, everything else kind of paled in comparison to the cooking. Sad. Lasted: A few nights.

❥ The Tailor - Persimmon Made me clothes, let me model for him. l quite liked the whole thing. Unfortunately, just like every other guy who likes to ruin my life, he wanted something more serious, and l didn’t. No more custom made clothes for me ;( Lasted: A month.

❥ The Actor - Caden ☁️ We were way too similar, l think. Which, both made us compatible in a strange way, but also we very much clashed. Gods, the constant monologuing was a snore. And he was a performer in bed but not in the sexy way in the, like, l can tell you are playing this up. There is no one watching, my dear. You don’t have to put on a show. Lasted: A week.

❥ Ezra’s Brother - Rulf 🔥☁️ Haha. Hahahah. He didn’t recognize me, thank the Founder. Lasted: One night.

❥ Glacius ❄️ Lasted: One night.

❥ Falael 🌱 Didn’t talk much, but he didn’t need to. Lasted: One night.

❥ Kiirion 🔥🌱 He was a real Beast. Lasted: One night.

Age 24:

❥ Rufus 🕸️🌱 He was, like, part wolf. Ruff. Lasted: A few weeks. Different times.

❥ Dorian ☁️ Thought he could “see the future” and that we were “written in the stars! Destined to be together.” Which, if you’re saying things like that, l know your abilities are total bullshit. Lasted: One night.

❥ Captain Storm 🫧 A pirate! Went on a brief adventure out at sea. The pirate lingo quickly got old. Lasted: Until l jumped overboard! Kidding. Almost a month. l was not exclusive to just the captain though. ;)

❥ Canyon ❄️ He built a snow sculpture of me. lt was very cute. But once the ice melted, so did my feelings! Lasted: A few days.

❥ Citron 🌱 He was a gardener! He brought me the prettiest flowers, and he smelled extraordinary. But he also was covered in dirt and soil. Lasted: One night.

❥ Roan 🔥 Egotistical, wanted to go into ‘politics’ whatever That means. Liked taking control. l didn’t let him get that so easily. Lasted: One night.

❥ Arter 🕸️ Had the most horrible flirtation skills. l took pity on him anyways. Lasted: One night.

❥ Dew 🫧 He seemed so timid and shy. Polite to everyone, quiet. But, goodness, when we were behind closed doors? lt was like he was an entirely different person. Lasted: Two nights.

❥ Ragnis 🔥 Another dumb jock type. Honestly some of my favorites are nights with guys like this. Lasted: One night.

❥ Glayze ❄️ Suuper full of himself. Rich, too, which in my eyes is a plus. But seriously, the ego on this man! l happily brought him down a few pegs. Lasted: One night.

❥ Sakura 🌱 Had a weird complex about a lot of different things. Total neat freak, didn’t really like himself much, sort of an anxious wreck. Lasted: One night.

❥ Nieven 🌱☁️ Buff, handsome, just wanted a night of fun. Just how l like it. Lasted: One night.

Age 25:

❥ Married Father - Lyle Almond 🌱 l wasn’t trying to get the guy to fall in love with me and leave his wife! Seriously!!! l abhor that kind of commitment, but apparently so did this guy. Lasted: Two weeks.

❥ The Wizard lt was magical. Lasted: One night.

❥ Eldric 🌱☁️ l think l was on a streak with the older men at 25, haha. This guy was, like, old and wise and scholarly. He liked talking my ear off about books and all these magical artifacts he knew about. Honestly, the latter was sorta interesting. Stuff sounded expensive. Lasted: One night.

❥ Caelum 🔥🌱 Dude barely had any idea what he was doing. Was all like “You like it? That feel good?” all smiling and shit, as if it wasn’t the most pathetic attempt l’d ever seen. Lasted: One night.

❥ Anthony 🌱 He was a baker. l lied and said it was my birthday and got a free cake. (ln more ways than one haha!) Lasted: One night.

❥ The Ghost Hunter - lan 🕸️ He had so many strange superstitions. l think salt went places it didn’t need to be. Lasted: One night.

❥ Country Singer - Riley 🌱 Grating. Everything about him was grating. Lasted: One night.

❥ A Ghost - Morel 🕸️ Yes. An actual ghost. Oh, l just know little lan up there would’ve loved to hear all about it. Lasted: One night.

❥ Twilight ☁️ Met at a party. He was apparently trying to make his ex-girlfriend jealous, and l was happy to play along. Lasted: One night.

❥ Flaik ❄️ Cold personality. Cold everything really. Was like an ice cube. Not a good lover. Lasted: One night.

❥ Cyclos ☁️❄️ This guy just did not know when to stop! l think he was trying to have a one night stand but kept calling back for more. Lasted: Three nights.

❥ Diables 🔥🕸️ He had the energy of an evil villain. lt was hot, in a myriad of ways. Lasted: One night.

Age 26:

❥ Dying Old Man - Newt Seatoes 🫧 Needing a way to make some easy money, l managed to tie the knot with a man who was basically on his death bed, and just as planned, the money came rolling in. Ugh, what a grieving widow l am. Lol. Lasted: The few months it took for this guy to die.

❥ Potionmaker - Alden 🫧🌱 He had all these crazy elixirs that did all sorts of crazy things. lt was experimental… Lasted: A few nights.

❥ Pebble ☁️🫧 Told me, “l’ve never been with an older guy before.” l wanted to kill him. Lasted: One night.

❥ The Nurse - Larkan 🫧 l faked an injury to get close to this guy. Or was it a sickness? One of those. He fell for it, so, some kind of nurse he is, haha. Lasted: Two nights.

❥ Married Man Number Two - Oliver ❄️ l swear l had no idea this one was married! Lasted: A week before his wife found out.

❥ Derrick 🕸️🌱 Super clingy and touchy. Had terrible breath. Lasted: One night.

❥ Serge 🔥☁️ Hardly memorable. But he held my interest more than most of the dudes l met around this time. Lasted: One night.

❥ Erlan ☁️ l almost forgot about this guy, ha! He had this thing where he liked to pretend that l was a servant to his palace or whatever. (He was just, like, some rich dude that rented a castle for the weekend.) l just went along with it, and honestly, l got bored quickly. Lasted: One night.

❥ Tylos 🫧🌱 Wanted kids. No thank you! Lasted: One night.

❥ Jupiter ☁️🕸️ Was a musician. Said he’d write a song about me. After our evening together, l went to see one of his shows, and all his songs were these depressing breakup songs, haha. Lasted: One night.

❥ Farin ❄️ Lasted: One night.

❥ Scrag 🌱 Lived in a dirt hut. Not really my usual haunt, but it was whatever. Lasted: One night.

Age 27:

❥ Beau 🌱 Beau, the bartender of Dusty’s Brew, had just suffered a nasty divorce. l did what l could to tend to those wounds. He cried about his ex-wife before and after. Lasted: One night.

❥ Grimslade 🕸️ Lasted: One night.

❥ Sepher 🌱☁️ Drunkenly got matching tattoos with this guy. Lasted: A few nights.

❥ Tundra ❄️ During a brief stay at the Polar BnB, l hooked up with Tundra. Unfortunately, Tundra wanted a lot more than that, and l could not supply. (He was also so sweaty! And a huge cryer! Just wet in all the least attractive ways.) l would come back around a few more times, though. Lasted: Three days. And a few extra. From the other visits.