
3 months, 14 days ago

Aurelia's one of the greeters for the Rainbow On events on Deck Five of Desire! They meet some folks who're really adorable there!

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     Aurelia had never been more excited in their life. Tonight was the big opening party for Desire’s Rainbow On month, where all different types of romance and love was celebrated. Aurelia had attended the events for two years now, but this year they were actually one of the greeters of the event! It was such an honor, at least for them. Getting to show new guests around the first party of the month would be so fun! Imagine all the different kinds of people who were going to show up! Devoma, Patoo, and Selbir were aboard the ship already, and Aurelia was so excited to welcome them all. People from all over the Gal-Fed came aboard the ship! Aurelia had already met so many interesting and wonderful people, but they were ready to meet even more!

     They’d spent hours getting themselves ready. They’d chosen a long, satiny, semi-sheer dress that flowed like shimmering water over their body, to reflect their oceanic mutations and purple-y color scheme. If they were gonna be a greeter today, they wanted to look their best! They were representing the workers aboard the ship, after all. Yes, there were many other greeters and folks working the party, but each of them was representing Desire as a whole! It was one big community coming together to make something wonderful. 

     Oh! They were gonna be late! It was almost 6 in the evening, the time for the party to start! They were supposed to be on Deck 5 by now! As they zoomed down the hallways, past servers and coordinators and decorators, they saw a line of people already waiting at the pop-up stage in the center of the room. One of Aurelia’s coworkers, an event coordinator, was walking up onto the stage with a microphone in hand. Aurelia quickly hovered over to their designated spot at one of the corners of the stage, waving to people as they went by. A trio caught their eye– a red, impish looking devoma with little wings and teensy horns, accompanied by a very tall and intimidating rusty-colored Selbir, with the third in their trio being a ghosty, monochrome voma. How lovely!

     “Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in between and beyond!” The coordinator started, getting everybody's attention. The coordinator, a friendly Patoo, raised their hand and waved. “Welcome one and all to Desire’s first night of our Rainbows On celebration! Tonight we’re kicking off an entire month of fun dedicated to all different types of romance! Doesn’t matter who you love, or how you love! It’s just about the connections formed! So have fun, get out there, and celebrate yourself and each other!”

     When the first songs began to play, and the Patoo waved goodbye, a flood of cheers swept over the crowd. Aurelia floated over to the first people they could see– which just so happened to be the trio from earlier! They grinned and opened up their arms, a joyful expression on their face.

     “Hiii folks! Is this your first time aboard the ship? Would you like a tour of the deck?” Aurelia asked, their gaze flicking from one individual to another. “Oh, by the way– I’m Aurelia! I’m one of the escorts on the ship. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!”

     “Oh– well, hello Aurelia!” The impish Devoma spoke first, his crimson eyes sparkling with mirth. “My name is Azrael. These are my partners, Caim–” He motioned to the smoky-haired Devoma. “And Cadavór.” He patted the large Selbir’s arm gently. The other two gave smiles and nods of acknowledgement to Aurelia, who smiled back at them.

     “Welcome you three. From your curious looks, I assume this is your first trip aboard our ship?” Aurelia asked politely, tilting their head to the side.

     “Yep! I’ve always wanted to come aboard, but I’ve just been absolutely swamped with work. However, these two convinced me that some time off would be good– not just for me, but for all of us! We decided to come this month since it seemed like such a fun themed month to join in on.” Azrael explained, hooking either arm around his partners, who chuckled. “And we’d absolutely love to be shown around, thank you so much.”

     “Of course! Deck Five has the BEST clubs to hang out in. We have ones that are more upbeat, more like a rave scene like this one here–” Aurelia motioned to the nearest club, which already had bouncing techno music and the edges of flashing lights inside. Pointing to another in the far corner, Aurelia floated up over their heads just enough to gesture correctly. “Over in that corner there is a more romantic scene– lots of soft seating, jazz music, and fancy treats.”

     “Oooh– that one sounds nice, loves. Maybe we should try that one?” Asked the large Selbir, giving Azrael’s shoulder a squeeze and putting his other large hand atop the monochrome devoma’s head. Azrael hummed audibly, pursing his lips.

     “Hmmn…. Which one’s your favorite, Aurelia?” Asked Azrael, focusing on the purple devoma. This made Aurelia think– which one WAS their favorite? It was a difficult choice, all of them were so fun in a bunch of different ways! All the clubs promised an enjoyable time, no matter where they went. After tapping their cheek with one of their tentacles, they thought of one that stood out. They pointed excitedly to one near the end of the deck.

     “That one! That’s one of my favorite ones. Mainly because it has two big tanks inside. One’s full of fish and momotes, and the other is a massive jellyfish tank! It’s so calming and soothing to look at– and watching the momotes beg for snacks through the glass is so cute! But that’s just a personal preference. I love all of them!” Aurelia, satisfied with their explanation, floated back down to the ground. The trio looked between themselves and nodded, making a choice.

     “Well then, that one seems like as good of a place as any to start! Thank you so much, dear. I’m sure we’ll have a really fun time tonight– and for the entire rest of our trip!” Azrael cuddled up to his two loves, looking up at them with adoration in his eyes. “You made our night, being so thoughtful and helpful. Have a lovely one!”

     With that, the trio departed, giggling amongst themselves. Aurelia felt more than satisfied– but the night wasn’t over! There were other people to meet, questions to answer, and fun to be had! The celebrations for Rainbow On had just begun, and Aurelia didn’t want to miss a single thing.