The dangerous fortune of Pawns and Kings

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

Before Yuki was turned into a genie, she was a slave made to be an assassin. But the gears turn in very different ways, as the police soon lead to the downfall of her cold-hearted master, but not before her fate is sealed.

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Chapter 3

11am came and went, as the police station was focus on trying to figure out what was the cause of the man’s death. The station inside had white walks that came out more like yellow, with the sunlight slipping through some of the blinds. Puffs of cigarette smoke caked the room, as the wooden ceiling fans did its best to clean out the smoke from the air. Papers littered multiple wooden desked, as phones went off the hook, calling to ask for more information about the death of Theodor.

A Middle-aged man with an average built walked through the office, his shoes treading on the blue carpet with files under his armpit. He messed with his clean cut hair, nervously, as he was headed to a walled in booth with windows looking out at the other officers. He breaths in before opening the door to the Chief’s office.

The room was bits of blue and white, with the air filled much more with smoke, with a tommy gun mantled to the wall, right above the chief’s head. “Excuse me,” the Police officer said before sitting in the right chair. To his left was the current detective on this particular case, Ricky Belaham, 30 years old and always looking like he’s tired; with the tan hat on his head, some people are waiting til his black hair goes grey from how hard he works. At the other side of the desk was the Chief of the Police Department: Caleb Hardy Sr. He was big physically, looked more in his 50s or 60s, his eyes looking quite tired.

“Ok, let’s get down to business,” The Chief said is his gravely voice, “what the fuck happened?!”

“It was clear that someone snuck into the house and-” Ricky tried to tell him, until he was cut off.

“I’m not talking about how you dipshit,” he told him in a way that made it clear that it was on friendly terms, not on aggressive terms, “I’m talking about what, the actual FUCK happened? How the hell can a man suddenly die in a secured building, without a goddamn PEP!”

“We’re still trying to look into that.” Ricky replied in a calm and collected man.

“Is the body making its way here?” asked the officer.

“Not until the boys on the floor get a few more shots, evidence is still needed.”

“Right, right.”

“Three high-paided men,” Caleb started telling himself, “three goddamn richie riches, died in two months.”

“Coincidence?” asked Ricky.

“I think not,” they said in unison, then chuckling a little after.

“Do we have the evidence to at least tie the first two together?”

“Not just yet.”

“Shit,” as the Chief was reaching for his drawer. 

At the same time, the Detective’s pager went off. “Alright, I think we got the evidence that we need now.” He slowly gets up and walks out.

“Keep up the damn good job, just quicken the pace a little bit more.” The chief shouted to him as he left.

“Well, first you need to work on your sailor mouth.”

“Aaaahhh, Fuck off!” grinning while saying it, as he jokingly waves his hand away. As the detective chuckles and walks right out the door. As soon as he left, Chief Caleb got out a wooden box, opening it revealed some big cigars. He lit it up and put one into his mouth as a calm look feel upon his face. He then offered one to the officer, which he put up his hand and declined the offer.

“You know that smoking kills,” he told the chief when he denied the offer.

The chief puffed out a cloud a smoke before talking, “Well, with what I've done, I might as well enjoy life before I go to hell,” though saying it way too relaxing. This made the officer a bit uncomfortable before the Chief noticed as he put out the cigar. “Listen, I’m sorry Junior, you know how I’ve settled with what i’ve done right?” He looks at a black and white photo of 5 people lined up in business attire, as it looked like police were raiding a mafia house.

“I know pops,” he replied with a sigh, “Just always hard whenever I hear it.” 

He nods, “Alright, let’s just get to work, and bring this murderous fuck to justice, alright Cal?”

Cal nods back, “Alright.” He slowly rises and gets back up, as he walks to the door.

“Relax! Alright? You look at bodies all the time.”

“Not helping pops!” Cal said before he walked out of the office. The Chief smiled a little, noticing the files left on the desk, and started reading through them. Thinking to himself how the hell will they catch whoever is doing these killings.