The dangerous fortune of Pawns and Kings

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
10 9373 1

Chapter 10
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

Before Yuki was turned into a genie, she was a slave made to be an assassin. But the gears turn in very different ways, as the police soon lead to the downfall of her cold-hearted master, but not before her fate is sealed.

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Chapter 10 - Finale

The next day soon arrived. Honsid made one of his workers deliver the crate to a postal car, the destination was somewhere in the middle east but nowhere in particular. The postman was going to deny it, until the worker gave him a card, a sort of signal for goods to be traveled to odd locations. As the Post car drove off, cars filled with swat man speed past the car and headed right to the building, as helicopters soon arrived. The cars bounced a bit on the rigid road, the fully armored swat team bouncing with it, while holding their Assault Rifles.

Honsid was about to be surrounded, and hasn’t entered the building yet. He began to make his mad dash to the door, only for a sniper to shoot for his leg, and misses, allowing him to move quickly into his skyscraper. The SWAT quickly get out of their car and ran to the door, only to find them locked, as if done by some security system. Honsid, panting as he entered the elevator and as it ascended to his office, his fear soon turned to anger, and with all the wand still in his office, he wasn’t going to give up without a fight. Eventually, the swat team lead by Chief Caleb ended up using explosives to open the door, rushing up the stairs, and eventually entering the large office, giving Honsid 5 to 10 minutes to get his offices ready for a shootout, as the men under Caleb’s command “oohs” and “aahs” in the sheer size of the place. 

“HONSID!” Caleb yelled at the covering Honsid, “you are under arrest for the murder of 3 CEOs and partacking in slave trading. Step out, and come down with your hands UP!” his Tommy Gun pointed at the desk not laying on it's side. Honsid did not reply, but he stood up, now holding the wand, he whispered Avactot as it glowed, the men pointed at Honsid but not knowing if they should fire on him for holding a glowing stick. It was only until it started making this loud hissing when Caleb started to get worried, yelling “GET DOWN,” as he fired the first shot, taking out one of the swat man’s arms holding his rifle as he cried out in pain. Seconds later did lead start firing across the room at Honsid, as one of the other men started carrying the injured out of the line of fire. 

Honsid kept firing at the floor, the roof, and the tables, sending broken glass, bits of stone, metal and wood flying with clouds of smoke. The men coughing and trying their best to dodge and fire, one ended up getting hit, their body split in half when hit directly in the chest. In the chaos and the cloud of smoke and rubble, Caleb started sneaking around everyone, with the swat fully focused. Eventually he was looking at the side of Honsid, his rifle pointed at the madman focusing on his men. To get his attention to stop focusing on his men, he grabbed a piece of stone debris, and threw it at him. It hit his shoulder, Honsid quickly turning to face only for Caleb to do a quick burst from his tommy gun, hitting Honsid’s arm, left side of the chest, and left leg, making him drop the wand and Caleb quickly ran over to him, a foot right on his body, while taking the wand and putting the wand in his jacket pocket. As he looked down at the dazed Honsid, he replied “Oh I hope you go away for a long time you sick psychopath,” before getting his handcuffs out, officially arresting Honsid.

The days after this seem to fly by: Honsid is given a lifetime sentence for the crimes committed, as all his assets are sold off; Peter ends up looking for a new job and ends up being an accountant for the Police Department. Cal eventually gets promoted once both Ricky and Caleb retire from duty. As for Yuki, it’s unknown if she made it to the destination, locked within a lamp and curled up in a small space, the days and nights passing without a hint of change in between. The stars only shown through a small hole, with the rest painted in blackness.