The dangerous fortune of Pawns and Kings

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
10 9373 1

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

Before Yuki was turned into a genie, she was a slave made to be an assassin. But the gears turn in very different ways, as the police soon lead to the downfall of her cold-hearted master, but not before her fate is sealed.

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Chapter 6

3 Days later…

Yuki was practicing her skills once more, tossing throwing knives at the targets, with Honsid watching and grinning. Caled, Ricky, and Cal all tried to investigate the case more and more, with Ricky and his boys interviewing people close to Theodor, while Cal inspects the body, examining how he died.

As Cal was examining the body, Peter was waiting in the lobby, hugging a suitcase close to his body, as he was tapping his foot and looking impatient. Ricky soon came back to the station, tipping his hat to the secretary while saying “Hi Carol,” as he entered the door and the offices. Peter watched Ricky, not knowing who he is and hoping to get the information to the Chief as soon as possible. 

“Peter Golivin?” A woman coming out of the offices called out for.

Peter quickly got up, “That’s me!”

“Alright follow me.”

Peter nodded and followed the woman. He entered the office only to feel the amount of cigarette smoke in the air, making him cough from the unexpected tobacco air. “You guys work like this?”

“You get use to it,” a black officer responded in his seat, smoking a cigar as he was looking over some paperwork.

Peter started waving some of the smoke away, before noticing the Chief at the opposite side from where his office is, heading and walking down some stairs. Peter started walking after him, as the woman tried calling out of him. But Peter didn’t listen, focusing more on trying to explain to the Chief what he found for him.

Peter followed the Chief to looked like an autopsy room, but he was outside the door. He looked through the window, watching Caleb and Ricky being told something to Cal, as he wears gloves and a white suit. His hands gesturing and also looking like he was choking Theodor’s body. Caleb walked up to Cal, looking confused while pointing to the hole in Theodor’s head. Peter then entered the room, and froze for a bit.

“WOAH! WOAH! HEY!!” Caleb yelled at him, reaching for his gun. While Ricky was fast with the draw of his gun, pointing at him.

“S...Sorry! Sorry… I’m Peter Golivin….” he said nervously, before he held up the briefcase to him.

Caleb looked a bit confused while Peter’s holding that briefcase, lowering his gun. “Is it really that important sonny?”

Time passes as they were in the Chief’s office, and only one word escaped his lips: “Son of a bitch.”

The bag opened, as many files scattered about the table they brought into the room. Files about the two others that were killed, Theodor, their enterprises, connections between the enterprises and Honsid’s enterprise, floorplans of where they lived during their deaths, sizes of the holes, and a file about Yuki, which contained a copy of…

“A goddamn receipt,” Ricky looked in horror at the file, his thumb rubbing against it as he was trying to take it in.

“You know,” Chief Caleb said, as he sat in his leather seat, “I had some real scumbags back when I was back in the mafia.” He then pointed and pressed his finger down multiple times on Honsid’s file, “But this… this takes the fuckin cake.”

“Why should we believe him, no offense… Peter is it?” Cal asked, feeling a tad unsure.

Peter nods, “I am, or was, Honsid’s close manager.”

“why?” Ricky asked.

“Because if Honsid finds out, which he might, I might be a dead man walking.”

“But, I’m not going to provide you with police outside your door,” Caleb said though a little disheartened, “We are already spread thin. I thank you gratefully for the information you have given us, but we can’t exactly trust you yet.”

“I understand,” he said, as Peter slowly got up, “Please keep everything here and thank you for your time.” He goes to shake Caleb’s hand, as he smiles and shakes back.

As soon as Peter was out of the station, he made his way home, almost standing out in the crowd, as Caleb made the call. “I want you guys to prepare to barge into Honsid’s skyscraper. I got the info here, look it over because we’re going to need to verify it before we charge in full blazing.” He looked through more of the pages, but finding the relics like the lamp and wand were censored to hell and back, looking like no one wanted them to know about it.